Star Cross'd Lovers

From Forth The Fatal Loins of Those Two Foe

~Brian's Point Of View~

“Why the hell are we going to this event again babe?” asked Courtney my girlfriend of two years as she added some finishing touches to her make up. Lately I have been noticing all these quirks about Courtney that I never notice before and I wondered why? I noticed how see would align everything in her bathroom and if I touched anything on her side she would blow a fuse. If I leave a few of my clothes laying around the room because I was too exhausted to put it in the hamper after a long night she would scream like a banshee.

It also seemed as if she didn’t wear any make up that she wasn’t as beautiful as she was with it. She was no is no was umm her looks are alright I guess? If I were to be asked how gorgeous I thought that she appeared a few weeks back I would say that she was the best looking female on the planet with her baby blues and long blonde hair. Now she just seemed and looked like anyone else. I don’t think that I would be able to spot her in a sea of people. I used to think so before but that was before she moved in with me.

It is true what they say, that no matter how much you think that you know a person if you have never lived with them then you don’t know who they truly are. No words have been spoken so truthfully about Courtney. I used to love fantasying about waking up to her for the rest of my life…and now I don’t think that I could handle it.

“Because we were invited by our record company, they have a new law firm doing something…um you want to know what, all I know is that there is food and that there is going to be an open bar,” I smiled giving her a kiss.

“Oh gosh my boyfriend’s an alcoholic,” she joked. Hey I think part of her old personality was coming back, finally. For the past few weeks she seems like a bitch that was on her rag for those weeks 24/7. I was just glad that she was joking and not picking a fight.

“You got that right baby and you love me for it,” I said with a smile.

“Yeah I just wished that you weren’t such an idiot when you drink.”

And the bitch is back.

I scoffed, “Come on Courtney you make it seem as if I always doing something stupid when I drink.

She rolled her eyes, “Well that’s exactly what it seems to me as what you are doing.”

“Why do you always have to do this huh?”

“Do what exactly?”

I threw my head back, while my hands covered my face, “You always pick a fight with me. Why is that? Do you like seeing me mad? Do you like to see me get frustrated? Why is that every single thing that I do you seem to have a problem with?”

“I don’t do things to you on purpose.”

I screamed, “Well it seems like it.”

She looked taken back, I never really screamed at her before, “Well sorry for trying to help you out.”

“Helping me out? It’s like you’re picking at all my flaws and trying to change me into the perfect person. Sorry to break your bubble sweetie but nobody is perfect and hearing you basically say that you’re trying to make me so just seems ridiculous.”

“I am not trying to make you perfect. I am just trying to help you with your manners,” she said stomping her feet. She really needs to grow up if she thinks that I’m going to let her win this argument.

“Manners I understand but damn it woman that is not what you are trying to do. You are trying to completely change me as a person. How in the world does the way that I dress, the way I do my hair and the cologne that I where have to do with manners?”

“Well you have to look a certain way to certain events.”

“Oh you mean like when I was doing a radio interview and you kept pushing that I wear a button down and to sleek my hair back. News flash I’m not Vengeance that’s some shit that he would do. I will admit that I wear button downs from time to time but not when it is forced upon me the why that you do. Is there something that you want to tell me? Do you wish that I was more like Zacky or something? Guess what it isn’t going to happen. I love the way that I am and you are not going to stop me from being this way. Yes I do like to party, I do drink, I smoke and I do like to have fun with my friends from time to time but I don’t take it overboard. You should be glad that I don’t get wasted and then go around fucking other women behind your back. I am not that type of person and if that is what you think of me as then please tell me why I even bother with this relationship. Tell me why I shouldn’t just kick you out of my house right here, right now? Huh, please do tell because right now that seems like a very good option.”

She stared at me with watering eyes and said, “Because I love you and I didn’t realize what I was doing. I swear I didn’t mean to push you towards this direction. I don’t what you to hate me because I tried to change things about you. But you should have told me if what I was saying and doing really bothered you and I would have stopped.”

“No, you wouldn’t because I have told you before and you ignored me. You are just saying that now because you’re regretting what you did.”

“So you admit that you know that I regret what I did.” Gosh this woman is going to drive me insane.

“Yes,” I sighed, “You know what let’s leave this conversation for another time and just go out to enjoy ourselves with a few friends. So, how about you fix the mascara that is running down your face?”, along with the pounds of glop that you put on with it.

She gave me a weak smile and turned to fix her face.

“Come on I know you want to see my idiotic drunk ass,” I said hoping to ease some of the tension that was still in the air

She giggled, “Unfortunately I do. I finished so I’m going to wait for you in the car,” she said walking out the door to the car.

“Ok” I went back towards the room to finish getting ready. I walked to the dresser and saw a watch. Strange I don’t remember buying this. But I do think it was a gift from Courtney so I’m not going to say anything because I know she will get mad if I don’t remember and at the moment I don’t need more of her screaming.

I grabbed it and walked out the door to the car. Once in I made our way towards the restaurant where the dinner was being held.
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Used to have 175 words (that's a paragraph how in the world did I allow that to be an update?) now it's around 1234 words.

Yeah sorry for the wait. I'm on vacation so I have limited internet access.

Thanks to those who have commented I have no idea if I commented thanking those because I've been out of it for the last couple of weeks.

I hope that you enjoy :)