Star Cross'd Lovers

Where Civil Blood Makes Civil Hands Unclean.

Two Days earlier

~Brian’s Point Of View~

After a couple of days of getting our heads and minds prepared to head into the studio we finally were going to leave the small cabin that we rented out in the woods. It was a relaxing time and I was able to get away from not only the writer’s block but from my fiancé. I love the woman but she was driving me insane with from all of the wedding details. I told her what I wanted but it didn’t matter. She always asked for my opinion but she never takes it. This wedding is manly about her day when it should be our day.

I know many women have been planning their dream wedding since the day they were born, Rachel was no exception, but it wasn’t just about the bride. It was about the joining of two people in holy matrimony so that could be and love each other for the rest of their lives. Recently though, I have been having second thoughts about the wedding. The wedding was about five months away and with us recording the album right now and a tour following shortly after, I didn’t think it was the best time for a wedding. But did Rachel see it that way…hell no. When I purposed the thought to her that we pushed the wedding a couple of months back and she almost murdered me. She screamed, cried, and through a tantrum that could rival any four year old who didn’t get their way. With the tantrum she threw it made me wonder, would I really be able to handle that for the rest of my life? Could I really handle her kicking and screaming when she couldn’t have it her way? I had some serious thinking to do. One thing that I was 100% percent sure was that I do not want to have to swallow down my thoughts and opinions because the supposed love of my life couldn’t get what she wanted or what she thought she deserve she did not receive.

“Hey look there’s a cabin lets go in,” said Jimmy while then taking off running towards the house before even asking if we were all game. That was just like him. He would go and do something, getting himself in trouble, and the guys and I would have to bail him out of the trouble that we found himself in.

“Let’s go and make sure he doesn’t set the cabin on fire and burn it down. I really don’t feel like paying for it,” said Matt. We all laughed but inside we were anxious because what if he did set the house on fire? We walked; more like ran after Jimmy, into the house to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid. We made it into the house well I guess no one lived here because it was dusty and looked extremely run down. I found myself walking towards a small room in the back of the small cabin. I walked towards the dresser and saw an old looking watch. Something told me to put it on and when I did my eyes then turned a soft shade of purple. I looked down to the watch and saw it frozen at the time 6:00 pm, the time in which my lover and I were hung, the time in which our lives were taken away from us and the time in which our love was forced to stop. I placed the pocket watch inside my the pocket of my jeans.

“Soon my love we shall meet again,” I said. I opened a small drawer from the dresser and pulled out a small bag. Inside the bag was a simple pearl necklace. I placed a kiss onto my beloved’s necklace and putting afterwards inside the pocket that the watch was inside of. I backed away from the dresser and sat of the small bed. Memories of the love that was shared on this bed between my lover and I ran through my head. The best ones were which we would just lay in bed in each other’s arms while stealing kisses every now and then. I stood up from the bed and walked out of the room.

“Well there isn’t anything here. It’s all dirty and moldy. What a fucking waste of time? Come on short shit let’s go,” said Jimmy while picking Johnny up and then running out of the house.

My head started to hurt and the room started to spin. Wasn’t I just in the other room a few minutes ago? So how did I end up out here with the guys? I grabbed my head between my hands hoping that, that would be able to stop the dizziness.

“Brian are you alright?” asked Zacky after noticing that I wasn’t alright.

I started to nod my head but I soon found out afterwards that it just increased the pain even more to the point in which I thought that my head was going to explode.

“Yeah I’m fine,” I said even though I really wasn’t. I didn’t want them to worry too much because if they did they would want me, no force me, to go and to the hospital which would cut down studio time. I had some great ideas for tracks that I wanted to lay down and I wanted to work on them as soon as we got back.

“Alright,” he said but clearly not believing a word I said.

So to take the situation away from me I yelled and regretting it shortly after, “Well Jimmy it was your fucking idea to come in here in the first place. So don’t be mad that there isn’t shit here. I mean come on it looked run down. What could have you possible be looking for you dumbass?” We all laughed.

"But I agree we should go and maybe go to the bar or something," said Zacky.

Matt smirked, “Does going there have to do with a certain girl that you met there."

"No," said Zacky a little too fast looking down and blushing.

"Aww look Zacky is blushing," said Nikki Matt's girlfriend while pinching Zacky's cheek. He swatted her hands away.

"Watch it Baker. Don't be touching my woman," Matt said pulling his girl back in.

"Your woman? I'm my own damn person Matthew," She said she said with a smirk moving away from him.

Then went back and forth arguing we all knew that wouldn’t last long. I turned to Zacky and heard him sigh.

"You got it bad don't you?" I asked.

"Yes she is just so beautiful."

"Do you even know her name?"

"Yes her name is Desiree Perkins and she’s amazing. She sweet, funny, caring, down to earth and doesn’t take shit from anybody why do you think my lines didn’t work. She's just not that type of girl which I like. So I think I blew it," He sighed once again.

"Well you never know. Just let her see the real you. Apologize and talk to her. Try to be her friend and get to know her a little bit then try again."

"I guess you’re right. I will just have to try again but I don’t know when I will be able to see her again. I just saw her one time at that bar.

"Then I'll help you look for her dude."


"Really I mean it. What are friends for."

"Thanks man" we shook hands and he went back to the car.

I wonder what happened to Matt and Nikki. I turn and see that Matt has her pinned to the wall basically about to fuck right then and there. I coughed and they pulled away.

"Fucking cockblocker" Matt says getting mad his fun was stopped. Nikki though whispers into his ear and Matt says

“Come on let’s get the fuck out of here,” said Matt while picking Nikki up and putting her over his shoulderwalking running to the car.

Knowing Nikki she probably told him something about sex which got Matt wanting to leave.

Although, I still had this weird feeling inside that would just not leaving me alone. The strange sensation from earlier still felt as if it were running through my veins leaving me restless and twitching every once in a while. I tried to hide it but sometimes the guys were able to see it and would raise their eyebrows in question in which I would shake my head to tell them it was nothing. They knew that I wouldn’t say anything more on the topic and soon left me alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter used to have about 300 words and now about is all I can say.

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