‹ Prequel: This Is Primetime

Shiny Celebrity Skin

Chapter Nine

I spent the better part of a week feeling relatively normal. Josh and I went out for drinks with Leilani and Mike, and I spent some time with Ian. Overall, everything was going pretty well. Even work was more bearable. Shannon ws a quick learner, and soon I didn't need to keep tabs on her at all.

"Here," Josh held out a closed fist toward me as soon as I let him into my apartment.

"Ooh! Gimme gimme!" I held out my hands, palms up, and bounced on the balls of my feet in anticipation.

He opened his hand and a small, metal object bounced into my opened hands. I inspected it, then held up the key with wondering eyes.

"The people in my building are sick of you being so damn forgetful and locking your keys inside," he smirked.

I blushed. "Thanks. I'm going to pretend that you gave me this because you want me there, not because other people get mad at you."

Josh laughed and dug a second key out of his pocket. "This one is to the actual apartment, not just the front door. Want to go and try it out?"

"Give me one second," I said, holding up a finger and slipping his keys into my pocket. I dashed back into my bedroom, where I'd stashed a keychain for him. I'd cut the keys just before we went to Mexico, but I'd forgotten about them until now. "You get some new hardware today, too," I smiled as I tossed him the keychain.

"Lovely. I can rifle through your shit while you're at work and I'm bored."

"As long as you stay out of my closet, I'm fine with it. That's where I keep my secret shrine of Dave Grohl."

"Why do I get the feeling that you're not joking?"

I smiled wickedly. "I guess you'll never know, will you?"

He dangled the keys in front of my face, the way one would when distracting an infant. "I can find out pretty fucking fast now."

"I'll find a way to lock the closet. I'm crafty."

Josh scoffed as the door beside us opened. We both turned and looked toward the intrusion, and I smiled when Matt noticed us. He tossed his keys onto the nearest end table.

"Hey guys. I was hoping you would be home, Beck."

"Oh yeah? I was just on my way out. What's up?"

Matt took a few steps into the apartment, and I frowned at the open door. "What would make you love me more than you already do?" He asked, an almost taunting note lacing his words.

"Closing the door behind you would be a start," I retorted.

"You bitch! I can't believe you wouldn't guess me first!" An outraged female voice rang out. Markie's plump frame appeared in the doorway, hands on her hips.

I threw myself at her, hugging her tightly. "What the hell?! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I just wanted you to admit that I'm the coolest friend ever," I could hear her grin in her voice. Matt cleared his throat loudly behind me, and Markie sighed. "And I guess that other guy deserves a bit of credit, too. He helped me organize everything and he picked me up from the airport."

I released her and spun on my heel, reaching out and embracing my best friend. "Thanks, Matt."

"I knew that you needed her. Sometimes I can't be every kind of friend for you, because sometimes I'm part of the reason that you're upset. But Markie isn't involved in anything with the band. So I called her up," Matt smiled widely.

Josh had a sour expression on his face. "Thanks for informing me, Matt. I wish I would have known not to make any plans." His features brightened a bit as he turned to look at Markie. "So how long are you staying for?"

Markie shrugged. "As long as necessary. Who knows? Maybe I'll never go back to Edmonton. The Canucks are kicking our ass this season, so maybe it would give me an excuse to cheer for a winning team."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't even follow hockey, Markie. The Oilers won last night."

"But they lost when they played the Canucks," she argued.

"She's got you there, Beck," Matt laughed.

"I checked their stats online yesterday. I needed something to talk about with Matt on the way here," Markie admitted, giggling airily. "Where can I throw my crap?"

"Uh," I hesitated. The last time Markie had stayed with me, I'd had Matt's room to myself. Now things were a bit more complex. "Shit, where are we going to put you?"

"I'm not sleeping on the couch, you know."

"I didn't exactly think that part through," Matt smiled apologetically at me.

"She can stay with me," Josh offered.

"Don't be stupid," Markie waved off his generosity. "I couldn't possibly put you out like that. I'll just steal Becky's room."

"And where do you suggest I sleep?" I countered.

"You really are as dumb as you look, aren't you?" She grinned. "You can stay with your darling boyfriend over there. I assume he has a house of some kind? You said something about helping him move awhile back."

"But you would be here alone with Matt," I pointed out the obvious. "Are you okay with all of that time with her, Matt? You might not fully understand what that involves."

"That actually sounds fine to me. Tomorrow I can take her to visit you at work, and we can all hang out in the evenings," Matt reasoned.

I pointed a warning finger at Markie. "If I hear that you snuck into his room at night, you're in big trouble."

"I'm not totally stupid. I won't get caught."

Josh's laughter was so loud that it echoed in the apartment. The rest of us joined in as his delighted attitude spread like an infectious virus. I looked between Markie and Matt, who both snuck a few glances at one another. Maybe I wouldn't have to put any effort at all into my plan. Maybe the puzzle pieces would effortlessly fall together.

The facts were simple: my two closest friends were both single, attractive, and fun people. I had been working so hard to keep them apart in the past that I had ignored the way that they would fit together. Granted, Matt didn't normally go for girls like Markie, but it seemed that girls that were normally his type weren't working out for him anymore. He seemed to have gotten over his aversion to her friendliness over the past year or so, so I was beginning to think that my plan was possible.

Unlikely, but possible.

"Well, go pack your shit," Josh urged, snapping me from my thoughts. "It's getting late and Markie's probably exhausted from her flight."

"Right," I nodded. "Come on, Markie, I'll help you with your bags."

She quickly handed me her largest bag and threw the other one over her shoulder. I led the way to my bedroom, where she ambushed me as soon as the door was closed.

"Alright, what's the deal?"

"What are you talking about?"

Her lips scrunched together as she surveyed me beneath raised eyebrows. "You know what. What's going on with you and those boys? They both seem really eager to please you."

I shrugged nonchalantly. "They just love me, that's all. But I've got something important to bring up with you. How are things going with your romantic life?"

She snorted. "You already know the answer to that. After Scott and I broke up, I've been single. It's been a long few months. I hate that you're not there to be my wingman anymore."

I pulled a duffel bag out of my closet and began to toss pieces of clothing into it. "Maybe I could be your wingman while you're here," I proposed.

She stopped short, mid-reach for a stack of CD cases that I'd left lying around. "Why would you do that here? I know I always joke about moving here, but I've never actually put that much thought into it. And I'm not sure I'd be willing to come this far from home just for a boy. You should know that about me."

I zipped up my bag of make up and tossed it into my duffel bag. "I know, but I thought it was worth a shot."

She frowned, crossing her arms. "What are you getting at, Becky? What are you plotting?"

"Nothing. I just thought that maybe you would visit me more if you had a boyfriend here, too."

"That's not really very likely. I don't make all that much money working in retail. And I don't have a rich sugar daddy to pay for me to go wherever I want to."

I nodded, pretending to be deep in thought as I closed my duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder. "Good point. Because we both know that if you had a rich sugar daddy, you would use him to the best of your abilities."

She laughed. "But of course! There's no point in having a guy like that if he doesn't use his money to buy me things!"

I knew that she was only joking, but her words still made me more reserved about putting my plan into action. If things happened organically, then so be it. Otherwise, I refused to put both Matt and Markie into a potentially damaging relationship.

"You're taking down the ban on Matt, aren't you?" Markie asked suddenly, her lips pulling back to expose a toothy grin.

I looked over at her in shock. "How did you...? Never mind. Only if he wants the ban to be lifted. Otherwise, it's business as usual between you two."

Her grin widened. "I'm going to be here all alone with him for as many nights as I feel like staying. I've got some charisma hidden up my sleeve. Matt won't know what hit him!"

"Why do I get the eerie feeling that you mean a frying pan, as opposed to charm?"

Markie snorted. "Oh, please. I don't need to bludgeon a guy until the second date."

I shuddered. "Please, Markie. Don't do anything stupid. Or anything that will land Matt in the hospital."

She began to usher me from the room. "Don't you worry about a thing. Go with your boyfriend and have some quality time, and I'll hold down the fort here."

She was still pushing me when we rejoined Matt and Josh in the living room. As she shoved me past Matt, I reached out and caught the sleeve of his tee shirt.

"Be careful," I hissed my warning. "Call me anytime. I'll be home as soon as you need me. Seriously."

Matt laughed loudly as my grip on him broke. "It can't be that bad, Beck."

I gaped over at Josh as Markie forced me nearer to the door. Josh shook his head solemnly at Matt.

"Good luck, man."

Josh caught up with me as Markie finally let me go. He winked at Markie slyly before opening the door and waiting for me to pass through it. I shot one last threatening glance at Markie before waving at the two people remaining in my apartment.

Markie waved back and flashed me a sugary-sweet smile. "See you tomorrow, Becky!"

"They'll be fine," Josh assured me in a low, comforting tone as we headed down the hallway.

"I'll be the judge of that."