
They Found You On The Bathroom Floor.

[A/N I couldn't bring myself to write the scene I didn't finish at the end of the last chapter. I'm sorry but I just couldn't, I hope this is still okay. And don't worry, it gets happier soon, this story is not all doom and gloom for these poor kids. Comments are much appreciated.]


"Robbie, please help me, please," came Josh's weak voice from the bathroom. I was slumped against the back of the door feeling sick to my stomach with what I had just heard.

"I'll get you out bro," I promised once again, getting shakily to my feet and trying to find a way to get the door open.

"NO!! PLEASE!!" Screamed Josh again. Whatever Darren did, he's about to do again. No fucking way is he doing that to my brother again.

I lashed out at the door, scrabbling at it then pounding on it. It was locked from the inside with the little deadlock that had always been on there. I kicked it as hard as I could and it rattled.

Spurred on by my tiny amount of progress, I struck at the door again and again until eventually, it swung open on its hinges and smashed into the wall behind it.

"You!" Spat Darren. turning away from Josh's crumpled and half naked body to face me.

"Yeah, me. You fucking touch my brother again and I'll beat the shit out of you," I threatened.

Josh was slumped against one wall, bleeding badly from his head, his shirt was gone and he had nail marks on his chest, some were bleeding. His jeans looked as though they had been pulled back on clumsily in a rush, the button was undone and the zipper down, exposing his black boxers. I have a pretty good idea what I had heard...

"YOU SICK FUCK!" I screamed, laughing myself at him. I hit him twice in the head and kneed him in the crotch before I hit the floor with a loud thump. I was winded but I dragged myself to my feet again, going back for more.

His hand found its way to the front of my shirt and grabbed on tight, I kicked, punched, elbowed and kneed any part of Darren that came within range.

I glanced back at where Josh had lain, he was gone. A fist connecting with the side of my face, hard, brought me back to my senses.

I cried out as he punched me in the stomach. He smirked and lowered his moth to my ear, pinning me to the wall.

"You scream just like your brother," he whispered. I gulped and felt a strong urge to empty my stomach. He was sick, completely and totally fucked up in the head. He pushed the front of my head violently and the back of my head smashed into the wall. There was a sickening crack as my skull made contact with the hard plasterboard.

"You let me go," I half pleaded half sobbed, blinded by the pain in my head as his hand found the front of my jeans.

"I'll tell my Dad what you did, you'll go to jail, I'll tell everyone," I stammered as his hand skillfully got my button and zipper out of the way. His other hand was holding both of my arms away, they were completely useless to help me.

I closed my eyes as he pressed his whole body to mine, I had the wall against my back and this suck fuck against my front. Completely trapped.

There was a huge clanging noise and a loud thump. I fell to the ground as Darren's grip on me broke. I wrenched my eyes open to see Cassie stood next to Josh, a heavy looking saucepan in his hands and an unconscious Darren at his feet. Josh swayed and then dropped the saucepan right on Darren's head, unintentionally I think and he then fell to his knees.

"Josh!" I cried, trying to scramble to reach him but finding myself hardly able to move.

He fell flat onto his front on the floor, his eyes open in a blank stare and looking right at me.

"JOSH!" Screamed Cassie, turning him over so he was laying on his back, tears flooding down her cheeks.

"Come on bro wake up," I muttered, my voice gone, I couldn't find it, I didn't have the strength to speak. I managed to crawl to Josh's side and grab one of his hands, it was trembling.

"Cassie, go and get me the phone," I whimpered, my mind was going blank.

She got to her feet and sprinted from the room.

"Shit Josh what did he do to you," I mumbled, looking at him properly as if for the first time. His eyes were closed now, he had blood trickling down his forehead and from his nose. His lips was split and that too was oozing fresh blood, he was covered in cuts and angry red marks that would become bruises in the not too distant future.

A phone was pushed into my hands but I seemed not to know what to do with it. I was too focussed on Josh's battered and broken form.

"Robbie I'm scared, make it better," whimpered Cassie. I snapped out of it. I still have to take care of her. I tore my eyes away from Josh and looked up at her stood over me. She was unharmed but shaking with fear and her blue eyes were wide with terror. I reached up for her hand and took it, my own hand bleeding from my knuckles where I had torn them all punching Darren's face in as best I could.

She held my hand tightly and dropped to her knees on the floor beside me, my other hand was already dialing a number on the phone. The number I had been given a few days ago. The only number I had of somebody who could get me help. I had read it off my arm so many times I knew it by heart. She picked up after four and a half rings.


"Taylor, it's Robbie, I need your help, please," I broke down but forced myself to keep my voice steady, tears flowing freely down my face.

"Oh my god! Whats wrong? Robbie are you alright?" She sounded genuinely worried so I carried on.

"No. Taylor do this for me, go to this house and knock on the door, tell them you know me and we're in trouble."

"What house? I'll go there right away."

"Taylor it's not a normal house."

"Who lives there?"

"My Chem.. chemical Romance, p-please, just find my D-dad, t-tell him I n-need him here," my voice cracked and I broke a little more inside.

"You want me to knock on a house where my chem apparently live and ask for your dad. Robbie in all seriousness is this a joke?"

"No, no, please, believe me. Here's the address, don't freak out when you m-meet them th-they're nice g-guys."

I gave her the address and she paused.

"Is Bob your dad?" she asked, her voice very quiet but now very serious, almost sad.

"Yes, please Taylor, go, I'm gonna pass out, just go," I begged, my voice fading further and the room spinning before my eyes.

"Robbie, I'm out my door now, keep talking to me, the house is one block away from me, I'll be there in less then two minutes."

"Uh... My fucking head," I groaned.

"What do you want me to say Robbie I'm at the door, there's police here, " she said, very, very out of breath.

"P-pass the phone over t-to whoever answers the d-door," I managed out.

"Alright, here goes," I heard her speak quickly and then another voice, a male voice. Mikey was on the line the next thing I knew.

"Robbie?" he asked.

"I- I- I-," I stammered, sinking completely onto the floor, consumed by the agony pouring through my body coming from the back of my head where it had struck the wall.

Cassie snatched the phone from me and everything went black.


"Help!" cried Cassie's voice down the phone.

"Cassie! Tell me whats going on sweetie, leave the room and calm down, tell me what happened," I tried to keep calm, no good, I panicked.

"BOB!" I yelled and I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen where he was still talking to the two police officers.

"Mikes what is it I'm kinda busy right now and who's that?" he asked, beckoning to the girl stood at the door. She was very pretty, big brown eyes and bright purple hair and was dressed in skinny black jeans with one of our first ever merch hoodies on over a t shirt.

"I'm T-taylor," she stammered.

"Mikey Josh's heads bleeded," sobbed Cassie.

"Fuck," I passed the phone to Bob and his eyes widened when he realized it was Cassie.

"How'd you get in touch with them kid?" I asked the Taylor girl.

"R-robbie called me. He said they're in t-trouble, he sounded like he was g-gonna pass out," she stammered, not looking at me.

"I understand your a fan but this is important. Obviously Robbie told you he's Bob's child?" She nodded.

"Cassie? Cassie are you there?" I heard Bob frantically asking down the phone.

"Whats the address?" he asked, grabbing anything that would write off the sideboard and scrawling something hurriedly on his arm.

"I'll be right there. Lock yourself in somewhere. If he wakes up don't come out. Bye sweetie," he shut the phone and handed it to Taylor. His hands were now shaking as much as hers and he looked very pale.

"We have to get there right now, they're in some kind of trouble and she wasn't making any sense," said Bob, shoving on his shoes and rushing back into the kitchen. The next thing I knew, Bob, Taylor and I were being bundled into the back of the police officers car and we were hurtling down the highway with the sirens blaring.

The officers used their radio to call ahead and send an ambulance and backup officers to the address Cassie had given Bob over the phone.

The journey was silent except for Taylor's occasional sniffle and the sound of the sirens outside the car.

"It's OK," I said softly to her, putting my hand on her arm in what I hoped was a comforting way.

"No. It's not. I should have come straight to find the house and not messed around on the phone to Robbie. If I had come quicker maybe he would have been able to speak to you," she wailed, breaking down into full tears.

"Hey! Don't cry, I'm sure he'll be fine, really I am," I said, looking over her shoulder to Bob who was staring intently out of the window as the world rushed past outside.

We reached the address and all piled out of the car. One of the police officers waited in the car with Taylor to comfort her, she was now completely distraught and I couldn't really understand why.

Bob sprinted for the open front door of the house, I followed as fast as I could, trailing badly behind.

"Sir, I'm sorry, you can't go past the tape," said one police officer stood by the door of the house which was closed off with yellow police tape.

"These kids here, I'm their dad, I have to find if they're OK," said Bob distraughtly. He wasn't crying but he sounded damn near it.

"Maybe you'd bets come with me," said the officer kindly, leading Bob away from the house.

There was nobody looking so I ducked under the police tape and entered the house, I could hear activity upstairs so I went up. The house was tiny and in a real mess, it was practically a squat more then a home.

"Alright after three we'll move him," came a female voice from a room at the end of the hall. I craned my neck so I could see better.

Shit. The twins were both on the ground, unmoving and one of them missing a shirt, both of them surrounded by frantic-sounding paramedics. Fuck that can't be good. I felt sick with worry for them, and Bob. I looked again and couldn't see her anywhere in the tiny room which appeared to be a bathroom. Where in the hell is Cassie?