Status: Completed.

The Beginning

Chapter 6

The next morning I was up extra early again. Apparently the ring has that effect with me, up at the peak of darkness. But mom already had breakfast sitting on the table and started without me, but that’s not what concerned me. We had a guest; he turned around as soon as mom pointed me out. It was Elijah which made me relax.

“Morning Frodo, glad to find you up and about, I need to talk with you.” he motioned to take the chair beside him, but I took the one beside mom.

“Or not.” he muttered. “Now, there are a few things you need to know the competition. First of all, you are aware that each contestant will own a part of the armor yes?” I nodded. “So you’re aware that they’ll be able to control a different element or power depending on what they possess?”

“I am, but I’d like to know what the pieces can do, alone. That way I’m not fighting someone that can control blood or is invincible or something.”

“Nothing like that, and as long as you bear that ring, even if they have all nine other pieces, they will not be invincible. The main ones you need worry about is the cuirass of earth, the sword of light, shield of wisdom and the mask of life. The only other armor is the left gauntlet of air, right gauntlet of water, which combined can create storms. Then there are the feet shod.”

“Isn’t there another name for those?” I asked.

“Yes but none of the other eight will tell me, I don’t even think 1 knows and he’s the oldest of us all.”

“Ok, continue.”

“The left shod of Ice, and the right of stone. The final piece is the heart of fire, it is an amulet that gives the bear great courage, and the power over fire of course. Now, about your sponsors…”

“Now I know I’ve seen this before.” I muttered. I looked over and ‘The Hunger Games’ was sitting on the counter.

“Yes, your book does our competition some credit. Do feel free to take it with you, not that you’ll need the entertainment. You’ll be traveling around the globe. You’ll visit all sorts of exotic places, plenty of battles, and of course that ever charming Annabeth.” he said. A smile spread across his face, a smile I didn’t like. My mother tried to hide her but couldn’t.

“Oh no, uh-uh. Nice try guys, the only reason Hera is coming along is because she’s one deadly warrior, and she insists.” I said, truthfully those were the only reasons that she was coming along.

“But seeing as you’re the contestant, you have the option to leave her behind you know. Maybe you want her along for other reasons Frodo and you just don’t know it. Now, all nine of us took and placed a piece of the armor with a different person, therefore that means we’re sponsoring them. But your sponsor, 10 has disappeared, so I’m taking his place.”

“What’s with the numbers?” I asked that’d been bugging me throughout the entire conversation.

“We’ve taken nicknames depending on when we became servants. I am 9. You may call me that, or you may still call me Elijah. Fred is 8, Jennifer is 7, Crispin is 6, John is 5, the twins are 4 and 3. Martin is 2 and Christopher is 1, which would make Alan 10. Now, I’m providing you with a GPS which gives the real time locations of the other contestants and any other scary beastie you might meet along the way. Also, there’s a car that’ll always arrive when you need it, just whistle and it’ll show almost anywhere you could be.” Then the doorbell rang. “That must be your guest.” 9 chuckled. Mom opened the door and saw Hera struggling with something. Much to my dismay, it wasn’t luggage, that’d be something to make fun of her for. What she was dragging in was about as tall as me, had jet black hair, baggy clothes, and was out like a light.

“Found him on your doorstep, you take in little lost kids eh Frodo?” she laughed.

“I’m not lost. “He muttered.

“I think he’s awake.” mom said. Several hours later, he woke up at least to the point that was coherent.

“I came looking for you Frodo ward, surely 9 told you about your companion that’d be coming with you?” he looked at me, then at Hera. I shook my head. “well all contestants get an ally to come with them, I was chosen to be yours, my name is Mal.” he extended his hand. I declined. “Ah, I see, you don’t trust me.” he said.

“It’s not that, I never trust people I’ve newly met.”

“Your wise to do so, for you don’t know if I’m friend or foe. Nevertheless, I’m here to help, I’ll gain your trust eventually.” he grinned from ear to ear.

Soon it was time for us to depart. Mom had a really difficult time saying good-bye. I wished she could come with me, but Elijah said that it couldn’t happen, I was breaking one rule by bringing Hera with me.

“It’s ok mom, I’ll be back, trust me.” I said. I couldn’t help, but tears started to form in the back of my eyes, I could never reassure her if I’d ever return safe and sound. But I was going to give it all I had. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s ok Ms. Ward, I’ll bring Frodo home.” Hera said.

“He’s in good hands then. I’ll miss you buddy, I love you.” she started back into the apartment.

“I love you too mom.” I whispered.

“I’ll make sure he writes to you everyday. He’ll never be out of touch.” Hera said.

“Thank you sweetie. You really are nicer than Frodo says you are.” I rolled my eyes at her. She went back inside and Hera helped me to my feet.

“Hey, are we going or what?” Mal yelled. I turned to Hera.

“You can still walk away.” I said.

“Yeah, but like hell I am.” she smiled. We both walked back to the car and hopped inside.

“Where to sir?” Our driver looked familiar to me, but I looked at his license and it read; ‘Mohinder Suresh, India.’ I shrugged. I checked the GPS, the entire world at my finger tips, and I didn’t know where to go.

“I say a place where we can find another one of these warriors and do some sightseeing at the same time.” Hera said. I turned to Mal, and he agreed. I checked the map, and lucky for us, there was one such place and I had wanted to go there all my life.

“Mohinder, if you’d be so kind, Las Vegas please.” I said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Volume 1 may be over, but the story has only just begun.