Monday The 27th -The Reawakening

Lily never believed the crimes she saw when she was just a child. Her mind had repressed those horrific memories in order for her survival. Now, in high school, the dreams begin to occur more frequently upon her meeting with Gerard, someone she used to know during childhood. Her sanity is now threatened by the very presence of Gerard, and with her heart falling for him, it would dare her to embark on a journey that would reveal the truth about her family. And the very curse she was born with.
  1. Weird.
    I would love to boast about how my first day in high school was fun, exciting and whatever nice things you can think of. The problem is, I cannot. No, not because I was bullied, or everyone was cold towards me, or the cleaner who showed me her toothl
  2. The Stir of Chaos
    bullies, memories and beginning of love.
  3. Is this THE beginning?
    Frank. & Me.