Status: I will try and put one chapter on a day!!! thanks please comment!!

Please Tell Me That When You Say 'Us' You Mean 'Forever'

Can I please kiss you, Just once?

Laughing could be heard from around the house. I sat on the couch munching on potato chips. Ryler faithful as ever sat by my side just staring at me. He was so cute, I really wanted to be with him but I was already with Mikey so it was impossible.

I had taken my leggings off because my legs felt too covered. You think I sound like a slut now? Wait till you really know me. Ryler was staring at them, once in a while glancing to my face and stroking my hair. All I could think was 'ohmigod he is so sweet. Why can't I have Mikey and him?' but then I stopped myself. That was impossible. Besides I loved Mikey with a passion I reminded myself.

“Brit?” Ryler asked softly


“Can I please kiss you, just once?”

Once couldn't hurt... YES YES IT COULD! It could damage me and Mikey's relationship for forever!!
But my mouth betrayed me.

“Well... I think that maybe...”

Before I could finish, his lips were crushing down on mine. He was pretty good at this. I crawled on top of him.

“Brit...” he moaned.

“I thought we would never get to do this.” He placed his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

“Ryler, we shouldn't...” I protested.

He pulled me even closer and I didn't resist this time.

My tongue went into his mouth timidly and his shot into mine automatically. He had obviously been waiting for my okay on tonguing. My heart was screaming “NOOOO! Your a fucking slut Brit!” But my hormones said differently, and my brain followed my hormones. No matter what my heart thought.

I pulled away and he looked at me longingly, pulling me even closer. If that was possible. I could feel his hardness under me. My hormones kicked in again. I kissed him again, more passionately, his hands ran up my thigh and then he hit the spot.

“Oh, Ryler...” I moaned. While my heart was still bitching me out over all this.

“What babe?” He said as he ran his hands up my shirt, gripping my boobs.

I moaned some more, I couldn't help it.

“Why don't you come over to my place?” He asked seductively.

I bit my lip and looked away. I wanted to give into my heart's bitching so bad. But at the same time some tiny space in my heart was telling me. “You and Mikey don't have enough action baby! Go get him! He's loved you for forever... Totally meant for you” I screamed at it to shut up for just a second so I could decide what I really wanted.

Mikey, Ryler?

“C'mon, let's go.” He picked me up bridal style and carried me out the door before I had a chance to say no.


I finally had her. She was in my arms, head leaning into my shoulder. I just had to get rid of this Mikey faggot. He would beat me to pieces if he found out what I had done with her. But I had loved her for so long... I had wanted her and given up every girl that had come my way in hopes of having her someday. I wasn't going to let some guy come in my way.

I placed her in the passenger seat of my car and ran around to the driver's side. Tonight was my night.

“Did I ever tell you how sexy you looked tonight?” I asked while pulling out of the driveway.

“Actually you did. When I first got there.” She smiled at me.

“Oh yeah. Do you mind if I do that some more?” I said, referring to kissing her neck.

Well I really wanted to kiss her all over, but I wasn't going to say that right this moment.

“Well...” She chewed her lip and looked worried.

“Britta. Please, just don't think about him.” I begged.

She gazed at me with her shocking green eyes. Her lips pouted and tears formed behind her eyes. God, I didn't want her to cry.

“But, what if he finds out?”

Like I cared If he did.

“He won't I promise Baby.”

“How can you be sure?”

Britta always the pessimist. The extremely lovable, sexy paranoid girl.

“I can't be. But I know that I love you, and I'm not going to give you up.”

“Ryler. We can't be doing this.”

I looked at her in dismay. She wasn't going to give up on me now? I dreamt about her every night. I saw her face in my head every minute of every day. She was everything I had ever wanted. But I sure as hell didn't want to hurt her.

“Let's go back to the party then babe. Would that make you feel better?”

She looked at me thankfully. I wanted to scream, but I guess just seeing her face was enough for me.

We pulled back into the driveway and walked back into the house. Unluckily Shawn and Megan were standing right there when we came in the door. I swore quietly.

“Woah, where did you guys go?” Shawn asked.

“No where.” I replied.

Britta shot me a meaningful glance.

“Ahhh. Man I'll tell you later.” There I had repented of my sin.

Shawn smiled and looked at me and Britta standing together. Megan smiled and clapped her hands together.

“Aww I'm so happy for you guys!” She really did look happy. No fucking joke.

“Nothing happened.” Britta said. But she kissed my cheek.

Yeah, like that's gunna help them believe. But when she kissed my cheek I got this insane desire and I grabbed her and kissed her like a savage. I couldn't help it. I wanted her.

She kissed me back until she remembered there was people watching. Her cheeks went some insane red color. It was so cute.

“Well then... Dude this is great! We've got to tell Tenisha and Ciah.”

Britta yelped.

“No! No fucking way are you doing that Shawn!”

He laughed and ran into the kitchen, where Nesha and Ciah were. Britta ran after him and leaped on his back, covering his mouth so he couldn't say a word.

“mmmf Ryylereesss annnn Britttt” Was all he managed to get out.

I laughed and followed them

Tenisha and Ciah were laughing there asses off.

“Wait... Wait... something about Brit and and” Tenisha managed to gasp.

Ciah snorted and laughed some more. It couldn't be more obvious that they were drunk.

Britta smiled but held her hand tighter against his mouth. He struggled with her for a minute, then gave up. She smirked in defiance and jumped off his back.

“Fine Britta I won't tell them.”

Of course that sent them leaping on her.

“Tell us!!” They howled in her ear.

“Pwitty Pwease?” Ciah begged.

“Nope.” Britta smiled and crossed her arms.

“Brit, you know you wuv me.” Nesha said and begged her with her eyes.

“I do, but I refuse to tell.” Britta said.

“Come on, you can't make her. She's not that type.” I said, laughing.

More than anything I wanted to wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her hair so they could take a wild guess at what Britta wouldn't tell them.

“Your right. She's not.” Ciah said thoughtfully.

“So... We'll just tackle her!” Nesha screeched and jumped on Britta.

They were a pile of giggles on the floor. Megan jumped on top of them and Britta groaned and muttered weak 'Gerrofme's'

“Dogpile!” Shawn yelled and he flopped on top of the pile.

“Ehhh.” Britta groaned.

She swatted them playfully. But I was starting to get really worried.

“Get off her!” I yelled.

They looked at me. Stunned.

“Woah ok, easy there.” Nesha said still shocked that I had yelled.

Britta looked at me thankfully, but she was startled I could tell.

“You didn't have to yell Ryler.” She laughed. Then came and hugged me tight.

“Aww how sweet!” Ciah said and fluttered her eyelashes.

“Shut up.” I muttered and hugged Britta back.

She pulled away and smiled.

“How about some pole dancing chikas?” Britta asked Tenisha and Jeziciah.

“Anything to get some guys eyes turning.” Nesha said, waggling her finger and shaking her hips.

“Mmmmmhmmmm” Ciah said naughtily.

Britta laughed and took off toward the living room, where there was like four marble poles to support the ceiling. I smiled and followed her. I wasn't going to miss out on this.

Britta approached one of the poles and ran her leg up it seductively, eyes on me the whole time. Her hands went around it and she lowered herself almost to the ground and came back up. She danced with the pole, torturing me. She was sexy and tempting. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

“Whoo!” I yell came from the edge of the room

It was one of the guys that Shawn had invited. His name was Jake. And I wanted to punch his face in. I glared at him. Britta looked at me worriedly and then looked at him. She smiled and kept dancing up that pole. He smiled and checked out her body appreciatively.

Damn that Mother Fucker. Britta was mine. And I would show him so. I walked out to where she was and grabbed her by the waist.

“Do some of that with me babe?” I whispered in her ear.

She smiled tentatively and nodded. Her hands ran down my chest and she lowered herself to the ground, putting her head right by my crotch. Her hands slithered back up and she came up again, looking me in the eye and pulling her right leg over my hip. I shivered. My hands wrapped around her waist and she put her hands around my neck and slid onto my back and moved against me. God, I wanted her. She kissed my neck and my hair then slid off my back then moved in front of me and put her hands in the air and swayed softly. I watched her in awe.

My plan had worked, Jake was watching us. Anger flaring in his eyes, Jealousy etched in his face. In your face Bitch. I thought. Britta was mine, and it would stay that way.

About five minutes later, she stopped dancing and looked at me. I smiled and kissed her, she yanked away. Oh yeah, people couldn't know. I cursed silently, screw that fag Mikey.

“I'm going to go and grab a pop.” She said.

“Sure.” I said. I could tell she could see the disappointment in my eyes.

She mouthed 'I'm Sorry' and walked away. Would she ever be mine?


Honestly? Had I just done that? My hearts bitching had died out a while ago. I felt like a traitor and a bitchy whore. I had just slut danced with Ryler! I couldn't believe myself.

“Don't mess with her punk.” I heard someone say in a voice barely above a whisper.

My curious self kicked in. I went to investigate.

Ryler was shoving Jake into the wall with a mad expression on his face. Jake looked equally pissed.

“Dude, she looked hot. I just said whoo. No need to be a ass.” Jake said.

“No need? She is mine. Don't ever do anything like that again.” He threatened.

Whoa. I mean, come on. Its just me! Britta! No need to be over protective!

“Fine, whatever” Jake said and walked off. Heading straight towards me.

“Jake!” I whispered urgently.

“Hey Brit.” He said. He looked seriously pissed.

“What the hell is Ryler's problem?” I asked.

“Dunno. He is way possesive of you. Just to let ya know.” He said.

I caught his eyes travel down to my chest. I blushed then grabbed his face and kissed him. I know your probably like. Whoa.... slut much? But it was totally impulsive and a big no no! I didn't mean to do it!

“Britta.” Jake said.

“I'm sorry!” I blurted, and blushed like crazy. He probably thought I was a huge whore.

“No, I liked it.” He smiled then grabbed my waist and kissed me.

I shoved him off. Then I saw Ryler standing behind him glaring like a menace at his back. He walked towards us, swung Jake around to face him and punched him in the nose. I heard a sickening crunch before I shrieked and covered my ears. I felt arms around me, pulling me close before I could comprehend anything else.

“Dont.touch.her.” I heard Ryler growl from behind me.

What the fuck had gotten into him?!

“What. The. Fuck. Man!” Jake yelled.

“You broke my fucking nose!” He screamed again.

“Good.” Ryler laughed.

I shoved him off me, disgusted.

“What happened to you?” I said sadly.

“He kissed you Britta!” Ryler shouted.

“No. You've got it all wrong.” I said. Looking down.


“I kissed him.” I said and looked into his eyes.

He looked traumatized. I kissed his cheek then walked out of the house. Ryler just stood there looking shocked and heartbroken.

It wasn't like I was his. I had a boyfriend ya know.
♠ ♠ ♠
Omg! What is going to happen?!

This is a shocker.

Please comment and tell me what you think! Remember that tomorrow is running away day!!! What the hell will happen?!