The Sunrise of My Heart

Chapter Sixty-four: Complications Can Only Last So Long

Ginny, Luna, and I set off from the classroom, knowing what we had to do. Harry was going to use Umbridge's unwatched Floo network to contact Grimmauld Place and see if Sirius was there. It was our job to make sure the corridor was empty and to warn them if Umbridge or her Inquisitorial Squad showed up.
"You can't come down here!" Ginny called to all the students heading in our direction. "No, sorry, you're going to have to go round by the swiveling staircase, someone's let off Garroting Gas just along here."
People were grumbling in annoyance. "I can't see no gas," one dim-wit said loudly.
"That's because it's colorless," Ginny answered in a convincingly exasperated tone. "But if you want to walk through it, carry on, then we'll use your body as proof for the next idiot who didn't believe us..."
After that, the crowd began thinning, and the news spread quickly. People didn't come near the corridor. Once it was deserted, I heard Harry and Hermione walk over to Ginny, hidden underneath the Invisibility Cloak. "Good one," Hermione said softly. "Don't forget the signal." We nodded, and I heard them creep off. Our signal was to sing a loud chorus of the modified version of Weasley Is Our King if anyone came.
Things ran pretty smoothly for awhile, but then I heard soft, stealthy footsteps. I opened my mouth to warn Ginny and Luna, but it was too late. Slytherins bore down on us, much larger than us. I reached for my wand, but I was grabbed from behind, my hands pinned against my back. Neville showed up somewhere in the fray and tried to help Ginny, but Crabbe only grabbed him around the neck and pulled him away. Then we were all marched into Umbridge's office, where she was not standing, gripping Harry tightly by the hair.
"So, Potter, "Umbridge said, tossing him aside. Draco, who I now realized was my captor, had taken his wand so that Harry was helpless. "You stationed lookouts around my office and you sent this buffoon," she motioned to Ron, "to tell me the poltergeist was wreaking havoc in the Transfiguration department when I knew perfectly well that he was busy smearing ink on the eyepieces of all the school telescopes, Mr. Filch having just informed me so.
"Clearly, it was very important for you to talk to somebody. Was it Albus Dumbledore? Or the half-breed, Hagrid? I doubt it was Minerva McGonagall, I hear she is still too ill to talk to anyone..."
Behind me, Draco laughed at that. I flung my head back, trying to hit his face, but he stepped back, pulling my arms with him so they were pulled tight, the muscles straining in pain at being tugged at such an awkward angle. "Nice try, Carson," he said softly, an obvious sneer in his voice.
"It's none of your business who I talk to," Harry snarled to Umbridge.
"Very well," she said in a sickeningly fake sweet voice. "Very well, Mr. Potter. I offered you the chance to tell me freely. You refused. I have no alternative but to force you. Draco, fetch Professor Snape."
Draco, still holding tightly onto my arms, pushed me out the door in front of him. I struggled against his hold, but he just clamped on more tightly.
"Let me go," I hissed.
"Can't do that, Riley," he answered in a leisurely drawl.
"I'm going to electrocute your dick," I spat at him. He stopped walking for a moment, and I could just imagine the look of shock and horror on his face at my words. I smirked in triumph.
"This is one of those times where I understand why you got sorted into Slytherin," he said. "You're more like us than you seem to realize. I imagine you'd get along nicely with Salazar Slytherin himself."
We started walking again. "Never," I hissed. "I;d sooner kill him than sit in the same room as that scum-bag."
We made it to Snape's office, where he gave me a questioning glance before turning to Draco.
"She was caught helping Potter break the rules," he said. "Professor Umbridge wants to see you."
Snape nodded and left with us.
"This is so many levels of illegal," I said, straining against Draco's hold. "If my father were alive--"
"Too bad he's been turned into a tasty little snack for Greyback," Draco said with another obvious sneer.
Snape, apparently thinking this little spat was not his problem, walked on, leaving us alone.
I stopped walking, my blood going cold. Draco pushed me, but I did not budge. Sensing that I was about to try my hardest to escape, Draco's grip on my wrists became so tight, I could feel his nails breaking my skin. My breath came out in shallow, angry gasps. "If you ever talk about my father like that again," I said in a low voice, "I will fucking kill you. I will torture you until you're sobbing, begging me for death. And then, when you're on the verge of dying, I will heal you just enough so that you spend weeks in the greatest agony anyone has ever known."
There was a long silence after my words before Draco finally pushed me again, making me walk back in the direction of Umbridge's office. "Can't torture me if you're captured like this," he answered.
"Wanna bet?" I muttered under my breath.
We entered the office again, where Snape was telling Umbridge that he did not have anymore Veritaserum. She seemed infuriated by this, which caused me to smirk. Any little hindrance in her plans of evil made me happy. Umbridge began shrieking insults and threats at Snape when he told her he couldn't help her at all, which Snape handled very well. He simply acted as if whatever she said didn't matter, which it totally didn't. But just as he was about to leave, Harry opened his mouth.
"He's got Padfoot!" he said desperately. "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden!"
"Padfoot?" Umbridge cried. "What does he mean, Snape?"
I could tell by Harry's expression that Sirius had not been at Grimmauld Place. Voldemort had him after all, and Snape was our last chance. So when Snape turned a cold, inscrutable eye on Harry before addressing Umbridge, my heart sank. "I have no idea," he answered. No. Surely Snape wouldn't just betray Sirius like that, no matter how much he hated him. Surely not... He was sometimes rude, but he couldn't possibly be that cruel, could he?
I was jolted from my thoughts when I realized Umbridge, cowardly bitch that she was, was going to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry to get him to speak.
"Don't you dare," I said, struggling against Draco again. He tightened his grip and said nothing.
Umbridge babbled on about how she had tried to do something to silence Harry before, and just as she was about to hit Harry with the curse, Hermione spoke up. "No!" she shouted. "No, Harry-- Harry, we'll have to tell her!" She began crying into the back of Millicent Bulstrode's robes, who abruptly dodged away from her. "I'm-- I'm sorry everyone," she said, crying into her hands. i frowned slightly. Was it just me, or was she not really crying? "But I can't stand it." She spoke to Umbridge now, not looking up from her hands. "He was trying to speak to Dumbledore."
I fought back a triumphant smirk. Hermione was clever trickster. She made up some story about Dumbledore leaving a secret weapon on the school grounds, and she and Harry led Umbridge out of the room, leaving the rest of us alone. I began trying to think of a way to escape when a sudden realization hit me. There was something hard poking into my side every time I tugged at Draco's hold on my arms. My wand. If I could only free my hands...
"Draco," I said softly so only he could hear me.
"What?" he muttered back.
"I'm sorry for breaking you nose."
"What? You never--" Before he could finish that thought, I slammed my head back, catching him off guard and smashing his nose. He yelled in pain and released my arms. I grabbed my wand and held it to Draco's throat.
"Let them go!" I yelled at the other Slytherins. They seemed unsure what to do, which gave the captives a chance to take advantage of their distraction. Soon enough, we were all free, and they were all tied up in Umbridge's office. I bent down near Draco and assessed the damage I'd done to his nose. "Don't worry, Madam Pomfrey can fix that in a jiffy." I grabbed Hermione and Harry's wands from them, then gathered up all their wands too and levitated them to the highest resting point in the office I could find. After that, we left, going to find Harry and Hermione so we could save Sirius.