Status: Inactive

I Never Got The Chance To Even Tell Him…

80's Fun

While enjoying ourselves just chilling out we ended up making grilled cheese for lunch and just chilled out some more. It was about four o’clock so I decided to leave telling Warren to meet me at the Wizard at 11:30 to go to the clubs in our wonderful eighties outfits. I headed back to the hotel and decided to change. In the middle of changing I remembered that I have to video Alex so I did right at the moment. He answered quickly to my surprise. It was nice to see his face. “You going to give me a little strip tease I see.” He states with a smirk and then I remember I forgot to put my shirt on leaving me there in my bra. I laugh at him.

“No, I will not Gaskarth and hello to you.” I say putting a shirt on while he just frowns.

“You’re such a meanie.” He says with a pout on his face pretending to cry as I put my shirt on.

“But you still love me.” I say with a smile. “It’s not like you haven’t been cheating on me with Jack, I know you have. You two gay lovers can’t keep your hands off each other.” I state with a laugh even though he all ready know I’m joking.

“How did you know?!? So, what have you two ladies been up to, where is Leighton any way?”

“It’s been great hott British guys. And she went on a walk or something.” I say the first part knowing that he himself is British.

“Am I not good enough for you?” He says back with a pout again in his accent this time.

“You’re too good for me. I’m not good enough for you.” I state back.

“Your right you’re not,” He says and I gasp. “, because you put on the damn shirt while I was perfectly fine when you didn’t have it on.” I just laugh at him.

“Would you want me to take it back off?” He nods his head eagerly. “Well that’s too bad because it’s not going to happen.” I say just to tease him, which seems to always be fun.

“I hate you; you’re a fucking little tease.” He says. I hear Jack call him so he says he will be right back. I decide to mess with him and take my shirt back off. When he comes back he looks happy.

“Now, what were you saying about hating me?” Now, I’m the one with the pout on.

“What! I never said that in my life, I was saying how hott and sexy you are.”

“That’s what I thought.” I smile. I was going to put the shirt back on, but it was hot as hell in this room so I decided not to and let Alex enjoy it while he can. “How was tour been?”

“It’s awesome, I just wish you can be here with me, I bet this view is better in person.”

“I think you know it is. I wish you could be here with me, it is better than stinky sweaty boys minus you of course. Maybe you should come visit me.”

“I just might have too after seeing you right now. Sadly, I have to leave my absolutely sexy girlfriend right now for sound check.”

“Too bad, here I was going to take off my pants.” I really wasn’t just love to tease him even more.

“In that case sound check can wait.” He says with his eyes lighting up just at the thought.

“Nope, you have to leave. I miss you!” I say fast before he can convince me to do something, he usually does that too changing my mind with one look on his face; it makes me melt into him so I do whatever he wants, not complaining because I usually enjoy whatever he wants too.

“Miss you too! Love ya.”

“Love ya.” I say as I hang up fully satisfied of how much I had teased him today in such a short amount of time. I put my shirt on and change the rest of my outfit, at the same time Leighton walks in the door. “Hey, did you have fun today?”

“Yeah, it was a nice day out so it was relaxing to be outside. Are you ready for tonight?”

“Totally, it will be awesome. I bet we will have the best outfits.”

“Psh! totally no one can beat us.” She says with a giggle. “It’s like around five o’clock do you want to go get something to eat and then chill for awhile until it’s time to get ready, which will take a while?”

“Sounds good to me.” I say back. “Where do you want to go get something to eat?”

“I really don’t care. How about we just go get some McDonalds?”

“Alrighty.” We walk out of our room and go down to the parking garage, since it’s a little farther than the normal village. I hop into the driver seat of the Hummer and Leighton hops into the passenger seat. When we get there we attempt to order, but the guy at the register is French and doesn’t understand the word hamburger. So we end up attempting to say it in a French accent and he finally understands, but then the whole rest of the order has to be said in the accent too which is rather hard. I just think it’s funny to see Leighton say it in an accent and she is so frustrated at this guy so I just start laughing at her. We end up finally getting our food and we eat.

“God, he shouldn’t work here if he doesn’t understand the word burger!” Leighton complains too me causing more laughter from me. We head back to the room and it’s about six o’clock now and we have a while until we can get ready so we head down to the hot tub. Since its outside we slip the bikinis under our clothes and head out there we strip as fast as we can and run into the hot tub due to the snow on the ground and the freezing temperatures. We end up just talking with the other guys in the hot tub, innocent flirting and just relax. Leighton being the crazy one wants to go to the pool which is a good 30 second walk from the hot tub. We get out and make a run for it and jump into the pool it is freezing compared to the hot tub, it’s heated but still freezing!

“I have an idea!” Leighton shouts, oh boy, Leighton’s ideas are always, and well they aren’t the best. She runs out of the pool and lies down in a pile of snow! I always knew she was insane. Her teeth are chattering as she jumps in the pool and sighs.”So warm! Are you going to do it?”

“No, I’m not crazy like you Leigh. I’m already warmed up to the temperature.” I hear a guy laughing and then about 5 snowballs are attacking us which are insanely cold when they hit you! I look up to see that of course it was, Williams, oh boy I’m going to get him, Alex, Cam, Jesse, and Jay. Leigh flips them off and I laugh at her.

“What are you guys doing over here?” I ask.

“We were bored and wanted someone to hang out with.” Cam states.

“So, ya’ll decide to come and throw snowballs at us?” I say with a laugh. “After I already hung out with you dorks and Warren calls you.” They all pick up a snowball and attack Williams just as I expected.

“Yep! And we haven’t met your friend here so it’s someone new.” They all say.

“I’m Leighton.” She states in flirty tone. “Are you guys coming with us tonight?”

“Hell yeah! How can we pass up an offer to go to eighties night?” Alex states. By then we are out of the pool and we ran over to our stuff and dried off so we could put clothes on though I’m sure a few of them would have not minded if we stayed in our swimwear. We head up to our room. Leighton is a head of me with all the guys minus Warren since we are behind the pack.

“You missed me so much after a short amount of time you just had to see me. I know I’m just so irresistible.” I say with a smile.

“Oh yeah totally I just can’t stay away from the most annoying and obnoxious person ever.” He says back in a sarcastic tone making me fake like I was offended by the statement. We get into the room and see everyone lounging on the couches.

“What do you guys want to do?” Leighton who is the center of attention right now is asking. All of them reply with I don’t know or whatever. “Well aren’t you guys so exciting!” She says sarcastically. “How about truth or dare? I vote that Jesse goes first.” Jesse groans in response.

“Truth or dare?”


“Let’s start out medium not easy or hard. If you were gay which one of the guys in this room would you date?”

“Gross, but I would have to go with Cam.” As Jesse says that Cam scoots farther and farther away from Jesse and is honestly creeped out while everyone is laughing. “Alright Leighton your turn.” Jesse states.

“I’ll be brave unlike you and pick dare.” Jesse thinks for awhile trying to think of a good dare.

“I dare you to give Cam, right now, a lap dance.” Poor Cam keeps getting picked on.

“What! No! I barely know him!” She screams.

“Too bad. You picked dare.” Jesse states back. She groans in protest, but goes through with the dare. Everyone is laughing at his red face and her face as she does it, but in the and I think everyone in the room knows that Cam enjoyed that dare. The whole night until about 9:30 goes on like that. From Warren having to slap Alex’s ass, Alex having to kiss Leighton for 15 seconds, Cam having to give his best stripper pose, Jay having to scream to the world, “I have a boner!” , and then there was my dare ugh! I hate Leighton for giving me this dare I had to flash the people from our porch outside. Some guys whistled some said “What the hell are you doing!” It was a range of responses; the only good part was that no one from our little group could watch, there only proof was the whistles and screams.

It was finally time to get ready for eighties night. They guys went back to their place to get ready, which probably took 10 minutes for them. Leigh and I put on our outfits which took a good half an hour. Then it was time for us to do each other’s hair and makeup, we even painted each other’s nails for the complete outfit. My makeup consisted of neon pink lipstick, nail polish, eye shadow, body glitter, and then neon blue mascara. My hair was down and as poofy as can be. My bangs were poofed up too. Leighton had her makeup was bright pink lipstick, neon yellow nail polish, black mascara, and green and blue eye shadow. Her hair was in a side pony tail crimped. Doing all of this took two hours making it 11:00 we decided we should leave to go down to the Wizard now, better to be early then late.

When we got down there it was still before 11:30 and the guys were already there waiting for us. The guys whistled at us and we laughed at their appearance, Miami Vice clothing for Warren and Cam. Alex went with Michael Jackson clothing, Jay and Jesse went with more of a Metallica way of dressing. We were defiantly an interesting group so we asked a girl to take a group picture, one goofy and the other all of our serious eighties characters. We walked into the club that was blasting the eighties music from M.J., Madonna, Prince, LL Cool J, and so many other artist. We all were in one big circle just dancing away to songs we never heard of. At one point in the night we all needed drinks so we all had shots and made a little competition out of it. Alex ended up winning against everyone in the whole bar while the rest of our group kept drinking away. Just as I had predicted earlier we had did karaoke, a couple times. Leigh and I did Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, all of us did Don’t Stop Believing and then we also did Take On Me, the guys did Thriller, the whole dance and everything, and lastly Warren and I did Sweet Dreams Are Made of These, even though it’s not a duet. We got everyone on tape so we will remember it when we wake up with a major headache. Leighton seemed to get a little cozy with Cam over in the corner, while the rest of us were still in the group dancing as weird as we could to fit the eighties, which we were barely alive for. The better wasted we were the better the dance moves got. When it got a little dirtier I was mostly dancing with Warren, but I danced the same for just a tiny bit like that with Alex, Jesse, and Jay, but they aren’t the same as Williams and his dance moves.

After we danced and drunk like there was no tomorrow we sadly called it quits. We decided to keep our party going so all of us went back to the boys’ house. We felt like all going for a little swim so we decided to all strip down to our underwear and jump into the pool. We all just started splashing everyone causing all this noise and commotion. The boys are just as talented in the water as on the snow. All doing flips into the pool showing off while I and Leighton can’t do any of that if our life depended on it. We did end up playing some drunken chicken me and Williams vs. Leighton and Cam. It was hilarious to see the guys try to walk around drunk, in a pool, and to add onto that with us on their shoulders, it was great. Once this old lady came out of her house and yelled, “What are you young hooligans doing, stop being so loud or I’ll call the cops.” Which we just laughed at, we went inside all took showers. When I came out I obviously had no clothes to change in so Williams gave me some of his boxers and a t-shirt, which happened to smell amazing just like him. Leighton ended up doing the same with Cam, which we knew due to Jesse and his dare he gave her caused some chemistry up between the two of them. Since we all wanted to party still we ended up all sleeping in the living room to make it one big sleepover laying comforters on the ground in one big huge square and then we all lied down. Me and Williams next to each other, Cam and Leigh next to each other, and all together next to each other, some gay lovers(not really), Jay, Jesse, and Alex. The two couples had one queen blanket each and then the little threesome going on all had a king. The boys were watching something like ESPN, except the Canadian version, while me and Leigh were already starting to doze off due to the heavy partying that had happened not so long ago.
Leighton’s POV-

I woke up all groggy and tired as hell with this hangover. Cam was such a nice and cute guy. I stared at him, yes like a creeper, while he was sleeping. Since no one else was up yet I grabbed my phone to see that I already had a text message.

Eric-Hey Leighton! I had fun yesterday catching up with you, maybe we could meet up again and go out to dinner or something? Text me back when you get a chance.

I quickly replied back: Hey! I had fun too. Maybe later tonight I can if I’m not doing anything. I’ll text you later when I know for sure.

What the hell was I doing flirting with Cam, hanging out with my ex, all while I was dating Jack who at the moment is in a complete different country! Whatever as long as he doesn’t find out and if things go bad with Eric then I can continue with Cam and the opposite if things go good with Eric. I hear someone rustling next to me, but it’s not Cam, its Blair.

“Hey.” I say in a hushed tone making sure no one else will wake up in the process.

“Hey.” She says back as she gets up and stretches. She walks over to the kitchen area and looks through the cabinet.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“A ha I found it. She pulls out pancake mix. You wanna help me make pancakes for the guys before for they wake up?” She asks.

“Sure. Why not?” I reply, I get out and I stretch also. I can tell today will be a hard day after last night’s events and all that dancing my legs, as lame as it sounds, are sore. I walk over to Blair and open up the fridge to check if there is any bacon and luckily there is. So, as she makes pancakes I make the bacon. As soon as we are putting the food on the plates the guys wake up.

“Perfect timing!” Blair and I say at the same time as if we had planned it that way. “We made bacon and pancakes.” Just Blair states this time. We hear a bunch of yummies and you didn’t have to. They get up and each grab a plate, syrup, and orange juice and sit down at the table to eat. So, now we are all around the table eating breakfast waiting for the long day ahead of us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Blair’s outfit change
Leighton’s Outfit for the Club
Blair’s Outfit for the Club
Bathing Suits
Alot of outfits! And the one Leighton was wearing at first in the beginning was the same as last chapter.
This is a longer chapter like one big run on. What do you think? I'm not sure about it, but COMMENT! I won't post the next until two DIFFERENT people comment so do it :)