Carlisle Cullen's Mistake

Chapter 2 -

Ella walked into her class in Forks High School. Everyone was staring at her, asking their friends about her and some even walked up to her and asked if she’d like them to show her around. She declined each time, already knowing where each class is, thanks to her photographic memory, her vampire mind and the map the office lady gave her.
She was starting as a senior, so she didn’t have to put up with looking like she was studying when she was already smarter then every teacher in the school, for very long.
The teacher looked up at her from his desk.
“Oh! You must be Ella Rivers. Um take a seat at the back, sorry it’s the only one left,” he said as he handed her a book and pointed to the empty table at the back of the room. Ella nodded and floated to the table. She slid into her seat and pretended like she was paying attention, when really, she was eavesdropping on other peoples conversations.
“I heard she lives in La Push, but she didn’t want to go to the school there,” one boy said to his friend. He had blondish hair and a cute boyish face. His friend had short black hair and dark skin. The boy’s friend nodded in agreement.
“Apparently she lives with her older sister, cause her parents died in a car crash,” the dark skinned boy said in a hushed whisper.
Ella shook her head subtly. Her father was still alive probably. Only her mother was dead and it was far from a car accident.
When the bell went, everyone got out of their seats and rushed out the door, while the teacher was yelling out the homework he expected everyone to do.
Ella waited until everyone was out the door before walking out herself. It was lunch time so she put her books in her locker and left for the cafeteria.
When she walked through the door, the whole cafeteria went dead silent. Ella rolled her eyes in annoyance.
‘Great’ she thought, ‘I’m the school’s new topic of gossip’.
She looked around and found an empty table and walked over to it. She wasn’t hungry, and the cafeteria was the only place she could go to not get wet, since it was raining and her sister dropped her off.
A girl with brown hair and glasses walked up to her. “Um, hi. I’m Angela Weber,” she smiled warmly.
Ella smiled back. “Ella Rivers,” Angela smiled more broadly.
“Would you like to sit with us?” Angela said, motioning to the group of teenagers watching them. Ella thought about it.
“Um, no thankyou. I’m alright here, thanks for the offer though,” she said politely, putting on a sympathetic face. Angela looked disappointed.
“Okay. Well, you’re always welcome.” she said before turning around and walking back to her friends.
Ella watched her shake her head and the boys faces fall. Angela looked towards a table on the other side of the room. Ella looked over as well. She saw 6 people, but only one was human.
One of the vampires looked at her, obviously feeling her gaze on them. The guy had bronze, tousled hair and golden eyes. The eyes startled her for a second, but she regained her composure.
When she was younger, she had asked her older sister what her dad looked like, since she could remember him. She had said that he had blonde hair, pale skin and golden eyes. ‘Could this guy know my dad’ Ella thought. She kind of hoped he did, but then again, she hoped he didn’t. she stared him down, but then the whole family turned around and looked at her. There was the bronze haired guy, then there was a blonde haired guy and girl, a big guy who looked too old to be in school, then a pixie like girl with dark, spikey hair. Then there was the human. She had brown hair, just a shade darker then Nic’s, and brown eyes. And they all were staring at her.
Ella got up and walked over to them confidently. She had nothing to be scared of. When she was infront of the table, she spoke. “Hey, can I talk to you outside?” she said quietly before she turned and walked outside and into the rain.
When she looked behind her all the vampires were there, even the human. “Um?” she said as she looked at the human girl.
“Um, can I talk to the others please? It’s kind of private,” she said to the human girl. The girl looked at the bronze haired guy.
“It’s okay. Bella won’t tell,” bronze haired guy said. Ella held in a laugh. The vampires could tell she was about to laugh. “What?”
That did it. Ella burst out laughing. “So-sorry, just a name thing.” she said trying to stop laughing.
The human, Bella, looked at Ella. “What’s wrong with my name?” she said defensively. Ella managed to stop laughing but was still giggling.
“Nothing, just that my name is Ella. Get it? Ella, Bella?” she giggled cutely. The pixie like vampire began giggling with her.
Ella composed herself before she spoke next. “Um, I know what you are,” she said quietly so that the human couldn’t hear. The vampires looked shocked.
The pixie like vampire spoke first. “Um, how?” she said in a normal volume. I shot her a look, then quickly looked at Bella. “Bella knows,” pixie said in reference to my look. My eyes widened.
“What?! Do you know how much trouble you’ll be in f the Volturi find out?” Ella said staring at each vampire. The big, built vampire spoke up. “How do you know about the Volturi?” he asked. The others nodded, while Ella noticed Bella shudder at the name.
“They know about her don’t they? And you’re going to turn her.” Ella said disgustingly. She hated the fact that Bella was going to become something that needed to kill to survive.
“How do you know about us and the Volturi?” Bronze haired guy said impatiently. Ella rolled her eyes at his impatience.
“I know about them cause I’m part vampire,” she said annoyingly. Everyone gasped. The blonde guy spoke up first.
“No you’re not. You smell human, and you don’t have red or gold eyes and you reek of werewolf.” She stared at him.
“Uh, maybe cause my older sister is werewolf and I live in La Push and I am part human?” she said in a ‘DUH’ tone. “Now, who is who? I know Bella’s name but I don’t know any of yours,” Ella said as she crossed her arms over her chest. The girl with blonde hair scoffed.
“Why should we tell you? We have no proof of what you’re saying is true,” she spat. Ella glared at her.
“Fine.” Ella said before she began to run as fast as she could. When she stopped she looked at the blonde. “Proof enough?” she said icily. Blondie had wide eyes.
The pixie like vampire glared at the blonde, before introducing everyone. “I’m Alice, Rosalie is the blonde one, Jasper is my mate, and he’s the other blonde one, the big one is Emmett and Edward is him,” she said quickly, pointing to everyone as she said their names. Ella nodded just as the bell went.
“See ya,” she said before speeding of. She still hadn’t asked if they knew her dad, but she was going to have to wait.
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i really wanted to put this chapter out today with the first one and be nice since this is my first fan fic :D