‹ Prequel: This Is Primetime

Shiny Celebrity Skin

Chapter Twenty-Five

"Merry Christmas, Becky."

I opened my eyes and looked up to find Josh leaning over me. He was smiling widely, though I could tell he had only been awake for a few seconds. I reached up and ran my fingers through his matted hair.

"Merry Christmas, Josh."

He kissed me quickly, then got out of bed. "Do you think that it's too early to get up? Actually, maybe we should go back to sleep. What if Santa hasn't been here yet?"

I glanced over at the window, then remembered that the sun wouldn't rise for another half hour in the wintertime. I hated waking up before it was light outside. "Santa came," I told him, sounding as certain as a small child. "And maybe he brought us a shiny red bike!"

Josh laughed and headed toward the door. "I think I'm hungover."

After we'd returned from the movies, the two of us had sat up in the kitchen and talked. We'd also raided my parents' liquor cabinet. Mom was used to having to restock it after I left, so I didn't feel bad about it.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Me, too."

While Josh disappeared into the kitchen to get a glass of water, I darted down the hallway. It was just before eight in the morning, and there was no sound coming from inside the other bedroom. I felt the sudden urge to remind my parents what Christmas had been like in the past.

"Merry Christmas!" I yelled, throwing open their bedroom door.

I heard a rough grunt, followed by a confused murmur.

"Huh? What time is it?" Mom sat up, her eyes squinting in my general direction.

"Why did we have a kid, again?" Dad grumbled, throwing the covers from his legs. "And when did she become four years old? Aren't we done with this phase yet?"

"I've just never grown up," I grinned sweetly.

Dad rolled his eyes. "I already knew that."

Laughing, I turned my back and found Josh in the kitchen. I dug through the cupboard for filters, and began to make a pot of coffee. Mom poked her head into the room, but when she saw that the coffee was cheerfully percolating, she retreated back into the living room without a word.

Once the four of us were armed with caffeine, we settled into the living room. I immediately reached for my elaborate stocking, which my grandmother had made for me when for my first Christmas. To my utter delight, I saw a matching one with Josh's name embroidered across it.

"You really are part of the family now," I smiled, handing him the stocking.

Mom chuckled. "Your grandma got the idea in her head that the two of you were engaged. She figured that she'd better make one for Josh."

I ignored her reference to the non-existent engagement, instead choosing to dump the stocking out onto the coffee table and watch the candies spill out. I picked up a candy cane and unwrapped it.

"Isn't it a little early for candy?" Josh asked.

I broke off a piece of the candy cane and passed it to him. "It's all part of the Christmas spirit."

For the next fifteen minutes or so, we all took turns opening presents. The last present under the tree was so tiny that I almost missed it. I picked up the minuscule box and felt my breath catch.

To Becky, Love Josh.

My fingers trembled as they slid beneath the folds of the wrapping paper, which looked as though it had been put on by a five-year-old. I snapped a piece of tape and noticed that everyone else was watching me closely. Mom was perched so precariously on the edge of her seat that I was certain that she was going to tumble off of the chair. Dad looked cautious, as if he didn't really want to witness what was coming next.

The box fell free from its paper cocoon and landed lightly on the pale carpet. I had to pause for a moment to breathe before I managed to retrieve it and pop open the lid. A folded piece of paper sprang from the container. I picked it up and unfolded it.

Did you really think that I would propose in front of your parents? Not a chance. I also realize that I've just broken my promise. Remember when I told you that I wouldn't pretend to propose anymore so that you wouldn't have a stroke? Yeah, I lied. Anyways, this is your present. In that little box is a key fob. It will give you access to the underground parking at my building. I know that you still want to live with Matt, and that's okay. You can live there for as long as you need to. But your name is now on my lease. Whenever you're ready, you have another home waiting for you.

I love you. Someday, when I know the time is right, I might be able to finally make an honest woman out of you. Thanks for not giving up on me yet.

Love Josh.

I reached into the box and plucked out the key fob. I smiled then, and I could feel the way it pulled at my watering eyes. I threw my arms around Josh's neck.

"You like it?" He chuckled, gently hugging me back.

"It's perfect. I love it. Thank you, Josh."

"What is it?" Mom prodded. "A key chain? I don't get it."

I laughed. "It works like a key, Mom. It lets me into the underground parking at Josh's building."

Mom still didn't seem to clue in, but she didn't ask anything more. Dad shook his head at her.

"He just asked her to move in, dear."

"When she wants to," Josh added. "I left it open-ended so that she can stay with Matt as long as she needs to."

"Which is why it's perfect," I grinned.

In the distance, I heard a cell phone ringing. Sighing, I got up and headed back to my bedroom. I knew that it had to be either my phone or Josh's, and in either case I would be the one to answer it. I picked up my cell and glanced at the screen.

"Hey, Matt. Merry Christmas!"

"Yeah, same to you. When are you coming home?"

I caught something urgent in his voice. Nevertheless, I felt the need to tease him. "No small talk, huh?"

He let out a breath in a huff. "How's the family? Tell your parents I say hi. What did Josh get you? That's great. My family is wonderful, thanks for asking. When are you coming home?"

I paused for a moment, trying to figure out exactly what he'd just said. Matt's words had come spilling out so fast that I couldn't keep up.

"Matt, are you okay?" There was no humor left in my voice, and I was certain that I had a panicked expression on my face.

"Kind of. Don't hop on a plane right now or anything. It's not an emergency. I'm just a bit stressed, that's all."

I sat down on my mattress. "What's wrong?"

"I think you were right about Shannon. She crossed a big line today. I broke up with her."

"You broke up with your girlfriend on Christmas morning? That's kind of a bitch move, isn't it?"

"Let me explain before you judge me. I'm at Mom and Dad's house. Shannon knew that I was going to be there, but I never told her the address. Anyways, she showed up here. She didn't even knock, she just walked in like she belonged here. I asked her how she knew where I was, and she told me that she saw the address on a letter from my mom at our apartment. As if that wouldn't be creepy enough, it gets worse. Mom doesn't mail me anything. She calls me or comes over.

"Then she starts making conversation with my family. She acted like they'd known each other their whole lives. She even gave me shit because I didn't put her name with mine on any of the presents! I'm kind of scared of her, Beck. I think she's stalking me."

"Holy shit. That's so creepy. The airlines are going to be crazy for the next few days, but we promised Josh's mom that we would be at their house for New Years, so I'll be coming home soon. Are you going to be alright? She doesn't have a key to the apartment or anything crazy like that, right?"

"God no!" He exclaimed. "I'm not that stupid. I'll be fine until you get back. I'm just a little nervous, that's all. Get home when you can. Have fun. Tell everyone that I say hi."

"I'll do that. Tell everyone there that I say hi, too. Be safe, Matt."

"I'll call you tomorrow. Merry Christmas, Beck."

"Yeah, Merry Christmas, Matt."

When I hung up, I felt deflated. How long had I been waiting for Matt to tell me that it was over between him and Shannon? I should have been ecstatic. I never wanted anything like this to happen. Even I hadn't seen Shannon as the type of girl that would become a stalker.

I returned to the living room, and immediately everyone picked up on my distress.

"Becky?" Josh asked carefully. "Who was on the phone?"

"Matt. He says hi to everyone."

"What's the matter?" Mom raised her eyebrows. I could almost read her thoughts in that moment. Since when did a call from Matt leave me looking like this?

"He's fine," I said. "Matt will be fine. But Shannon won't be. If Leilani thought I was bad around that bitch before, she'll lose her mind now."

Josh stood up from the couch and approached me. His eyes were calm and level. "Becky, what's up?"

"She's stalking him," I explained. "He's really freaked out. So I'm going to put the fear of God into her."

For a moment, Josh appeared concerned. Then, suddenly, a peal of laughter broke through his chest. "God bless us, everyone."