Star Cross'd Lovers

In Fair Verona, Where We Lay Our Scene,

“Come on Sam lets go inside The Lovers’ house,” said Racha while pointing to the house that was about 20ft away from us.

I did not want to go into that house. This house apparently is the one where they would meet in the middle of the night to be with each other, since they were married to someone else, without getting caught. Eventually their secret was found out and they were hung. No one has dared to destroy the house. Many say that the spirits haunt and torture who try. It was located in the middle of the woods, which is where we were since we decided to go hiking. Rumor has it that the lovers are trying to find each other. That the lovers are still out there waiting for the right time for them to be able to reunite with each other and finally love each other the way that they want.

Besides that, it didn’t look very stable. I did not want that house crashing on top of me squishing me like a pancake. It also looked very moldy and who knows what could be inside. An animal like a bear could have token residence in there. I’m not messing with a bear and it’s cubs. I don’t feel like dying today thank you very much.

I actually do not mind hiking. It was a chance to get away from technology and relax without the pressure of everyone. There were no disappointments, no deadlines, no meetings, no conference calls, and umm no nothing. The only thing you can find out here is nature and I loved every second of it.

“Come on we will only go inside for five minutes and then leave. I really want to see what’s inside the house. Oh maybe there’s treasure inside,” said Jake Racha’s brother jumping up and down at the mention that there could be any type of prize inside the house. They really are persistent and if I don’t say yes soon they would just end up dragging me inside the house with or against my will.

“Fine lets go but for only five minutes and Jake why would there be any treasure in the house?” I said giving in because one way or another they would have had their way. I really hated this but I had no other choice. I do not like messing with supernatural forces.

They yelled yes and we headed towards the house. Jake purposely ignoring my previous question in hopes of not being let down, since apparently he really thought that there was treasure inside. When we got to the front steps Jake thought it would be funny to knock on the door to see if anyone would come and since it was a deserted house of course no one was going to come. We opened the door and went inside. It barely had anything inside, just the basic necessities in the main room that were needed. There was a couch, a coffee table, a fireplace, a cabinet with some books and a couple of gas lamps. Also a small stool was by a small window. In the room to the right there was a stove, cabinet, counters, a table and a few chairs. There were two doors in the back. One led back outside the other into a room I assume. I opened the door and found myself in a small room. It had a bed, bedside tables, a dresser and a closet. It was simple but beautiful. Next thing I know I was walking over towards the dresser and sat down on the stool. That’s odd I just really wanted to take a look inside not to go into the room. I tried to stand up but I couldn’t. It was like there was some type of force keeping me down. I then saw these pearl earrings on top of the counter. They were beautiful. Again some unknown force made me put the earrings on. As soon as I did I felt some type of energy run throughout my body. I looked into the mirror and my eyes were a soft shade of pink.

I looked down and saw the pocket watch of the man I love. I pick it up looking at the watch frozen at the time 6:00pm; the time in which my lover and I were hung, the time in which our lives were taken away from us, and the time in which our love was forced to stop.

“Soon my love we shall meet again,” I placed a kiss upon the watch. I placed it back down and looked took a few moments to look around the room in which our love was taken to another level. The times that we shared in this cabin were the best moment of my life. I took a final look around the room and walked out the room.

“So Sam did you find anything interesting?” said Racha.

Wait what? Wasn’t I just in a room a couple of minutes ago? How did I end up out here? I felt my head start to hurt and a small headache was starting to form. I really think that I’m losing it.

“Nope now let’s go to the lake,” I said waiting to get out of the house before something strange would happen again.

“Yeah there isn’t much here,” she said disappointed. I knew that she wanted the rumors to be true about the lovers. She wanted to see them to try and to reconnect them.

“Racha it’s just a rumor. Plus there wasn’t any treasure so you’re not the only one that was disappointed. Now let’s go to the lake and you can read your book,” said Jake. She sighed still disappointed but then she walked away with Jake and I following right behind.
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This was 712 words before and now it's 928 so there isn't a huge difference but there will be in the chapters to come.

I also noticed that for some strange reason I used to write Sams not Sam....well that what I read from my Word copy. I lost most of the chapters that I posted because I deleted them believing that I had then on my laptop and I didn't. So I kind of shot myself in the foot there.

Anyways I hope you enjoy :).