Break Your Little Heart.

Break Your Little Heart.

You will walk in that room, catch my and my heart without me even realising it. You’ll say things so ordinary to every other, but to my ears they’re what I’ve always longed to hear. You will make my heart flutter, and my self loathing curl up like a burning piece of paper until just a few fragile ashes lie on my stomach lining.

You will make me feel confident about everything I do regardless of whether it has anything to do with you. You will make me proud to be who I am, you’ll make me anticipate the future, and reminisce on the past with a smile no matter what may linger there.

You will make me radiate happiness, and you will infect everyone around me but they will never get a lethal dose like the one I received. You will soon creep onto my mind, your name permanently tattooed upon my skull and your soul will reside on my heart; it will become your home.

You will wrap your arms around me in the middle of the crowded streets, and it will just feel like we’re in our own personal nirvana. You will serenade me with songs that on the first note floods my mind with your smile. Until I lay my eyes on you once more I will be lethargic and ailing.

You will creep up when you’re least expected, haunt my dreams and I’ll adore the mystery surrounding you no matter how much perplexity it contains. You will always relate back to any topic, your name will be my fortification and an escape will be out of reach.

You will tug at my emotions like the strings of a puppet, and you will have an imperishable control of me which you may or may not use but always be aware of. You will have me on edge awaiting your speech, and that spot where we kissed will hold all the memories.

You will create sleepless nights as I lay at night tossing and turning over what the day will bring us and what yesterday caused. That walk down the street I’ve done so many times will never be the same again, and the nerves straining my stomach will always accompany me whether I like it or not.

You will be what I long to see at the end of every horizon, the prince charming I picture in my head coming to rescue me. You will what I think of when couples in the streets, imagining it was us and the feel of your crimson lips brushing against mine and I will think of endless plots for us as if we were characters in a book.

And you, you will break my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Absolute bull again, I apologise. Not my best.

Title from the All Time Low song 'Break Your Litte Heart' as it was playing when I met him... ahh the irony.