The Sunrise of My Heart

Chapter One: Mixed Feelings

Character Bio-- Name: Riley Annemarie Carson. Grade: Fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. House: Slytherin (although Ravenclaw was almost it). Looks: About 5 foot 2 with hazel eyes (they're actually forget-me-not-blue with gold streaked all through them, but hazel is easier to say than that), golden brown hair down just past her shoulders, and tends to wear black mixed with bright colors when she's not wearing her school robes. Personality: Often really loud, bouncy, and hyper. Prankster. Friends: Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Fred and George Weasley. Patronus: Lion. Wand: Willow and phoenix feather. 10 1/2". Status: Half-blood.

I sighed softly, laying in my bed, unable to sleep. I might have had a hope for sleep, were it not for Pansy Parkinson animatedly talking about how wonderful Draco Malfoy was. Sure, he was attractive, but give me a break. The boy was a pompous jerk. They way Pansy went on about him like he was some kind of god made me want to puke. Not because she was talking about how much time she spends with him, or how he always sits next to her at meals, or how he waits for her when Hogsmeade trips come up. No, it was because he was annoying, and hearing so much talk of him was disturbing. It certainly wasn't because he was, as Pansy had put it, 'incredible'. It wasn't...
I woke up the next morning, unaware of when I had fallen asleep. I was trying to remember my dream, as I did most mornings, but couldn't think of it. All I could remember was a brief glimpse of icy blue eyes.

Getting out of bed quickly, I realized with a start that Pansy was already gone. Had I overslept? But then I heard her obnoxious laughter filter in from the common room, accompanied by two gorilla-like guffaws, and realized they must all be talking to Malfoy. I bit my lip, wondering why the sudden urge to go and join them had hit me, and instead turned to the bathroom to get ready before breakfast.
At breakfast, a feeling of excitement was in the air. It was Friday, October 30th, and the other schools in the Triwizard Tournament would be arriving today. All day, everyone found it difficult to concentrate on their lessons, even me. By the time 6:00 came, it was difficult to keep from twitching in my seat. The fact that I noticed Draco occasionally glancing at me didn't help my ability not to twitch, either. But finally, it was time to go outside.

As the visitors arrived, I could feel Draco's gaze on the back of my head. I was itching to turn around and glare at him, or at least look at him, but I resisted the urge. Most people 'oohed' and 'ahhed' at the ship and Pegasus-drawn carriages, but all I could concentrate on was the weight of Draco's stare. A few moments later, Draco was standing beside me. He appeared to be getting a better look at the Durmstrang students, but I noticed he would cast looks at me every moment or so. It annoyed my slightly, but I couldn't help but feel my pulse quicken every time he would look at me. I felt rooted to the spot, unable to move. Finally, everyone went inside, and I left Draco behind.

The next morning, I once again remembered a glimpse of icy blue eyes in my dream, this time accompanied by pale blond hair. I silently pushed the dream to the back of my mind, where it would be hidden forever. When I went down to breakfast later, I noticed most of the Durmstrang students were sitting at our table. And that a lot of the guys were kind of cute. Perhaps this Triwizard thing would turn out to be a good idea.

I sat down in my usual spot, with Pansy on my left. (I only sat next to her because she was so wrapped up in Draco that she would leave me alone.) On my right, however, was someone new, and I could tell he was from Durmstrang. I smiled politely at him, then reached for the syrup to drizzle over my waffles. He happened to reach at the same time, and accidentally grabbed my hand. We both apologized and removed our hands, neither one reaching for the syrups anymore. The moment was awkward, until he grabbed the container, and then motioned at my waffles.

"Shall I pour for you?" he asked. Smiling, I nodded.

"I'm Alexander Vitaly," he said, introducing himself with another smile.

"Riley Carson," I answered, smiling back easily.

We spent the rest of breakfast talking to each other, and I found myself glad to have met him. He was nice, funny, and attractive. When it was time to go, he took my bag for me and walked me out of the Great Hall, then promised me he would sit by me again at lunch. I smiled as I walked away, and only vaguely noticed the hard look Draco was giving me and Alexander.
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It will be slow to start off with, but please bear with me and hold through. Comments appreciated, as well as creative feedback! But please no bashing.