The Sunrise of My Heart

Chapter Seventy-one: Seasons Fade

For the first few weeks of summer, nothing very interesting happened. My mom and I baked a lot, which was fun. And I wrote constantly to Hermione and Ginny. But other than that, nothing worth mentioning happened. Not until I received a letter from Dumbledore saying he wanted to visit the following Friday to discuss something with me. Obviously, I immediately replied saying I'd be pleased to have him visit.
The week leading up to his arrival seemed to drag by. Every day, my stomach fluttered with anticipation, wondering what he possibly needed to discuss with me that couldn't wait until school started back up. Finally, Friday arrived, and around 5:00, there was a soft knock on our door.
"Good evening," Dumbledore said when my mom let him in. "Miss Carson," he said pleasantly, smiling at me.
"Good evening, Professor," I answered with a smile. My smile faltered when I noticed his hand, which was blackened and looked dead. He caught me looking and simply shook his robes over the hand again, smiling.
For awhile, no one said much while my mom made us drinks (our maid Jaime was on vacation with her family). Finally, after all the pleasantries had been exchanged, Dumbledore set down his glass and faced me.
"The reason I'm here is because we've recently discovered Sirius's will. As I'm sure you expected, he left everything to Harry." I nodded, and he continued. "Everything except these four items, which he left to you." Out of an inside pocket, he drew four items and set them before me. Each one made my heart constrict more tightly. The first item was the picture of me, Sirius, and Regulus. It was the only picture I had ever seen where the two boys looked happy to be near each other. The second item was a piece of parchment with a list on it. I smiled sadly as I grabbed it, reading it despite knowing its words by heart. Sirius, in an uncharacteristic moment of tenderness, had made a list telling all the reasons he couldn't bear to part with me. I remembered vividly reading it and admitting to myself for the first time that I was in love with him.
The last two items were our wedding rings. With slightly trembling hands, I picked them up and turned them over in my hands. Absently, I placed my ring on my fourth finger, staring at it for a few moments before pulling it off. I took a deep breath to steady myself before looking back up at Dumbledore and forcing a smile.
"Thank you for bringing these items to me, Professor. They mean a lot to me." He gave me a kind smile, his eyes seeing through my facade of happiness.
"Seasons fade and things die, but they always bring new life and new joy with them." He stood up then, obviously prepared to leave. My mom started to show him out, but I stopped him.
"Professor?" I asked softly. He turned and looked at me. "What should I do with the ring? I almost want to wear it again, but I'm not sure if I should."
"I can't answer that for you," he answered. "It's for you to decide." And then he left, making me choose on my own what to do with the ring. After awhile, I went up to my bedroom and got a silver chain, slipping the two rings onto it and putting on the necklace. I tucked the rings under my shirt so they would always be near my heart, but they wouldn't always be a part of what I was doing.
I tacked the picture up on my wall, smiling at the three happy figures. The list I was having more trouble deciding what to do with. Did I want to leave it here at home when I went back to school, or did I want to take it with me? Finally, I decided to tuck it safely into my trunk. Maybe I would show it to Ginny and Hermione and we could gush over how sweet it was. With a sad smile, I curled up on my bed, letting my memories flow freely. Eventually, I fell asleep, my hand curled around the two rings.
"Riley?" my mom asked, knocking lightly on my door before coming in.
"Is it late?" I asked tiredly, sitting up.
"No, it's only 7:00. I was just wondering if you wanted dinner."
I paused, thinking about it, and shook my head. "I'm not really hungry."
She nodded and started to leave, but she hesitated in the doorway. "The pain will pass," she said. "In time. Sometimes, it might sneak back up on you, but you'll be fine. I know you will."
I smiled softly at her. "I hope so.’Cause it hurts an awful lot right now."
She came over and hugged me, sitting down on my bed beside me. "I know. I know how much it hurts."
After a few minutes of silent comforting, my mom got up and left. I was now alone with my thoughts again. I sat silently for awhile before getting up and getting a bit of parchment and a quill. On a whim, I had decided to write Draco.
Happy late birthday. I imagine your mother showered you with gifts and tried to act happy, and I imagine you sulked like you do so much. Or maybe it was all a very dreary event from both of you. Don't really care.
I thought I should let you know what's going to happen next year, so you have fair warning. Piss me off and I'll hex your little "junior" into a raisin. It's not pleasant, so just don't piss me off. (Ask your dad next time you see him. He would know.)
If you ignore me, I'll ignore you. Short and simple.
If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you.
It's all really as simple as that.
Have a good summer. Try not to kill anyone. (Just kidding. Sort of.)
Sincerely, Riley
When I sent Morrigan off with my letter, I wondered if Draco would reply with some snarky comment, or if he'd even reply at all. To be perfectly honest, I didn't really care if he did or didn't.
I curled back up on my bed, drifting off again. Much later, I was awakened by the sound of an owl tapping on my window. I groaned and got up, surprised to see the Morrigan had a letter waiting for me to read. Looking at my alarm clock, I blanched to see it was 2:00 a.m.
"Holy cowlick! Why on earth did he reply so late? I mean, sure, it took you awhile to get there and back, but not that long!" Morrigan's only response was to drop the letter by my feet and fly back out the window to hunt. I bent to pick it up and unrolled it, reading the letter slowly because of how groggy I was.
I do not sulk all the time. And I didn't sulk on my birthday. It was a lavish event, one that I imagine you would scorn.
What do you mean, ask my father? Why would he understand? Did you hex him?
Don't worry, I'll ignore you as often as possible. I have more important things to do than waste my time arguing with you over whether or not a Mudblood is worth marrying.
And too late. Our closest neighbor just randomly happened to show up dead... Of course, I had nothing to do with it...
I would say enjoy your summer, but since I imagine you'll be spending it with the Mudblood and blood traitors, I don't see how you possibly can.
Reading the letter, I could just imagine his annoying little sneer as he wrote. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, grabbing some more paper and writing a response.
What the hell? It's two in the freaking morning! I know it's summer and all, but seriously, get some sleep!
And yes, you do sulk. All the freaking time. It's annoying.
Yeah, I hexed the balls off your dad once. Literally. I was thirteen, he was seventeen. It was brilliant. His face was so priceless. I would say you should have been there, but I doubt you'd appreciate it, so never mind...
So long as you're pleasant enough to me when you can't ignore me, I'm perfectly happy. I'll be in no mood to be on the receiving end of one of your temper tantrums.
I'm going to pretend like I believe that comment about the dead neighbor was a joke, by the way. (Seriously, though, it was, right? Right?)
And for your information, I would very much enjoy my summer if I were at the Weasley's with my friends. However, I decided to stay home this summer with my mom. I'll probably spend Christmas break at Ginny's though.
P.S. Would you mind giving Morrigan some water or something when she delivers this? All the flying is bound to leave her thirsty and tired.
I waited for Mor to come back, handing her the letter after petting her affectionately for a moment. Once she flew off, I crept downstairs for a late-night snack, suddenly very hungry. Rifling through the fridge, I found a plate of Chinese food with a note telling me to enjoy. I smiled. My mom knew me so well.
After warming it up, I made my way back upstairs to my room. I slowly ate my yummy meal, occasionally glancing at the window to see if Morrigan was returning. Soon after I had finished eating, I saw her shape on the horizon. The window had been left open, so she flew in and landed on my bed, dropping the letter and munching at my leftover scraps.
You're one to talk. Obviously, you're awake right now too. Unless you write in your sleep as well as walk. That would just be freaky.
I do not sulk.
Your childish antics sometimes make me worry about your mental health. Why on earth did you hex him?
Yes, it was a bloody joke. Last time I checked, I was allowed to make jokes.
I just don't understand how you can bear to be in that tiny house with some many people. Aren't you afraid of getting some kind of disease or something?
P.S. Your bloody bird made a huge mess when I offered her water. I had to clean it up myself because the damn house-elf was sleeping and I didn't want to wake up my mom.
With a smile, I answered his newest letter.
I'm only awake because Morrigan woke me so I could read your letter. And no, I don't sleep write. And I'm not freaky.
You do too sulk. I bet you sulk every time you write the words "I don't sulk".
I hexed him because he was a total perv. Duh. Any seventeen-year-old who tries to shag a thirteen-year-old deserves to have his "junk" hexed.
Haha, I know it was a joke. I just wanted to annoy you. You know how I am.
The house is big enough. And I'm not afraid of getting a disease because they don't have any. They do keep clean, for you information.
By the way, I totally love Chinese food. Thank God for Muggle refrigerators and microwaves. Late night snacks are the best.
P.S. Prat. Just kidding. Yeah, Mor makes quite a mess sometimes.
Draco and I continued to write back and forth until after sunrise, when I finally fell asleep. He never stopped being blunt and slightly rude, but I smiled all the same, knowing that deep, deep, deep down he didn't mean it.
When I woke up that afternoon, I found a letter sitting on the kitchen table. Curious, I picked it up and held it to the light to see if I could tell what it said. When I realized it contained my OWL responses, I immediately dropped it again. Taking a deep breath, I opened it up and read my scores.