‹ Prequel: This Is Primetime

Shiny Celebrity Skin

Chapter Fifteen

I was really at a loss for what to do. I had never seen Markie so down. She had never even given the impression that she had any self-esteem issues. It was troubling to see her hurting.

"So how do you plan to help her?" Josh inquired as I grabbed my keys from the countertop.

I shrugged. "I'll just be her friend. Maybe spending a bit more time with just the two of us will be good. I know she doesn't care if you're around, but I feel like she needs a break from couples."

"So I'm not welcome," he stated, frowning.

"Not today. But I still love you, if that matters at all."

"Just go," he pretended to be incredibly offended. "I didn't want to go anyways."

"I'll be home by midnight. Probably before then, but I'm just giving myself tons of time."

"Have fun!" He called after me as I blew him a kiss and slipped through the door.

I swung by my apartment and picked up Markie. She seemed to be in higher spirits today. She flipped down the visor and admired her reflection in the mirror as she applied a slick coat of lip gloss to her plump lips.

"So where are we going? The studio or Ian's place?"

"Ian's. It's less of a hassle than going to the studio. Plus, Josh has been doing a lot of recording there lately and I don't want to mess anything up. Ian's place is free of any recording equipment."

"And he's okay with me coming over?"

I fiddled with the buttons on the radio, trying to find a station that was playing music instead of advertisements. "Ian's always open to new people. I know that you don't know him very well, but he's a super nice guy. He's one of my best friends."

She snorted. "No, he's one of Matt and Josh's best friends. You just hang out with him because of them."

I settled on a radio station and glanced at her. "No, I met him because of them. I hang out with him because I get along with him."

"Okay, fair enough. He seems like a fun guy, from what I know of him. So why isn't he married?"

"I guess he hasn't found the right girl. Why? Are you showing interest?"

"No," she spoke almost too quickly for it to be believable. "I was just curious. He's getting kind of old to be on the dating scene."

"You can never be too old for the dating scene, Markie. If you want someone, then you've got to look for them. There's just a certain point where you realize that the person you're looking for won't be at a club with a bunch of barely-legal sluts."

"Hey! I like those clubs!"

"I didn't mean you."

She ignored me and stared out the window as I drove through the city. After a moment, she sighed. "I don't go to the clubs to meet guys, you know. I just like to dance."

"I know, Markie. I'm the same way. I make Matt and Josh go to them every now and then, even though they don't like them. I just don't really have many girl friends out here, aside from Leilani. And she's got other priorities."

"Then let's go out tonight. Just you and me. You can be my wingman!"

I hesitated. I could always call Josh and tell him I would be late, but I felt like it was a bad idea. "Do you really want to find a guy in Vancouver when you're leaving so soon?"

"If I were to find someone deserving enough, I would be willing to sacrifice. It's not every day you find Prince Charming."

I snorted. "Yeah, and you won't find him tonight, either. Yes, I know there are some success stories where people found the love of their lives in a club, but it's not often."

"So, I suppose I can take that as a no, then?" She folded her arms and stared out the window again.

"No," I paused, chewing my bottom lip a bit. "We could still go. But I swear to all that is righteous, if you bring a guy home to my bed I'll kill you in your sleep."

Her eyes widened and she turned to stare directly out the windshield. "So we'll just have a couple of drinks at Ian's, then? No temptations, no dying in my sleep. I like safety."

Ian greeted both of us with a hug, and immediately offered us a cold beer. We sat in his kitchen and chatted for a few minutes, and I soon took a seat behind the drum kit and smiled up at Ian.

"What's on the setlist for tonight?"

"No Toni Basil. You're far beyond 'Hey Mickey,' and I'm sick of hearing it." He took a long drink of his beer and gave me a stern look.

Markie squealed. "You can play 'Hey Mickey'? I love that song!"

Ian scowled, knowing that I couldn't resist playing it for her. As soon as I played the last beat, he grabbed my arm and held it still so I couldn't begin the song again. "Silverchair. 'Anthem For The Year 2000'. No more Mickey."

I scoffed. "That one's easy. At least give me a challenge, Ian."

Markie watched intently as I played, and when the song was over, her jaw had dropped open a few inches. "That was easy for you? It looked so hard!"

"It used to be hard. I thought way too much, though. When I learned to just let it happen, it got a lot easier."

"I'm impressed, Becky. I didn't think you would actually know enough to play that well."

"Now you know. Don't doubt me."

We hung out with Ian for the remainder of the evening. I hadn't had much time with him since Markie had arrived, and to be honest, I missed him. Ian was a good friend to me. I had gotten so involved with the guys in the band that I was having a hard time remembering what it was like before they were in my life. It just didn't feel right not to have Mike and Ian around anymore.

The rest of the week seemed to come a lot more easily than the days before. Markie seemed to have gotten over her moment of self-loathing, and she was back to her usual self in no time. I preferred her this way. It was normal for her to be stronger than me.

Markie, Leilani and I went out one night. It was similar to our last attempt at a girls night out, only this time Stacey wasn't there. And it ended on a high note. We were all still friends when we got home and went to bed. Things were looking good.

Markie seemed to have found a close friend in Mike. The pairing seemed strange to me, but I knew that it would ever grow into anything more. And that thought relieved me. Maybe it was better that Matt wasn't going to do anything with Markie. But that didn't make me any happier that he was still going on a date with Shannon.

"Chill out, will you? I'm the one going on the date, and you're the one stressing about it," Matt glared at me in the mirror as he fixed his hair.

"But we could go on a friend date tonight instead," I proposed. "Dinner and a movie? You know we always have fun together."

Matt sighed. "Do you want me to call you when I get home tonight? I can tell you if it was as terrible as you seem to hope it will be."

I scowled. "No. I'll call you tomorrow. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"That doesn't exactly limit me, does it?"

I threw a hand towel at him and messed up his sculpted hair. "You're a prick."

He shrugged as he faced the mirror and returned his attention to his appearance. "You're the crazy girl that loves me anyways."

"You've got me there. Have fun tonight. But not too much fun."

"Uh huh," he seemed to be humoring me. "And pretend to like her, but try to avoid actually liking her. Am I right?"

"That would be great. Thanks. Anyways, I'm taking Markie for the night. That way she won't attack you for details when you get home. That's my job."

"Thanks, Beck."

"Talk to you bright and early, Matt!" I turned and bounded out of the room to whisk Markie off to Josh's apartment.

"Why does that seem to resemble a threat?" Matt yelled after me, causing me to laugh.

"Take it however you choose. The bottom line is that I'm calling you as soon as I wake up. And I have to work at nine. So just be aware of that when you're deciding how late to stay out tonight."

"I'll be sure to do that. Goodnight, Beck."

"Good luck!"

"I know you don't actually mean that, but thank you!"