Status: Idk

The Turkey Leg and The Orange Go Swimming

The Full Story

The Turkey Leg And The Orange
Go Swimming...

One day the Turkey Leg and the Orange were really bored at home, and it was raining so they couldnt go outside either. It was only 1pm in the afternoon and they didnt want to waste the rest of the day just lounging around, so the Orange said, “Hey! Lets go swimming!”, and the Turkey Leg replied, “Thats a great idea! But I dont like the fact that I am going to get soggy *concerned face*”. “Oh, dont worry” the Orange said calmly, “It will be fun *smiles*”.The Turkey Leg decided to go along with the idea and said, “If you insist..”
So the Turkey Leg and the Orange ran upstairs to get their swim bags, when the Orange suddenly fell and got carpet burn. “OH MY GOD!”, shouted the Orange. “I`M GOING I DIE!”. “Oh please” said the Turkey Leg, “Its only a carpet burn. Here, I`ll go to the bathroom and get you a plaster”. So the Turkey Leg skipped to the bathroom to find a plaster. He looked in the cupboard under the sink first but had no luck. Then he tried the cupboard above the sink, and he found a small box of Unicorn Plasters. So the Turkey Leg ran back down the hallway to the bedroom, where he found the Orange lying on the bed with a face like a wet rag. “Here, here. I found you a plaster! *Tears off wrapper* How do you like this one?” said the Turkey Leg to the Orange. “That will do”, the Orange whispered back.
Then after all the drama was over, they finally got going to the swimming pool. It was a long 10 minute drive and the Turkey Leg always drove, because the Orange was to short to see over the steering wheel, except for when she was sitting on her booster seat. After they arrived and had parked up their Beatle, they walked towards the entrance of the pool, but as they reached the moving doors they seen a sign that read, “No Turkey Legs Or Oranges Beyond This Point”. The Turkey Leg was furious and raging with anger. He was so mad, that he started swearing and shouting really loudly. Eventually, after 28 seconds, he was completly calm again. The Orange rolled herself around to the back of the building and found a side entrance. The Turkey Leg followed her inside and with that they snuck into the changing rooms.
They brought some money with them to use the lockers, so after they had gotten lockers and put their items inside, they headed towards the pool. But as they got closer to the pool, they could hear screaming and shouting from inside. Then loads of people started to run from the pool and back into the changing rooms, so the Turkey Leg and the Orange hid in the nearest cubicle. Big mistake. They were keeping calm and quiet until a very old man with a very hairy chest walked in and made himself at home. The Turkey Leg and the Orange looked up, and realised to their horror that the old man was beginning to undress! “Head for the hills!” shouted the Turkey Leg, and they both ran out of the cubicle, down through the hallway and into the pool. They began to wonder why all the people had ran out screaming. What was it that had made them run like that? Had they been spotted? Was there a naked Sumo in the pool? No, none of these are the correct answers. In fact, it turned out that some one had done a poo in the pool! So they dipped into the pool and began to take a little swim. The Turkey Leg had spotted the poo and yelled, “Yum yum pigs bum”, walked over to it and began eating the poo. “What are you doing?!?!” the Orange screeched in horror. “Eating cake, want some?” “Oh, sure!”. And the Orange ran over to the Turkey Leg and began eating the poo aswell.
After they finished their poo, they went to go on the slide, but realised it was closed. “This is bull sh*t!” shouted the Turkey Leg. They started to sneak up the stairs that led towards the slide. The Turkey Leg went down first. “Whoaahhh, this is really fun!” The Orange went down straight after, and made a HUGE splash at the end of the slide. The Turkey Leg and the Orange went down several times until.... They were caught. A big black bald security guard came running up to them. “STOP!” he yelled. But the Turkey Leg and the Orange just kept on running and running. It wasnt long before the security guard caught up with them. He picked up the Turkey Leg while he left the Orange quivering on the floor. “Cant you read the dang sign? It says no Turkey Legs or Oranges ya`ll. Hey.. I ate yo mamma for lunch! Well, I`m still kinda hungry, so I might as well finish the family” With that, he began to munch on the Turkey Leg until all was left of him was his bum bone.

The End.
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