Shared Dreams

Entry for the random words competition.

Let me know what you think!

I don't own "Bones".

My random words were:

1. either of two broad-snouted crocodilians of the genus Alligator, of the southeastern U.S. and eastern China.
2. (loosely) any broad-snouted crocodilian, as a caiman.

1. keenly distressing to the feelings: poignant regret.
2. keen or strong in mental appeal: a subject of poignant interest.
3. affecting or moving the emotions: a poignant scene.
4. pungent to the smell: poignant cooking odors.

1. to imitate or copy in action, speech, etc., often playfully or derisively.
2. to imitate in a servile or unthinking way; ape.
3. to be an imitation of; simulate; resemble closely.

1. of the nature of a habit; fixed by or resulting from habit: habitual courtesy.
2. being such by habit: a habitual gossip.
3. commonly used, followed, observed, etc., as by a particular person; customary: She took her habitual place at the table.

1. the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; lees; dregs.
2. Geology. mineral or organic matter deposited by water, air, or ice.
  1. Shared Dreams
    Word count: 977