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I'm Your Best Kept Secret and Your Worst Mistake

Chapter 4

"Welcome to your new home Nena." Jared took ym bags upstairs and I followed. I wasn't sure how to feel right now. I felt numb. My mother had just disowned me without a second though, though I did ask her to. I hadn't really expected anything else but I simply didn't feel right. Jared said it was because i had never felt parental love and so when i was faced with parental rejection I didn't know how to deal with it.

Jared had already informed Patrick of everything and had signed for me. We were going on warped in two days and would record our album afterwords. The night before we would stay in a hotel and go to a party to meet the other bands. The guys said they wanted to take me shopping for an outfit to wear to the party. I think Eric's exact words were, "Besides her height, she has the looks and body of a sixteen year old."

Although I didn't agree much it was true. I did look older than I really was. Even while standing at 5'2 and a half. The guys were a;; between 5'8 and 6'0 so that didn't help any. On the bright side I always got piggy back rides. Well I suppose I should pack.
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Short but there's more to come soon. remember Comments make me happy!

Love and Rockets- Kitty