Status: Inactive

I Never Got The Chance To Even Tell Him…

Surprise, Surprise!

Leighton's POV:

After Blair left I packed up my shit and went straight to Eric's after checking out of the hotel early. I was just trying to put the past away and start a new part of my life, a new life, a new Leighton. A Leighton that will have a new best friend, won't give a shit what she does, and will be herself all the time and won't hold back. I hopped into the car and headed down the street that had become familiar to me the past couple of days. I left my stuff in the car and walked up to the door, before I could even get a chance to knock he opened the door and greeted me with a kiss, which I gladly accepted.

"Hey there. Do you mind if you have a new roomie?"

"Depends on who?"

"Hmm, how about a girl named Leighton Kelly?" I say actually
pretending to think about it.

"Oh boy, I don't know if I could handle her, she is quite the wild thing." He said sarcastically," But you know how much of a tough guy I am so sure, she may stay and keep me company 24/7 now."

"Good, because somehow I don't think she would have said no for an answer."

"Really? So, what would she have done to persuade me?" He says in a mischievous tone.

"Hmm, well I'll give you a clue, it is probably illegal to do any where in the world and it involves physical contact, a lot of it." I say back flirting with him.

"In that case I don't think she can stay here, I forgot about that thing I have to do, you know that thing?" I laughed at his tactics to get me in bed. I pushed his and my body against the wall and kissed him with lust which he met back with much force as he directed me to the bedroom.

I rolled over in bed and wrapped the sheets around my body before changing into an outfit I had left here just in case I ever needed one. I walked into the bathroom and re-applied my makeup and decided to go get some food since Eric had to have the weirdest tastes in food. I grabbed my car keys off the table and headed out to the village. I feel my phone vibrate so I whip it out and read a text from Eric.

Eric-Where did you go? Just ditch me, I thought we were past the one night stand stage? Jk

Sent- Well you thought wrong. :) haha I'm getting some stuff from the grocery store.

Eric- Well how about I meet you up for lunch after you finish?

Sent- Sounds good :p txt you when I'm done.
I continue walking in the village till I get to the store. I grab my favorite munchies Oreos, pretzels', chocolate chip teddy grams, and some coke plus much more junk food. I walked back to my car trying to avoid the ice, but with me as clumsy as I am its inevitable. I managed to put the groceries in the car with only a bruised ass and ego! I sat in the car while I called Eric and asked him where he wanted to meet up. Once he told me was going to be on his way, I got out of my car and started walking to the cafe. I got their earlier than him, which I expected so I just fiddle around with my fake nails. They are getting to bother me, especially the one that feels loose.

"UGH! I HATE THIS!" I grunt in the process of ripping it off, which involves ripping them all off.

"Now, why could you possibly hate anything when you have me in your life?" I hear Eric's voice call as I look up, but that isn't the only face I happen to recognize.

"Maybe she finally realized the people she fucked over in her life? I don't know just an idea." Gaskarth spits out at me with hatred as I get up and approach him.

"Ah, my favorite person. I don't think you care, but honestly I fucked over no one, they were all the stupid ones who just complicate my life. What are you doing here anyway?" I say in a smart-alecky tone.

"The band stopped in Vancouver, so I decided why not stop by and see my faithful girlfriend. That's something you wouldn't know about."

"Oh, I forgot your under this ludicrous impression that Blair is still faithful to you. Oh god that's hilarious! I also find it hilarious that you and your stupid wanna be band is still together." As Alex and I have this very friendly conversation Eric is just standing next to me dumbfounded like a stupid little sidekick.

"Aren't you just the comedian Leighton. See unlike you Blair actually cares about the people in her life. Is this the douche bag you left Jack for? Nice to know how much you lowered your standards, just going for an easy fuck." As he says that last comment I just want to slap the ass in his face and Eric wants to beat the shit out of him, but before either of us could he leaves in a hurry to go see his unfaithful girlfriend. I feel some what bad for saying those things about her to Alex, but hey tough shit. I was debating if I should warn Blair about her little visitor before she gets a little surprise, but I decide not to. What did that bitch ever do for me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Really Short and sucky! I'll update soon and it will be longer I promise! I only wrote four pages :P but I got Leighton in there still. COMMENT! What do ya'll think is going to happen when Alex shows up to see Blair?
Leighton's Outfit