Status: It gets worked on here and there

Bromance to the Extreme

Three boys, brothers. Two sisters, twins. All five beive in love at first sight, all five’s lives revolve around there families and there music. All five know of each other, however, all five have never met. The twins are the exact type of all three brothers. Two of the brothers are the exact type of the twins. What wouls happen if the five were to meet? Would they know instantly that they were in love, would there be total drama? Perhaps it’s a good thing the five have not met to this point.
The brothers lead a single life of glamor, money, and fame. With the help of there family they stay grounded to the earth. The twins live a dubble life wanting to escape the world of money gosip, secrets, and fame. The twins use the dubble life to help keep them grounded, even thow they are forsed into it in both lives what with there father being the CEO of all of Pepsi and there mother being a famous international music producer.
Our story begins simply speaking, at a concert.