


Taylor wasn't pleased when I told her I had to leave. She begged, got angry, even looked as if she was going to cry before she let me go.

"I'll call you when I get there," I promised as I climbed back out of her window.

"Be careful Robbie! Promise me you'll be careful?"

"I promise," I said, slipping off the trellis and away into the night.

Within twenty minutes I had found the bus station. I glanced around quickly, making sure that neither Dad, my brother or anyone else was waiting around for me before crossing the large paved area and approaching a sign.

I would have to change coaches, four times. I sighed.

Better check the train station.

Another ten minuted went by and I was at the train station and trying to make sense of one of the electronic boards. It was very early in the morning by now and the sun was just beginning to rise.

"You alright there young man?" asked a kindly looking employee.

"I need a train to Chicago, please," I said, politely as I could.

"No passenger trains for a couple of hours yet I'm afraid."

I sighed and looked down at the floor. Now what?

"I tell you what, jump on board the next cargo train that runs through here, thats headed for Chicago," he said, checking his list of trains passing through the station.

"You sure?" I asked.


"Thank you," I said with a smile and walked off in the direction of the platform.

Within minutes I could see the train approaching. It was a very old fashioned train, with compartments with wooden sliding doors. I awaited an open one and closed my eyes.

One. Two. Three.

I jumped. My shins crashing into the bottom rail of the sliding door. It didn't matter. I was on my way.

"I'm on my way Mom," I whispered to myself, touching the gold chain around my neck lightly.

I slid the carriage door closed as the train cleared the station and began to pick up speed.


"Robbie!" I yelled from the cars sunroof again. My voice was almost completely gone but I didn't care. I needed to find my son.

"Stop here Ray! I'll go in and check if they've seen him," I said, dropping back into the car seat and opening the door before Ray had even pulled over.

"A fancy-pants boarding school? Do you really think he'd hide out here?"

"We've checked near enough the whole damn city, if he's not here I don't have a clue where he is!"

I jumped out of the car and hit the sidewalk running. I sprinted to the front doors of the school and burst through them. The receptionist sat behind her desk let out a small scream.

"Am I - really that - scary?" I panted, crossing the room to speak to her.

"No, you just made me jump. Can I help you sir?"

"I'm looking for my son, he went missing and I've tried everywhere."

"I'll call the headmistress, she can ask some of the pupils and get back to you if she hears anything." She dialed a number on the phone beside her desk and spoke quickly.

"Hi Abbie, could you come to the front desk please?"

"Thank you." She put the phone down with a click.

"She'll be right with you," she said with a smile. I smiled and thanked the helpful receptionist.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" came a voice from behind me. A voice with a very attractive British accent.

I turned around and felt my mouth drop open. I quickly shut it and tried to speak.

"I'm... looking for my son," I managed to blurt out.

"Do you have any idea at all where he may be? Or might be heading?"

I shook my head.

"I have a friend who may be able to help," she said and turned on her heel, walking swiftly back to her office.

"Thanks very much!" I called to the receptionist before leaving in a hurry.

I need to find Robbie and I need to find him now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, I know its been ages, and I know this is short, but I posted this just to see if there is still any interest in me continuing with this story. Please leave a comment if you think I should, if not, don't comment. Big thanks to the 47 people who stayed subscribed all this time, let me know if you're still interested in reading this story.