Best Of Me And You


"Babe, it's Christmas. It's the holidays." he pleaded.

That might have worked on her 2 years ago. Not now, though.

"I'm sorry Alex, I can't take anymore. You and the band-"

He started shaking his head urgently.

"No, no, no. No!"

She tried to turn away from him, so that she wouldn't have to see his face.

"Lee, listen to me. Listen!"

He grabbed her wrists.

"Remember what you said to me after All Time Low's first ever gig? Your sister worked at the club and your parents were out."

She winced at the memory. She was only 15 , yet Sara had sneaked her in.

Lee sighed.

"Hey kid you've got a lot of potential"


She had been so surprised when she learnt this boy was older than her. Lee had gotten used to thinking of herself as "the third wheel", she didn't even think that there was a possibility of this older guy being interested in her. OK, he was only 2 years older, but at the time, it seemed like so much more.

After that night, he started taking her to the parties he frequented. She was introduced to the older kids as his friend Lee. Hell, he was the first one to start calling her Lee. Before, she was Leanne to her friends, "Sara Dean's little sister" to most people and "Becca H's friend" to others.

The first party was disastrous.

"Guys, this is my friend Lee. She's only 15, so go easy on her." Alex beamed.

One of the guys, a tall kid with really bad hair-something Barakat- immediately ruined it.

"Hey, aren't you Sara Dean's little sister?" he asked.

Alex looked alarmed. His face said something along the lines of "Please don't flip out and hit him".

"Yeah, I guess I am." she sighed.

"Cool." Barakat grinned. He stuck out his hand. "I'm Jack."

She shook his hand. Just as she tried to withdraw her hand, he hugged her tightly.

"Me and Mini-Sara are going to be great friends." he announced.

"Erm yeah." Alex mumbled. He dragged her away from Jack, to "introduce her to other people".

"Jack's alright." she said.

"Jack's drunk." Alex growled.

She shrugged. If she couldn't figure out guys her own age, what chance did she have understanding older guys?


"See, we had some good times." he said softly.

"Hardly." she snapped. "Remember Robin's party?"

He frowned confusedly.


"Nice to see you don't remember or care." she huffed.

He was still deep in thought.

"Robin who?"

"I can see why it'd be hard to remember Robin. She looked like all the other whores you hooked up with." Lee spat.

"I didn't just sleep with whores. I slept with you aswell."

"Alexander, that's a different argument. Stop distracting me."

There was an awkward silence.


"Hey Shanna, have you seen Alex anywhere? I need to go home."

The older girl smiled.

"I think I saw him go upstairs."

"OK. Thanks."

She made her way back upstairs.

Lee saw Alex's jacket outside a room. She knocked on the door.

"Alex? You in there?"

Her reply was loud moans.


"You cared more about whichever girl you were with than one of your best friends."

Alex shook his head.

"No, I wasn't there. For sure."

Lee laughed spitefully.

"You think lying to me now is going to stop me leaving?"

He was silent.

"I'm not lying. I wasn't there!"

"I saw your jacket outside that room! What kind of idiot do you take me for?"

"I wasn't with anybody that night."

"You weren't there when I needed you. I was there whenever you needed somebody to drink or bitch with."

"I wasn't ever there for you? What about your 17th birthday, and all the times after it?" he shot back.

I pursed my lips into a thin line. He had to mention that, didn't he.


"Leanne, are you sure that you want to? We're both a bit..."

That was a concerned tone. How sweet.

"Unsober." she giggled.

"Leanne, I'm 19-"

She giggled again.


"-And you've just turned 17."

She put a finger to his lips.



Leanne gritted her teeth. He only brought that up cause he needed someone to have sex with when his current girlfriend would break up with him.

"Leanne, I will not let you go without a fight."

He went and stood in front of the door. The height advantage he had over her was more pronounced than ever.

She needed to do this.

"Alex, I'll love you forever or find something better. I don't know."

He was silent. She took this as a chance to continue.

"I need to move on. It's all just the same as when we sleep together."

His skin paled.

"We shouldn't have let this go so far. I don't want it to get to the point where we wake up with headaches, and have trouble remembering what went wrong. I'm sorry."

She awkwardly hugged him before going past him. She avoided the looks she must've been getting from everybody as she left the house.


Christmas. The day he was going to tell her that he adored her.

Instead, Alex was spending in a bar in a town he didn't know and didn't want to know.

The only other people here were a couple, an elderly man and a youngish girl.

"Bartender! Refill please." he slurred. As soon as he received his drink, he downed it in one.

"I know she hopes I choke on this last drink."

The elderly man began muttering something about the youth today.

Alex laughed drunkenly.

"And she wants me to drop dead before my influence gets to her head."

He looked at his phone. It had a background of a picture of her.

"The party scene has got the best of me and you." he whispered, a tear falling.
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Word count: 975