Star Cross'd Lovers

From Ancient Grudge Break to New Mutiny,

~One Week Later~

Damn it.

‘Stupid damn eye liner for poking me in the eye,’ I thought after, well, poking myself in the eye with it. Today seem like it was going to be a crappy day. First, I woke up late because somehow my alarm decided to ring an hour after it was supposed to. Second, when I went to go get the mail I forgot about the automatic sprinklers so by the time I got back inside the house I was soaking wet. Third, the heels that I was going to wear today broke after I walked around a bit in them so that I could get a feel for the shoes again. And now, it seems as if I can’t put my makeup on right. I only see the day getting worse from now on…just great.

I wish that I was back in the woods with nature and all the tranquility that surrounded it. I had one of the most relaxing times on that mini vacation and it really did bring my mind into focus. After I came back from the trip all that relaxation that I had required seemed futile because the chaos that I left behind was the same chaos that I was greeted with. The calm state that I was in did though let me handle those situations that were tossed at me smoothly and I know that if I had never had gone away then I would have just created a bigger mess for myself.

Right now I found myself in one of those stressful situations. Well even though it wasn’t usually a stressful task, with the day that I was having was just making everything seem impossible. So as of now I am running around like a flipping idiot getting ready to go out with Nick. I love that man but he could drive me insane at times, like for today for an example. He works for his father’s law firm and today they’re having some fancy dinner party since they just finished signing a new client that will bring the firm a lot of money. Well at least they hope that it does. I saw some of the figures that Nick has on the mountain of papers that he brings home, then gets mad when he can’t find anything or he accuses you of moving it and misplacing it, and saw that the client really could bring the firm a very great deal of money if they cards were played right.

Thinking about Nick reminds me that people till this day want to know how in the world are Nick and I together. He is what many would call dull and plain. He is black and white; he likes to do things by the book, he is one of those people who love to plan everything out, and believes that everything has their place. I agree that there should be some structure but I on the other hand am a creative person. I have my own clothing company and store called Love At Dusk. My collections do not solely focus on one group of people. I want to whoever put my clothes to feel as their own person not as part of a clique. With my clothing I have seen being worn by the preps to the goths which was exactly what I wanted. I admit that I have created clothes that were for one type of group but I always try and balance it out my creating clothes for the others. I live my life outside the box and Nick loves being in the box. Recently I have been noticing what everyone is saying to me and I don’t think Nick and I are going to last any longer. Yes I love him and yes I do believe that opposites attract, for example Nick and I, but lately Nick has been such a burden. I don’t feel like I am in a real relationship with him. I feel as if we’re two roommates sharing a house and not a couple sharing a home.

I finally finished getting dressed and my hair and makeup is just how I like it. I go to the dresser to add some accessories. I open up my jewelry box and in the box I see a pair of beautiful pearl earrings. Strange I don’t remember owning a pair. I guess Nick most have put them in there or maybe I borrowed it from Racha or something. I put them on along with a watch and a necklace. I hear a knock on the door and Nick asking to be let in, in which I said of course.

“Don’t you look stunning,” said Nick walking towards me. As soon as he reached me he gave me a kiss that used to drive me wild but know all I feel is his lips on mine.

“Thanks you’re not that bad looking yourself,” I said turning back towards the mirror to brush a few strands of hair that were just not cooperating.

Nick reached over and pulled my hand away from my hair, “Leave it alone. You look stunning woman and nothing you can do could make you look better then you do this second.”

I smiled and felt a blush creep up my cheeks that have been long gone along with those comments that Nick used to give me at least five times a day.

“Well just want to make sure that I look as close to perfect and presentable as possible.”

Nick grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around, “You are perfect and presentable. Sam you do not have to try so hard and cake on pounds of makeup to make you look amazing, hell even without make up you’re drop dead gorgeous. So how about this, just grab your purse and lets go to the dinner that my father’s firm is hosting. Then I’ll take you wherever you want this weekend.”

A weekend away is something that we haven’t done in a long time because of the amount of work that Nick had to do. Maybe the weekend away would be able to bring that spark that he and I used to have, “Do you promise?”

“Yes I promise.”

“Do you pinky promise?” I asked while holding up my pinky and looking at Nick in the eyes.

He chuckled but interlocked his pinky with mine, “Yes I promise.

“Good, because the last few times that you promised a weekend away for just the two of us you would always cancel. Either it was that you got a new case, more work at the firm or you had to go off with you father to handle business. I don’t like to complain but damn Nick I don’t like to be ignored either. I mean come on we’re basically acting like roommates sharing a house more than a couple, who love and want to be with each other, sharing a home. I love you Nick I do but we need to work on this relationship or I see it ending soon and that is something that I don’t want,” I said letting almost everything out that I had inside of me. I just hoped that all that I said got through to Nick and that he would be more a part and active in this relationship.

Nick placed a soft kiss upon my lips and I felt a bit of that old spark that we used to have. He also wiped away a tear that had gone unnoticed by me, “I’m sorry for hurting you like that. I didn’t know that this is what our relationship has gone to. I promise that I will make everything up to you. I will take less case work so that I can make more time for our relationship. But I am telling you now that the work that I have acquired now I just can’t give up so please give me a few weeks to clear that up. Ok? Can you just give me that please? I hate to see this relationship go down the drain.” Then you should have thought of that fucking before asshole.

I shook my head and smiled at him, “Ok I will give you some time. I’m serious though Nick if things don’t change then I’m leaving. I hate the fact that it just seems like I’m the only one putting effort into this relationship.”

“Alright fair enough, I will see what I can do,” he said giving me one finally kiss before leaving my room to probably start up the car.

That respond wasn’t good enough for me. If he doesn’t fix things soon then I’ll be out the door faster than he takes on cases that his father throws at him.

I grabbed my purse and followed Nick out the house and to his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys sorry for not uploading yesterday. I had no internet access so that meant no update. I hope that you all are enjoying my rewrite.

Please also check out my other story He Never Came I had just updated it. It’s been over a month but that was because of finals and papers that I had to write. I’m on vacation so I will have more time to write and update my stories.

Also I’m sure that some of you may know of Shadows Harlot and I’m wondering if any of you out there have heard anything from her. She said that she was done with this site because of the immaturity that this site has, which I agree that it does, but I wished that she hadn’t have left. I loved her stories so I’m hoping that someone knew of where she went to go post on instead. Please let me know if you where she will be posting because I really want to keep on reading her stories.

So yeah I hoped that enjoyed. Thanks for reading, subscribing and commenting.