She's Got You High.

And today was a day, just like any other.

I'm pretty sure that there's nothing more annoying and agonizing in this world then watching a clock. Eying the time slowly going by, the second hand barely moving, like your Great-Great-Grandma Betty on her new Hoverround. Time tends to take it's damn time, and today was the one day where it couldn't afford to do that.

It was a January afternoon in Arizona - moderately warm weather that stayed a constant, except for summer, when swelling heat hit the area like a pipe bomb. My eyes stayed glued to the clock, as my English teacher gave us some last minute wisdom, before we left his class for good. It was the last day of the fall semester - the new classes for everyone else would start the next day. But I was one of the lucky ones - I was home free after this. Early graduation was one of the smartest decisions I had ever made, especially considering where I would be come tomorrow afternoon. Out of this desert, and into the sun. Into the real world - away from everything I had come to know and love, and subsequently loathe.
According to the clock, there were only 54 seconds until the bell rang, and my mind was racing. This time tomorrow I would be in a shitty car with my best friend, getting ready to go on the adventure of a lifetime. I was both scared and excited, and it was all I could do to try and pretend I was listening to Mr. Vega.


The bell cut him off halfway through his final sentence, and I bolted for the door as soon and as fast as I could. Practically running to the parking lot, I reached my beat up, dented, and scratched to death car. It was the best I could afford at 17, with super expensive car insurance to match. The interior was littered with CD cases, In-N-Out wrappers, and the occasional flat bottle of Wild Cherry Pepsi. I opened the front door, being hit with blistering heat, before getting in, putting my keys in the ignition, turning my iPod on, and getting the hell away from the parking lot. I was finally free, and the only thing that could hold me down was...

My job. I slaved part time at Black Rose Collectibles and Antiques. Most of our customers were 70+ year old senior citizens looking for a good deal on a vase or some other form of glass collectible. I couldn't complain because it was easy, and I got to wear a kickass fake police badge. I just wanted to be anywhere but there at the moment. As I pulled into the parking lot, I grabbed my green work vest from the back of the car, and slipped it on over my shirt. Sighing to myself, I walked the short distance to the door, and let myself in behind the counter a moment later, thinking of all the things I could be doing right now instead of...this.

This was going to be one long 4 hour shift...
♠ ♠ ♠
June's outfit here.

Hi there! It's currently 2:23 AM, I can't sleep for the life of me, and this story has been in my head for /months/, but I've never felt the need to write it down until now. I'm sorry for this being so short - obviously the first chapter is filler. I promise certain people show up next chapter. ;)

Comments/criticism/anything else you've got for me is greatly appreciated! I haven't written in months, so I'm sure this is super rusty.