The Sunrise of My Heart

Chapter Seven: First Fight

Four days after the Yule Ball, I walked into the Great Hall alone, wondering where Draco was. He hadn't been waiting for me when I woke up, which was weird. I had been running a bit late today, so I guessed he just got tired of waiting on me and went down on his own. But when I got to the Slytherin table, he wasn't there. I sighed softly and started walking towards the Gryffindor table, but then I saw Alexander. He smiled at me, so I went over and sat across from him.

"Riley," he said in greeting, still smiling.

"Hey, Alexander." I found myself smiling in response, and was glad to see him again.

"You haff been distant lately. I haven't spoken to you in nearly a week." He looked at me curiously, and I sighed softly, feeling a bit guilty over it.

"Yeah... Well um, Draco doesn't want... I mean--"

"Draco would be jealous because he knows how I feel," he said simply, still smiling.


"So you and he are official, then?"

I nodded, not quite looking at him. "Yeah. We are."

He nodded, too. "Well, I definitely can't blame him. He's a lucky guy. Congratulations to you both." He was still smiling, but I noticed it was a bit sadder than before. Before I could say anything else, there was a sharp, annoyed voice from behind me.

"Riley. I didn't know you and Alexander were still on such good terms." I turned around to see Draco, an icy sneer on his face.

"We're not," Alexander said. "I was lonely and I asked her to sit with me, so she obliged. But now I must get back to the ship because I forgot my school bag. Good day to you both." He smiled and walked away, his school bag slung over his shoulder. I sighed softly, glad he had defended me and left without causing problems.

"So he was lonely." Draco rolled his eyes, still sneering.

"Yeah, he was. And to be quite honest, so was I. My boyfriend disappeared this morning and left me with no one to be around and nothing to do, so I chose to sit with my friend." I put special emphasis on 'boyfriend' and 'friend', trying to get my point across.

"Yes, well your boyfriend," he spat the word at me, "was busy. A got an owl form my dad, and it was important. More important than escorting my girlfriend a few yards to breakfast."

I rolled my eyes and got up, walking past him. He, annoyed, followed me. "Well good for you. And what did Daddy have to say? Does he want to have a father-son day, where you build up character by torturing Muggles and Muggle-borns?"

He clenched his teeth at my words, looking livid. "Actually, he wanted to tell me that he is aware of my relationship with you, and he is not pleased. He believes it is in my best interests to end it. After all, you're only a half-blood, while I am a pure-blood."

I took a deep breath, nodded once sharply, and punched him in the face. "Then end it, dickhead," I snapped at him, then stalked off, fuming. I heard him walking after me, groaning in pain.

"I think you actually broke my nose!" He sounded utterly shocked, making me role my eyes.

"That was the point, genius. Go to the Hospital Wing so Madam Pomfrey can fix it." I did feel bad about hitting him that hard, but I had to admit it was a bit funny. Draco looked like he wanted to say something to me, but he just walked away, going to get his nose fixed, like I'd told him to.
I sighed softly, fighting back the sad feeling growing within me, and walked off to my classes.