Carlisle Cullen's Mistake

Chapter 1 -

Ella looked out of the window as her older sister , Nicole, drove to their new hometown. She was excited about moving somewhere new. She looked over at her sister. She hadn’t told her where exactly they’d be moving, but she said that it was hardly ever sunny. Not that the sun was a problem.
“Where are we going?” she said in her music-like voice. She noticed a ‘Welcome to Forks’ sign just after she had asked the question. “Are we living in Forks?”
Nicole looked at Ella with a raised eyebrow, but shook her head. “No. We’re living about 15 minutes away. Um, La Push, I think it’s called. I didn’t really take any time to look.” she explained and her little sister nodded. They drove to La Push singing at the top of their lungs to ‘Good Girls Gone Bad’ by Cobra Starship. They both loved that song.
They were still laughing when they pulled up to the small house they were going to be living in. They both got out and went to the boot of the car. Nicole opened it and got out her suitcases and Ella followed with her own. They walked up to short path that led to the front door. Nicole pulled out the key and unlocked and they stepped inside.
“Wow. It’s small,” Ella said with a grimace. She loved big spaces, and this certainly wasn’t big. It wasn’t even small really. More like tiny. Nicole put her bags by the door and turned towards Ella.
“I know, but it was the only place going. And I heard the locals here are gorgeous,” she said with a grin. Ella rolled her eyes. Trust her sister to move to a place because of the guys there. She decided to look for a bedroom and unpack.
“I’m going to find a room. I dibs the biggest one!” Ella called as she walked down the small hallway.
“Alright!” Nicole called back as she stepped into the small kitchen.
Ella walked into a room and immediately loved it. There was a big window and the room was average-sized. The floor were floorboards and the wall was a creamy colour. The window faced out towards the forest that surrounded the house.
Ella quickly unpacked and walked out to see her sister closing the front door with 5 pizzas in her hand. 4 for herself and one for Ella.
“Yum!” She said as she took the first box. It was BBQ chicken. Her favourite. Nicole laughed and walked into the kitchen for the second time since she got in the house. Ella followed her and sat on the bench.
“So, which school am I going to?” Ella asked around a mouth full of pizza. Nicole thought about it for a second.
“Well, I’m thinking Forks High instead of the high school around here.” she said finally. She had eaten one pizza already and was starting on the second.
Ella nodded and continued to eat. Once they both finished, Ella helped Nicole unpack and set up her room. Nicole’s room was similar to Ella’s, but it was smaller and so was the window, but it faced the forest, just like Ella’s. Once Ella and Nicole finished they went to bed.
Later that night Ella shot up out of her sleep by the sound of a wolf’s howl. And it was close. Ella ran to her sisters room to see if it was her, but her sister was standing in the door way.
Earlier, the girls had been tired and didn’t realise the scent all around La Push.
“Nic. Werewolves,” Ella said panicked. She didn’t trust werewolves, apart from her sister. Nicole nodded and grabbed her sisters hand.
“I know. Come with me,” she said as she pulled Ella outside. Neither one of them feeling the cold. Nicole called out for the wolves and 8 of them walked out of the woods, obviously catching her scent. But when they caught Ella’s they started to advance on them, looking ready to attack.
“Nic! They’re werewolves!” Ella said to her sister when one of them bared their teeth. Nic nodded.
“I know.” she said to her sister before looking towards the wolves. “Can one of you turn back or something? I know what you are and I know you know what I am. My sister isn’t a threat,” she called to them. They stopped in shock at the revelation of the relation of the two girls. The black wolf looked towards the others and shook it’s head, before running back into the trees.
A minute later a tall, built guy walked out in only sweat pants. He stopped a couple of feet from Nicole and Ella.
“Who are you, and what are you doing here?” he said calmly as he looked at Ella with a confused look. She smelt human, but also like a vampire. Nicole cleared her throat before speaking.
“I’m Nicole Rivers, and this is my sister, Ella.” she said clearly. The guy was obviously the alpha. The wolves behind him growled viciously. The guy put a hand up to silence them.
“You say sister, but we can all smell that you’re a werewolf and she’s a vampire. How can that be?” he said, confused. Nicole sighed loudly.
“She is my sister. Well, half anyway. And she’s not a vampire,” she said with a groan. She was tired and wanted to go to bed.
Ella, who knew how she felt, stepped in front of her. The wolves took a step back, and the alpha looked about ready to phase.
“God! What’s your problem? She has been driving all day, then she had to unpack. And she’s hardly eaten anything! And why do you care that I may smell like a vampire?” Ella yelled as she wrapped an arm around her sister, who looked ready to pass out any minute. The guy looked at her shocked.
“Our problem is that La Push doesn’t like vampire’s being in the territory. If it wasn’t for the fact that we aren’t sure if you are a vampire, you would have been dead by now.” he said gruffly. Ella rolled her eyes.
“Okay. You wanna know? I’m half vampire. I don’t drink any type of blood, and I’m her half sister. Her dad was killed by a vampire when she was 12. Our mother then met a vampire and when Nicole phased for the first time when she was 14, our mum left him. Only to find out that she was pregnant with me. I ended up killing her and Nic raised me on an only human food diet.” she finished hotly. “Now if you don’t mind, I’ll like to take my sister back to bed and then go to bed myself without you attacking me while I’m asleep.”
Ella turned around and grabbed her sisters hand and pulled her inside, leaving the pack in shock.