Star Cross'd Lovers

Two Households, Both Alike in Dignity


I promise my love one day we shall meet again. But until then I ask for a kiss so that the last thing I remember are your soft lips on mine,” he said to his lover.

The woman instantly met the man’s request and placed a soft kiss onto his lips. The kiss was an innocent one, small peck even if that. Yet it was still powerful, you could still feel the love of coursing from one’s body and entering the others and vice versa. After parting from the kiss they gazed in to the others eyes and saw that they would finally be able to be with one another even if it was going to happen in their afterlife. They ached for each other to the point in which that had competed one of the ultimate sins. And they didn’t regret it one bit.

“Kill the bastards”. “Hang them”. “Let them rot in the pits of hell for their sins” were shouted from those who were passing by at the couple from outside of their holding cell. The star cross’d lovers held each other knowing that their time together soon will be up. They have committed a sin and now had to pay the price. What sin you say? Loving each other when they knew they shouldn’t. They were both married to others, but they didn’t care. The lovers did not want to be with the ones they were wed to but they were forced into their marriages in the first place. If they would have choose in the first place who they were to wed the sin would have never have been committed. But does anyone care for what teenagers want? No and time will never change that.

They needed each other’s love to live. They wanted real love. To fall in love with someone that they could spend the rest of their lives with happily but of course fate had a different situation for them in store. So the lovers took it upon themselves to seek each other’s love when their partners were not around. They would see meet each other at midnight knowing all were asleep at the time. They would meet in a cabin hidden in the woods that the man had built with his bare hands for them to stay. There have been times in which the lovers have tried to run away together but there was always something in their path like an illness or a death which forced them to stay. At one point they were so close that they could taste the freedom but the woman’s father had caught them and forced them to part.

Her father didn’t say a word the authorities for shame that his daughter, his flesh and blood, would commit a sin so vile. He also didn’t want to bring shame to the family and be known as the one that had a whore of a daughter who couldn’t keep her legs shut. His father made his daughter and her lover promise not to see the other or he himself would kill them. The lovers agreed and departed miserably going to where ‘they belonged’. The father did not trust the woman to run off back to the man so he took her to his home and gave her twenty lashes across her back. The lashes should have discouraged the woman from ever seeing the man again in fear that she would get once again but that promise was shortly broken two weeks afterwards due to the desire and want of the other. The woman didn’t care for how many beatings she would receive as long as she had her lover she could do anything.

The lover’s respective partners had suspected that something was going on but did not speak a word. They did not want their families to be looked down upon on. Their partners had come up with a solution to make sure that they wouldn’t be left and that was to have a child. The man’s wife would always try and seduce the man into bed but it would not work. He didn’t want his wife’s child he wanted his lover to bare his children. The woman though wasn’t so lucky. Her husband had forced himself among her whenever he pleased and she could not speak a word against it. So after the sex she would drink from a vial a blue liquid that she had bought from a witch that would prevent pregnancy. Fortunately for her, she would not become pregnant and would never have to kill her child. The thought would cross her mind a couple of times but she knew that if her husband had been successful in making her pregnant that she would just have to accept the child and have to leave her lover to tend to it. Since it was her child no matter whom the father was she would love it the most. The lovers also did not want their partner’s child because of the regret and the guilt that the child was not made out of his or her parent’s love. Their partners tried to make the one they were with stay, by forcing their person to have a child. The only child’s they wanted was the others.

And I shall hold you to it. I love you,” she said.

We will and we shall finally be able to be together and nobody shall say anything against them. I will not let anyone stop us from being together ever again. And remember that you are my love now and always. I love you.”
They shared one final kiss and were brought out to the public at 5:30pm. For the lovers time slowed down almost to the point in which it completely stop. The noise and ruckus that the crowd was making could barely be heard by them. They just kept staring each other in the eyes until the rope was tied around their neck, a prayer was said for their sin, and then the door on the floor beneath them was opened allowing the lovers to fall to their death. They were hung at 6pm on the dot and at the moment they passed the time for the lovers stopped.

They were told that they committed a sin, adultery. To them the only sin they committed was falling in love. Unfortunately for them, that was a sin within itself.
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Hey everyone so I hope that you can tell that I am rewritten this story. I was and am ashamed at what I had posted that I considered a story. I mean this chapter used to be 494 words wow that shouldn't even be considered a chapter. Now this chapter is 1081 words which is much more acceptable.

I hope that you all enjoy the rewrite. Also for those that unsubscribed to this story and He Never Came because of the lack of updates well I'm sorry to say that I have a life outside of Mibba and that I can't update as much as I would love to. This story will be updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until it ends with chapter 15. I am trying but things have been really hard for me recently. I am having some family issues so I hope that you all can bare with me.The only way I can do that is if I prewrite so if you guys would give me a couple of days then I will have enough chapters so that I can update regularly.