The Sunrise of My Heart

Chapter Thirty-four: Snappy Severus

The days passed relatively cheerfully, even including Snape's glares and other members' gawks. Fred, George, and I were able to come up with a lot of great ideas for their joke shop; Ginny, Hermione, and I were able to just be girls and talk about boys; Ron, Harry, and I tested out a lot of the joke shop's sweets; and the Order and I had frequent meetings, which I would then tell some of to Harry, Ron, and Hermione because there was really never any stopping me in the first place.

When I wasn't with the Order or with my friends, I was with Remus and Sirius, either helping them clean the house and make it more cheerful, or just sitting with them, or talking about some of Sirius' greatest past pranks and how Remus had always had to save his ass from trouble and danger because of those oh-so-great tricks.

Of course, it wasn't all one big cheerful cup o' sunshine. Snape, being Snape, had to add a bit of negativity to my cheerful summer. As if I needed to add more negativity to my life. Jerk couldn't give me one happy summer before Lord Voldemort took over and consumed the whole world in fire. So typical of him.

"Miss Carson, going somewhere?" I had been on my way to talk to Fred and George about a new idea I'd had for their shop (Exploding chocolates. Give you a little shock.) when I heard Snape's voice behind me. I sighed softly and turned around, smiling rather fakely.

"Not anymore, apparently. What'd you need, Sevy?" I hid a smirk, knowing he hated that name.

"That's Professor Snape," he snapped at me.

"Sheesh, so touchy. Alright, Professor Snape, what was it that you needed? I was on my way somewhere, so I'm kind of in a hurry..."

"You really are the most insolent, manipulative person to have ever walked this earth, aren't you?" There was an angry sneer on his face, one that made me think of a cat right before it eats its prey. Which made me that prey. Joy.

"Well, that's yet to be determined. I suppose I can be insolent and manipulative, but-- Oh! It was a rhetorical question, wasn't it? My bad. I just never can tell with some people." Okay, I was pushing it. But can you blame me? He was being a total prat!

"You sarcastic, snotty, evil little--"

"Now, Professor, you're not going to use foul language, are you? My innocent, fourteen-year-old ears just couldn't stand it if you did. I might have a heart attack." I widened my eyes, making them look innocent.

"You just love meddling in other people's business, don't you? You just have to stick your nose where it doesn't belong, and make people do what you want them to, no matter what it might do to other people." He snarled, leaning close to me while he spoke, until his face was right in mine.

"Speaking of sticking noses where they don't belong, could you get yours out of my face please? It's getting too close for comfort." Without waiting for him to do anything, I moved away from him and then crossed my arms, my eyes narrowed. "Now listen here. I did not meddle, or ruin your life, or whatever the hell it is you're accusing me of. Whatever I did, I did for the best of whoever I did it for. You know this, you just won't admit it."

"You know exactly what you did," he nearly growled at me.

"Yeah, actually, I do. But you need to just freaking let it go. Let me tell you something. Even if I wouldn't have meddled, it would have ended the same way. And you really need to leave me the hell alone before I lose my temper and really ruin your life. I know so many things, I could have you killed by both sides. So I suggest you just continue ignoring me the way you used to, and staying out of my way. Alright?" Yeah, my temper was not always the nicest thing.

He was breathing hard, looking like he'd really love to hit me, or maybe even hex me. Instead, though, he simply turned around and stormed off. I sighed softly in relief and turned around, walking in the opposite direction. I had gone barely four steps before I bumped into Harry, hidden underneath his invisibility cloak.

"Oof! Harry, you've really got to stop sneaking up on me like that. If I fall on my butt one more time, it's gonna get bruised."

"What was that about?" he asked, ignoring my comment.

"What was what? Oh, that? My little conflict with Snape? It's a long story, and all part of the mystery that is my being. I'll probably tell you all about it one day. Probably..." I added mysteriously.

"You're so confusing." He pulled the cloak off to talk to me, looking perplexed. "The other Order members, they look at you with a mix of confusion and respect rarely offered to a kid, Snape hates you for ruining his life, you... You're just so confusing."

"Yes, that I most certainly am. One of these days you'll learn to simply accept that. Just be glad you're not in my house at Hogwarts. I sing in the mornings to wake everyone up. Got a shoe thrown at my head once. Pansy is not the most cheerful person in the world when she wakes up."

"You are by far the most bizarre person I think I've ever met." He was looking at me like I had suddenly sprouted a second head.

"Well, just be glad I'm your friend, and not an enemy. Imagine all of my bizarre-ness being aimed at you in negative ways."

"That's a scary thought," he said, staring at me like I was a ticking time-bomb or something. "I'm definitely glad you're my friend," he added.

I grinned at him, linking my arm through his. "Good. Because you know what's coming up soon? Well actually, not that soon. In a few months. But point being, you should know that my birthday is October 3rd. And I fully expect a present from all of my friends."

"Um ok."

"Ha, I'm totally kidding. You can get me a gift if you want, but I honestly don't care if you do or not. Anyways, I'm gonna go talk to Gred and Forge! Have fun doing more snooping, or whatever it is you're gonna do. Bye!" I skipped off, humming to myself, completely cheerful again. Some people call me bipolar. I just call it quick to emotionally adapt.

As I had expected, Fred and George loved my exploding chocolates idea. The rest of the day was a very pleasant one, and not once since then did Snape glare at me again. At least, not once during that day. But hey, it was at least something.