She's Got You High.

All I need is a little more of you.

Eventually, John pulled me up from the bathroom floor - I could feel my stomach settling down still, and a small headache had started to form, pounding slowly in the back of my skull. His blistered hand brushed against my own, gripped it tightly, and the two of us made our way towards the dressing room that all the bands shared. We walked in together, but then I realized our sudden mistake - I dropped my hand from his own, thankful that Garrett wasn't in the room. A few members of the other bands who were sitting around and drinking looked up when they realized someone had entered the room.

"Johnny Ohhhhh!" one of them exclaimed, standing up and giving John a slap on the back- I recognized him as a member of Danger Radio. "Feeling better then earlier? Come on man, have a drink. Your girl too."

"Oh, I'm not hi-" John's voice cut my own off, saying we'd love to have a beer, pulling me over to a couch that wasn't occupied. Two beers made their way into our hands a moment later. I didn't dare sip on mine, considering what I had been doing in the bathroom only a few minutes earlier. I just lay my head on John's shoulder, trying to get used to being this...close with him. It was always fleeting glances, fleeting moments. But now I had him, and he had me. And I had to figure out how to make this feel normal. Usual.

The door to the dressing room opened, and the familiar form of Kennedy came into view. I quickly shut my eyes, pretended to be asleep, knowing he would probably see through my disguise. I could hear footsteps coming closer, and Kennedy's voice filled the room a moment later.

"So what the hell was that emotional outburst on stage about, dude? You kinda disappeared."

None of them knew - they had no idea. I realized that John and I hadn't really thought over this whole "I like you, you like me" idea. He knew Garrett didn't like the idea of the two of us together. The rest of the band probably felt the same way. How we were going to make this work out, to convince everyone that it was a good match. My god, we were idiots. I was waiting anxiously for John's answer, wanting so badly to be anywhere but there.

"It's nothing Kennedy, don't worry. I was just having a moment, okay?" Calm, cool, and collected - just like the John everyone knew. Kennedy was silent for another moment, before continuing.

"And what's going on here? Since when were June and you even on speaking terms? I thought she just stuck to Garrett like glue..."

My heart froze, panic making its way through my veins. If only they knew - they were so clueless.

"She was in here, and we got to talking, and next thing I know she's asleep on my shoulder." John quickly lied. I could only pray that the other guys in the room would cover. None of them said anything - they continued on with their own conversations, not even paying attention to what was going on.

"Just be careful, dude. That's all I'm gonna say." Kennedy offered up his warning, and I assumed that he left the room. I felt John's hand grip mine tightly, probably a signal that it was okay to "wake up".

I looked at him, and he offered an apologetic smile. I could feel my cheeks turn red - just looking at him did this to me. Since when was I so pathetic?

"We didn't really-"

"Plan this well, did we?" I finished for him, and he nodded.

"Well, to start things off, if Garrett finds out, we're fucked." I was simply stating the obvious. John seemed to realize that, and the expression on his face changed. He looked upset.

"I mean, what can we do about that?" he asked me, and I shrugged. "Because if I have to see you every day for hours, and I can't do this..." his voice dropped off as he inched closer to me, placing a kiss on my forehead, then my nose, and finally, softly on my lips.

It still felt so foreign, for our lips to make contact. I was sure my cheeks were burning at this point. My heart swelled inside of my chest. He lingered for a moment more, before pulling away, leaving me wanting more again.

"I'll go insane, June." he finished, murmuring softly. I wanted to do so many things at that moment. I just wanted to stay with him, never let him go.

"We'll figure it out," I said, leaning my forehead against his own, feeling the still new spark that formed whenever we touched. "I promise you. I mean, I just-"

"Can you two lovebirds cool it already?" someone from the other side of the room called out. I moved away from John, before stretching my arms out, and standing up. John smiled up towards me, as I began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" he asked, as my hand made contact with the door handle.

"I have to find Garrett!" I called out, not even waiting for a reply. Walking the back hallway of the venue, the last band on the bill was beginning to pack up. It was time for the boys to head outside or to the merch booth, to sign things and take pictures. I figured my best bet was there.


I found Garrett in the now all too familiar alley in the back of the venue. The scenery had changed, however - fangirls had invaded the space that seemed private only an hour ago. Different members of the different bands were scattered, doing their nightly duties. The roadies were loading amps and guitar cases back into their respected trailers. It looked just like any other night - but it definitely didn't feel like it.

"Junebug!" Garrett's voice cut through my thoughts, and I looked over at him. He was alone, and I walked over, unsure of how to even begin to explain the new relationship between John and myself. Garrett wrapped me up in his arms, a tight embrace. It felt...odd. After being surrounded by John and John alone, to have sudden contact with someone but him was just weird. "What's up? I haven't seen you all night."

"I know. I...went out to the back of the van, took a nap." I quickly made up a lie. It felt terrible to lie to Garrett - and I definitely wasn't used to it. The words fell flat, no meaning behind any of them. He looked at me oddly, but didn't say anything. A few fans approached him, and he obliged them with signed shirts, shoes, pictures, the whole 9 yards. And so the night went - a comfortable silence falling between us. Occasionally we would strike up a conversation, but it would stop as soon as another girl approached him. I closed my eyes - now I was tired. And slowly, but surely, the crowd of girls that had occupied the area slowly began to filter down. Tim came up to us a moment later.

"You guys ready to go?" he asked, and both of us nodded. Garrett's hand slipped near my own, his fingers entangling themselves between my own. I didn't have the guts to pull away, to explain why I felt so foreign with him all of a sudden. We got in the van, and I was surprised to see John already in there. He looked at Garrett first, then down to our hands, then to me. I could see in his eyes that he understood, and I felt better. Just a bit.

The room assignments at the hotel were the same as any other night. When Pat, Garrett, and myself got to our room, I claimed the first shower. The warm water felt refreshing over my skin, and I tried to relax and make some sense of the last couple hours of my life. My hair wrapped up in a towel still, I changed into my pajamas, and made my way out into the main room. Both Garrett and Pat were sound asleep, the TV roaring repeats of Robot Chicken. I sighed, shutting it off, and the lights as well.

I crawled into bed next to Garrett, but couldn't fall asleep. All I wanted was to be near John - to feel his lips on mine again, to have him tell me things were going to be alright. I found my phone, and sent out a new text message.

To: John
Meet me in the hallway?

I didn't even bother waiting for an answer. I just slipped on my Toms and went outside. A minute later, the door beside my room's opened, and John slipped out from the darkness. He squinted, adjusting to the bright lights in the hallway, but then smiled upon the sight of me.

"You alright, Junie?" he asked, taking both of my hands in his own. Immediately, I felt at peace.

"I couldn't sleep. I just didnt...I just-" I couldn't even finish my own sentences. I just wanted to enjoy being with John. To enjoy us.

"C'mon. You're going in my room tonight." he said, pulling my hand towards his room.

"Wait, but what if-"

"We'll just say I found you sleepwalking or something. It's gonna be fine June, just come in." He had already inserted his room key into the slot, and the lights on the handle flashed green. The door was open, the room was dark, and I let myself go in. My heart was beating rapidly. I could see Tim and Kennedy in one bed, and Jared on the floor in the middle. There was a slight crater in the empty bed where John must've been laying minutes ago. He crawled in to where that was, and I made my way onto the empty side. In the dark, I could barely see John taking his shirt off, leaving him in just a pair of sweatpants.

Instinctively, his hands went around my waist, pulling me close to him. I could feel his breath on my neck, a steady flow of air. I felt at peace - sleep was already making it's way towards me.

"Sweet dreams, June." I heard John murmur, before placing a loose kiss on my shoulder. I closed my eyes, and knew that no matter what the morning would bring, that I felt content. I could live in this moment for forever. Lord knows I wished I could.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ta-da! New chapter, and a new layout to go along with it.

So, I'm at 96 subscribers. And I really wanted to hold off on posting this till I got to 100. But I have a feeling this chapter might propel me to that, so it's just as good! Sorry this took a bit longer then expected! Schoolwork has been really bugging me out lately. :(

Thanks to anyone/everyone who commented on the last chapter! I really appreciate it. <3

So, comment? Or subscribe, or just read. Anything at all is loved, really. Next chapter should be out in a week or two!