Carlisle Cullen's Mistake

Chapter 4 -

Sunday had passed quickly for Ella. She went to the shops in Port Angeles with Nicole. They went shopping for more clothes too. So Ella, having a whole new wardrobe, was standing in front of her bed, looking at the two outfits she had finally decided looked better. Frowning at them she decided to get a different opinion.
“NIC! CAN YOU HELP ME?” She yelled from her bedroom. Nicole, who was sitting on the couch eating her breakfast rolled her eyes, but got up anyway. She walked down the small hall and into her sisters room.
“What?” she said. Ella cringed before pointing towards the clothes.
“I can’t decide and please don’t speak with your mouth full,” she said as she walked over to the door and grabbed her shoes. She held them near the clothes and studied them.
“You do it too.” Nicole said, with a full mouth of cereal. “And the tank, jean mini and the black leggings,” Nicole said as she walked out. Ella nodded to herself and picked the outfit up, and put the losing outfit back into her wardrobe. She quickly dressed, before grabbing her bag and walking into the kitchen.
“Do you want me to drop you off at school today?” Nicole asked when she saw her sister walk in. Ella looked up at her sister, stopping her rummaging through her back pack. She thought it over before declining. She wanted to walk, or well run. Nicole nodded and stood up.
“Okay. I’m going to look for a another job to pass the time,” she said as she grabbed her own bag. “Are you sure you want to run?” she verified before she left. Ella nodded her head and grabbed a bowl of cereal. “Okay then. See you after school,” Nicole said before walking out the front door.
Ella finished her breakfast in record time and followed her sister out the front door, locking it on her way out.
The run to Forks High School was faster than driving there, and Ella relaxed as she ran. She couldn’t run like that in New York, so she was ecstatic to be able to. She got there 5 minutes before the bell, so she sat at one of the benches and fixed her hair, since it was slightly messy from the running. She was doing that when 6 shadows fell over her. She knew they were there, but she ignored them. “Do you need something?” Ella asked boredly. She finally looked up at the Cullen’s and Bella. Alice raised an eyebrow. She was annoyed that she couldn’t see Ella or anything around her but a blur.
“Come to our house after school today,” Edward said before turning and leaving. They all left, Emmett being the last. He shot Ella a small smile before turning his attention to Rosalie. Ella rolled her eyes before getting up and heading into the school building when the bell rang.
She sat through her classes, bored out of her mind. She answered every question correctly and ignored guys attempts to flirt. She sat through the whole day bored and annoyed when people kept trying to get her to sit at their table. When lunch came around she sat just outside the cafeteria just to get away from people. She was sitting there no more than 5 minutes before the Cullen’s joined her. Bella was in the cafeteria with her human friends. She rolled her eyes at them and continued to ignore them.
“Why are you sitting out here in the rain?” Alice asked chirpily. Ella stared at her like she was stupid.
“Why don’t you get your empath boyfriend to tell you? Since you can’t see me or ask Edward to tell you,” she said icily. “Oh, and about this morning, what makes you think I’m gunna do what you say?”
Alice looked towards Jasper. “She’s feeling annoyed and bored. And now defiant,”
Ella stood up at his words and stalked off. The Cullen’s followed her. “How do you know that I can’t see you or Edward can’t hear your thoughts?” Alice asked curiously. Rosalie groaned.
“Do we have to follow her around? I want to get inside and not get wet.” She complained and Ella turned around.
“Yeah, that seems like a good idea,” Ella said before she ran off at vampire speed into the forest. She could tell that 3 of them were following. She stopped and spun around suddenly. Edward, Alice and Jasper topped just in front of her. She raised a single eyebrow at them.
“We want to be your friends. We don’t even know what you are, and I don’t think that you really know either.” Edward said finally. Ella scoffed at him.
“Edward, when were you turned?” she asked faking sweetness. Everyone could tell. Edward was stunned but quickly recovered.
“1801” Ella laughed loudly and Edward glared at her. ‘What’s so funny?” Ella tried to control her laughter, and a minute later she did.
“I was born in 1686. So I think I’d know what I am and understand it, don’t you think?” she said with a small smile. The vampires were shocked, so Ella took advantage of that. She ran back to the school and as soon as she got there the bell went, signalling the end of lunch. She walked to her next class as quickly as she could with humans around. The classes after that were the same as the others. Boring.
When the final bell went Ella shot out of her seat and rushed out. She was at he locker when she was mobbed again by the Cullen’s.
“What is up with you Cullen’s?” she said. She was getting annoyed that they always seemed to get her while they were all together. Edward spoke first this time.
“We are here to take you to our place. There are rules set around here and we will not take the consequences for your actions,” he said sternly. Ella rolled her eyes dramatically.
“I already know. No biting humans, no hunting in La Push and no going onto their land without permission, which is hardly ever,” she recited robotically. The revelation didn’t surprise them that much since they knew that she lived on the reservation. “But if it will get you to leave me alone, I’ll come. But I have to bring my sister.” Ella said before she turned her back on the Cullen’s and walked out of the school. When she was in the cover of trees and where no on could see her, she ran.
Her sister was there when she reached her house. “Hey, some vampire’s want me to go to their house and they keep bugging me about it so I said that I’d go but you have to come with me,” Ella said quickly. Nicole rolled her eyes but nodded.
“Alright, just let me get my shoes on and I’ll drive there.” Ella nodded and dropped her bag before taking off. She reached the school and followed the scent. She found the house and raced to find her sister. She found her just leaving La Push. Nicole pulled over and Ella got in.
“Found them.” Ella said and proceeded to give Nicole directions.
Soon enough, Nicole was pulling into the Cullen’s driveway. They drove up the winding driveway and came to a stop in front of a huge white house. Nicole whistled as she got out, Ella following her. Ella raced around to Nicole’s side and looked at her before heading towards the house. Nicole trying to ignore the smell of vampire. Ella didn’t provide much of the sickly sweet smell, and Nicole could barely smell it. But here around 7 full vampires, the smell was overbearing. Ella and Nicole stopped at the door and before they had a chance to knock, a male vampire opened the door. He had blonde hair and a kind face. And Nicole recognised him immediately.
Ella’s dad.
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the next chapter will take a while to get up. This month is a huge month for birthdays :D