Status: It gets worked on here and there

Bromance to the Extreme

Unexpected Things are Happening

3rd POV
The rest of the tour passed in a haze of dreary days and sad concerts, each another remembrance to Miley. Harmony and Melody said goodbye to their Pit and cried softly as it left them to fly back to Ireland to await them at the castle. The girls continued to write music as the tour ended and they flew back to wait at home until the States had calmed down and the magazines stopped blaming them for Miley’s death because of the Pit.

Del’s POV
I looked out the window on Ery’s left side and flung my arms out in joy as I saw the sweeping emerald hills of our home country. When I flung my arms out I poked Ery in the eye causing her to wake up and smack me smartly about the face rubbing her sore eye with her other hand.
“Sorry, Ery, I didn’t mean to, but guess what?”
“What?!” She spat angrily, she never slept well on airplanes.
“Look out the window, smart one.” I told smart assily. She turned in her seat, looked out the window and gasped smiling hugely.
“I’m home.” She whispered softly as she gazed out the window contentedly the first eye reaching smile I’ve seen on her face in three months plastered on her face. I just smiled at her happiness. She had taken stupid’s death really hard just because she always feels guilty about anything that could have involved her even if it didn’t or she couldn’t have done anything about it.

Erin’s POV
I’m home. I’m really finally home. One more show in Dublin to wrap up the tour, and we’re done.[i/]
“Uh, Erin, you there?” Del asked, staring out the window at the Irish capital across me.
“Yeah. Just thinking about the one last show before we’re free for a while.”
“I know. What are we doing for vacation? Agape Mou?”
“Yes. And we need to get the guys there at some time.”
“But say, around American Thanksgiving? That’s always a gorgeous time to be there.”
“True true. And what about Teanga An Anam?”
“Definitely. We have things to write. Music for the song I wrote on the plane, for instance.”
“What’s it about, Del?”
“All the crap we’ve been getting about the Miley thing. You know what everyone’s been saying.”
“Ok. What’s it called?”
“Sticks and Stones. I’ll show you when we’re in the car to the studio to go see mom.”
“K. Hey, we’re at the gate. Let’s go.”

Delaney’s POV ~ at the studio
“MA’THEIR!” I screamed, running into our mother’s studio, and then seeing The Script in the booth working on a song.
“Del! Erin!” Our mom spun around in her chair and jumped up, embracing us in a hug.
“Ma’their, I missed you!” Erin screamed.
“I missed you too, honey. But we really need to be quiet.” Mom pointed through the soundproof glass window at the group of guys sitting in a circle in the booth. She pushed the button by the mic and spoke into it. “Hey, guys, you can take a break now, my daughters just got here. Come out and meet them.” The guys from The Script looked at us and smiled, standing up and walking through the door.
“Hi, I’m Delaney, but you can call me Del.” I smiled and shook their hands.
“I’m Erin, but some people call me Ery.” Erin said hugging them instead of shaking their hands. I guess they really were one of her four favorite bands.
“So where have you two been?” Mark asked. “Your mum told us you were State side, where at over there?”
“All over, we did a tour of America type thing.” I answered.
“AH, so what was your favorite place?” Glen wanted to know.
“St. Louis is always our favorite, when we’re there we get to go and see big brother Al.” Erin answered. The guys all laughed.
“You two should come to our concert in Dublin in three days. We’re performing with Harmony and Melody.” Danny said with a warm smile.
“Yah and we would really like to do a collaboration song with them when they get back here from their American tour.” We both looked at each other and then looked down a little and said no.
“I think a collaboration song with them could be arranged. I’ll give them a call and see what they want to do.” Mom cut in with a smiled. She looked straight at the two of us I smiled a yes and out of the corner of my eye I saw Ery shaking with excitement.
“I have a better idea.” I said looking at mom. “How about instead of both of them doing the song how about just Melody, I here that she is a HUGE fan. It would be so cool for her to do a song with her absolute favorite band in Ireland.” I saw Ery’s eyes go wide and a big smile spread across her face.
“Yah but wouldn’t her sister be jealous?” she asked with a very pointed look at me.
“Probably not, her sister might think it’s really cool that her twin gets to do a song with her favorite band.” I stated simply.
“Del, that is a great idea if everyone agrees.” Mom looked at the guys and they all nodded.
“Yah, that would be cool.” Danny spoke for all of them.
“Well then, I’ll call them in the morning. They should be back by then and you are already doing the concert with them in three days so we could get it done and recorded by then and premier it there. That is if they want to.” Everyone nodded saying that this was a great idea. “Now, girls, I’m sure you’re both tired so why don’t you go home and take a nap or go swimming in the river or something but definitely get some rest. No horseback riding today and don’t forget that we have company coming over tomorrow. They will be here for about a month so it will be over your birthday as well.” We nodded in the affirmative and smiled.
“Who is coming, Ma’their?
“It’s a surprise, but they have four sons so hide anything you don’t want seen. All I’m telling you is it’s a friend from college and her family.” We nodded and hugged the guys and mom one last time before leaving.
“Who do you think it is?” I asked my sister as we climbed into the car.
“I don’t know but I’m definitely hiding my wigs and costumes, can you pass me a Guiness please, Del.”
“”I think mom forgot when our birthday is because if they are only going to be here for a month then they will miss our December 13th birthday, it’s only September. By the way no, we aren’t 18 yet and mom didn’t give us permission.”
“Yah, she did, look.” Erin pulled a slip of paper out of her bag and showed it to me. On it was a written conversation between mom and her. One of the things she asked mom was if we could drink and mom said yes as long as we don’t get drunk. Another was her telling mom she would love to do the song with The Script. I smiled and pulled two bottles of Guiness out of the fridge. I handed one to her and opened the other taking a drink.
“Gotta love being Irish.” I sighed and leaned back into my seat.
“Here’s to that.”Ery added.

The Next morning Erin’s POV
I rolled over as something hit my face. “Go away, Del.” I grumbled and pulled my blue and black tie dye comforter up over my head.
“I’m not Del.” A deep voice laughed.
“ATHAIR!! I MISSED YOU!” I screamed as I jumped out of bed and tackled my dad in a tight hug.
“Funny, my little Nightingale, my little Sparrow said the same thing.” I smiled up at him giggling at the nick names he had called us since we were babies. When we were being talked about as a pair he called us his song birds. “Now come down stairs and join us for breakfast once you’re dressed.” I nodded and bounced over to my bathroom to shower quickly. Once done with that I styled my curls and left them wet pulling on jeans, a bright green tank top, and matching green high top converse so that I could go riding later. I took out my makeup and quickly put on my brown eyeliner and gold eye shadow. After that was done I slipped on my Yin necklace and rushed down stairs to eat with my family.
“MORNING, EVERYONE!” I called as I sat down next to Del across from mom.
“Morning, sweetheart.” Mom replied with a smile.
“Good morning, my Nightingale.” Dad said smiling broadly.
“Morning, Ery, we’re going riding today I take it?” I smiled and nodded and looked at her jeans, hot pink tank and zebra striped converse high tops. We laughed and began eating our oatmeal while we waited for our bacon, black pudding, mushrooms, and eggs. After breakfast Del and I ran out to the stables and straight to our respective horse. Demon was happy to see me. I smiled and clipped his lead rope onto his halter so I could tie him up in the aisle and groom and saddle him. Once he was saddled I mounted and road out onto the grounds to warm up while I we waited on Del and Angel. Once they joined us we took off and trotted around the grounds to warm up then turned onto the trail and galloped.
Around noon we galloped back out of the woods and saw a family of six standing in the driveway talking to mom and dad.
“Are you going to do what I think you’re going to do?” Del asked warningly.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I smiled evilly and took off as fast as Demon could go, that’s REALLY REALLY fast, towards the people standing with mom and dad. They didn’t notice me until it was too late and Demon and I were jumping over their heads.
“ERIN CONNOR AISLINN FITZGERALD! What were you thinking?”
“Ma’their, you know that I can clear jumps of over 198.12 centimeters on Demon.”
“I know that but you didn’t have to do that with people who don’t know that.”
“Buartha Ma’their.Maith mise?”
“Ceart go leor.”
“I told her not to do it Ma’their.” Del said finally reaching us all.
“No you asked if I was going to do what you thought I was going to do and I told you I had no idea what you were talking about.” I answered smugly.
“No I knew that that was exactly what you were going to do and so do you.”
“Delaney chill out ok, Ma’their already forgave me.” I said with a smile.
“Ma’their!? Why, she does this every time we have company. She’s a menace!”
“DEL!?” I yelled offended.
“DELANEY TEGAN AIDEN!” Mom yelled at her as I slid of Demon and ran to the house as I saw Sionn pull up in his truck.
“SIONN! I MISSED YOU!! I yelled as I jumped into his arms for a tight hug.
“I missed you too, Gealach.” I smiled and hugged him as we walked back over to the family and my family. I noticed as soon as I was facing them and not having my back turned on then that it was the Jonas family.
“OH MY GOSH, DEL, I NEED TO TALK WITH YOU IN PRIVATE, LIKE, NOW!” I said franticly as I jumped into Demon’s saddle and galloped off into the woods again, her following closely on Angel.
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I am so sorry that it took so long to get this chapter done and up. My sister Rie that I wright this with hasn't worked on it with out me hovering over her shoulder makeing her do it. Being a state appart that makes it really hard to do. I finally got sick of it and told her I was just going to do it by my self untill she decided to help me again.