The Sunrise of My Heart

Chapter Sixteen: 'Break-up'

Three days after Draco received the letter, we had our plan complete. During those three days, we had started to bicker and argue a bit, growing more and more annoyed with each other each day. On the third day, we would get into a huge fight, and we would end the relationship. Hopefully, we would be convincing enough to fool everyone.

"So what's going on with you and Draco?" Ginny asked me as we walked to lunch that day.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently, playing my part.

"Well, you usually walk with him to your classes but now you aren't, you've been arguing a lot over the past few days, you don't sit as close at meal times anymore, he doesn't walk you to the Great Hall like he used to. Did you two split up?"

"No, we're still together. For now, anyways. It's just... I don't know, we don't seem to get along as well now, and I think my feelings for him have changed. I'm starting to understand why Harry loathes him so much. I... Look, don't say anything yet, but I'm thinking of breaking up with him."

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry things aren't working out for you two. But to be honest, I didn't expect the relationship to last. You two are so different."

"Yeah, I guess we're just too different for things to work." I made myself look sad, hanging my head and walking a bit more slowly. I was listening to the crowd, though, trying to find Draco's voice. This was when we had planned it, and I was waiting for his queue.

"I know she's beneath my status, Blaise. But it's not like this is a serious relationship." I looked up, spotting Draco and Blaise Zabini a few feet ahead of us. Grabbing Ginny's arm, I led her closer to them so we could hear better.

"But still, shouldn't you be spending your time with someone who's more worthy of it?"

"She's really attractive, though."

"So you're just dating her because she's hot?"

"Of course! Do you really think I would waste my days with her otherwise? She's only a silly halfblood, after all. I'm planning on dumping her after the year is over, but for now I enjoy toying with her and snogging her." I could hear the smug sneer in his voice, and even though I knew he was lying, it still made me scowl.

"You know what, Draco," I said loudly, making him turn around, looking shocked. "I'll save you the torment of spending more time with me, and dump you now. At least this way I'll never have to endure one more disgusting kiss from you. You snog exactly how I imagine a hippopotamus would." Ginny snickered beside me, earning her a glare from Draco.

"What's the matter, Draco? Upset that everyone knows the truth about your kissing now?"

"Learn to respect your superiors, Weaselby," he snapped at her.

"Hey, ferret, watch it before I turn you into a rat. You are not superior to her just because your dad knows whose cock to blow to get more money." Everyone was silent, staring at me with wide eyes.

"How dare you-"

"I dare because your father's a prick. Now, if you don't mind, you're blocking our way to lunch. So move."

He and Blaise stepped aside, allowing Ginny and me to walk past. As we did, they both stuck out their legs to trip us, but we simply stepped over them and walked away with dignity.

"Mind if I sit at your table today? I don't think the other Slytherins are really big fans of mine right now."

"No, come on and join us." After a brief pause, she turned to me, grabbing my arm to stop me from walking. "Are you alright?"

I sighed softly and shrugged, nodding. "I will be. After all, he's just a boy. I'll get over him."

"Alright. Come on, let's hurry before Ron eats it all."

As it would turn out, we didn't have to worry about that. Everyone had witnessed our break-up scene, and everyone was staring at me.

"Look, I'm not gonna do a dance, and I don't sing, so you can all look away now," I said to the whole Great Hall. Most people turned back to their friends or food, sneaking glances at me and Draco, and a few of them -mostly first years- turned away without looking up again, embarrassed about getting caught watching.

Ginny and I moved over to the Gryffindor table, and I noticed this time Professor McGonnagol didn't try to stop me from sitting there. I also noticed that none of the teachers were defending Draco's dad, although Snape looked more unhappy than usual.

"Ron, why is it that every time I come over to this table, you're staring at me with your mouth wide open?"

He snapped his mouth shut, swallowing the food that had been in there. "I can't believe you really said that to Draco about his dad! That was brilliant." Ron had gotten over his initial shock and was now grinning broadly.

"Well, someone had to tell him the truth about his father, and I figured I'd do it since I had the opportunity." I smirked, and he laughed.

Ginny nudged me slightly, raising an eyebrow at me, and mouthed, 'You're taking the break-up really well.'

'I'm good at acting,' I mouthed back, giving her a sad smile.

She nodded, believing my lies without question. I looked up at the teacher's table again, watching Snape's expression closely. He looked bored, but I noticed what appeared to be a gleam of triumph in his eyes. Did that mean he believed us too? I hoped so.