Status: Inactive

I Never Got The Chance To Even Tell Him…

Why Not?

Alex’s POV:

Fuck. I have a major shitty hangover. I roll over to try and find usually the girl that I had slept with from the previous night, but this time no luck, there is no one there. Great. This usually means I slept with one of those virgins that are too shy and ashamed to stay. I try to recall last night all I remember is dancing with a girl with long wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, and a great ass, then the rest of the night I don’t remember except she seemed perfect like an angel. And oh yea did I mention she was great in bed. So, obliviously this chick wasn’t a virgin. So, why did she leave?

I get up and get some Tylenol for the hangover that’s on the nightstand, as I do my hand brushes over a piece of paper. I pick it up and read it, its Blair’s phone number. Huh must have been the girl from last night. I go downstairs to be greeted by an always cheerful Jack wither he has a hangover or not he always has some kind of energy in him.

“Sup man?” he greets me.

“Nothing much. I’m wondering do you remember the girl’s name from last night that I brought upstairs.”

“Uhh. Yeah I think that’s Leighton’s friend, Blair maybe.”

“Yeah, yeah that’s it Blair. So, who is this Leighton?”

“She is hott, man. She tall, tan, long brown wavy hair, brown eyes, and just hott overall. We are meeting her and Blair up today for lunch. That alright with you?”As soon as he said that I was instantly awake, I get to see her again. Hopefully it won’t be awkward, I mean it shouldn’t be Jack and this Leighton girl should be there so no biggie.

“Yeah. That’s cool with me.”

“So, how was she on the scale?” Jack said moving his eyebrows up and down, I just laughed at his weirdness.

“Probably like an eight. It was pretty damn good for some two drunken people.”


Blair’s POV:

I was in my bathroom, I’m great full that in our new house I don’t have to share one with Leighton she takes forever, currently getting ready for our lunch we had with Jack and Alex. I had a simple outfit with my Mickey Mouse t-shirt, black skirt, and yellow flip-flops, but still looking good considering my hangover. I walk out of my bathroom and into Leighton’s where she is checking herself out trying to make sure her outfit is perfect. “You look good Leigh. No need to be stressing over your outfit it’s perfect, as always”

“You sure? I’m not sure about this outfit.”

“Would I lie to you?”

“No, but…”

“No buts do you want to be late. I really don’t care if we go or not.”

“Ugh! Fine lets go.” We hop into her car and head of to this café where Jack said to meet them. As soon as we pull up we see two buffoons goofing off in front of the café. Great, they totally won’t be embarrassing.” Do we have to Leigh?” I whine really not wanting to go up to them.

“Yes. Come on you’ll have fun, trust me.” She grabs my hand and pulls me out of the car and up to them.

“Hey guys!” We say in sync though her voice isn’t as monotone as mine is.

“Sup.” They both say trying to be in sync like us, but it totally fails and we just laugh in response. I can see Alex eyeing me up and down making me feel very self-conscious at the moment.

Finally Jack breaks the silence and says, “Shall we head in my ladies?” Making hand gestures towards the door.

Leigh responds, while giving a curtsy, “We shall my kind sir.” As I just laugh at their stupidity.

“Um, hey.” Alex says quietly towards me.

“Hey,” I respond.

“Listen, I’m sorry for what happened last night.”

“Don’t be. Who said I’m ashamed?” I reply rhetorically.

“I really like you and want a chance to actually get to know you and start over. Can we?”
I nod in reply, “Yeah, I would really like that.” We walk towards Leighton and Jack who are already sitting at the table and flirting and sit down. We eat and talk about anything and everything enjoying ourselves. After we eat, we all head out on a walk. Somehow Alex’s hand ends up in mine and we end up heading our separate ways from Leighton and Jack.

We end up in a park slowly swaying next to each other on the swings in complete silence. It’s not awkward, it’s a nice comfortable silence where you can relax and soak in the moment around you. Alex stops swinging and turns to me.

“Blair, I know I’ve known you for less than twenty four hours, but it seems like I have know you forever, and I know I have already said this but I’m going to say it again, I really like you. Will you go out with me?” he asks staring straight into my eyes, while I’m getting lost in his. I think about it, I haven’t know him for awhile, but I feel the same way too. There is no reason to say no, if you think about it, so why not?

“Yes, yes I will go out with you.” I say back to him in reply. He takes his hands and cups them around my face and slowly, but softly kisses me and I kiss him back. As we slowly pull apart there are smiles on both of our faces.

“Let’s get out of here,” He states grabbing my hand and pulling me off the swing as we head off on our journey to find Leighton and Jack. When we do find them they are outside of an ice-cream shop hand in hand laughing their heads off about some random thing I’m sure. Finally they are out of their own little world and see us. Leighton’s eyes drop down and see our hands connected and she winks and I just laugh.

Our group decides to go over to our house to watch a movie. We end up deciding on “Dirty Dancing”. It’s quite funny how we pause the movie at parts so Jack and Alex can try and copy their moves. Leighton and I end up crying, due to laughing so hard, at the part where Jack has his back to Alex with his hand wrapped around Alex’s neck, while Alex drags his hand down Jack’s side and just like in the movie Jack can’t help but laugh due to the tickling. We were like this the whole night until they decided it was getting late so they had to leave. We said our goodbyes and Alex told me that he has a surprise for me already tomorrow. This da turned out to be the exact opposite of what I thought,and I'm glad for it. So, I go to bed barely able to sleep trying to guess what he has planned for tomorrow…
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It still sucks drama will come I promise! Comment!
Blair's Outfit
Leighton's Outfit