She's Got You High.

But the problem with change, is it's hard.

The morning came far too soon for my liking.

It took me a moment to remember the events of last night - why John's arms were wrapped around me, instead of Garrett's. But then it hit me - and not just how I ended up in this room. Everything over the past 24 hours felt like something out of a dream.

So I did the stereotypical thing, and pinched myself. And when I wasn't suddenly transported back to another world, and all I felt was just a sharp pain I realized that it was reality. And that this was actually happening.

I felt John stir next to me, and I sighed - time to face the day, the truth, and most of all, John himself. I shifted around, so that I was now facing him - his arms tightened around me by instinct, his chin resting on the top of my head. I could hear his steady breathing, in, out, in, out. One of my hands went to his collarbone, the other draped over his shoulder. I didn't want to leave this. It was so peaceful, so quiet, until-


I let out a small groan, opting to rest my head against his chest instead of giving him an actual answer. A moment later, I felt John's lips place themselves on my forehead - light, gentle. Perfect.

"We can't stay like this all day, you know..." he mumbled, and that same fear feeling, mixed with a bit of regret sank into my stomach. I was supposed to be in the other room with Garrett right now. My grip on John tightened when my mind processed this.

"Are you alright?" he sounded actually concerned.

"I'm fine, really..." my first words all morning. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want Kennedy or Jared or Tim or anybody to see this. Couldn't the rest of the world just disappear, and leave John and I? "Can we just...for a bit longer?"

I think John understood what I meant, and his head went back to rest on my forehead. I shut my eyes again, and I tried to make that horrible feeling in my stomach go away. I focused my thoughts on John, his eyes, collarbone, hair, lips. I listened to his heart beat - slightly faster then my own.

Love was something new to me. All of this was so new to me. And as awkward as I felt at moments, there were times like this - just getting to be with John, that I didn't want to change for the world. Times like these made me feel alive.


I didn't even remember falling asleep again. This time, however, waking up was different - John wasn't near me anymore, and I heard muffled voices filling the room, one that I could barely make out as -

"Hey, have you guys seen Ju-" Garrett's voice stopped suddenly, and I suppose he saw me "sleeping" on the bed. I wished that I actually was - that way I wouldn't have to deal with what was coming next.

"Why the fuck is she over here?" The room fell silent, and I could only hope that John was around, and that he would come up with a good excuse, and fast.

"She said you guys were asleep by the time she got out of the shower, and she wasn't tired. So she came over, watched some TV with us, and fell asleep. Don't freak out, Garrett." John's voice filled the room next, and I almost let out a sigh of relief. I could hear him walk over to the bedside table, and I could smell the cheap hotel soap faintly through the air - he must've been in the shower.

"I'll freak out all I want, John, because it's only slightly creepy when you fall asleep with your best friend in the room, and when you wake up you have no idea where she is." Garrett's voice was filled with anger, and all I wanted was for him to calm down. Normally I'd be the mediator in these kinds of situations. But for once, I wanted to let boys be boys, and handle it on their own.

"Seriously, if you think anything hap-" John's attempts to defend himself were pointless.

"I'm not saying anything did. Look, just text me when she wakes up, alright? Or tell her to do that herself..." A moment later, I heard a door slam, and I waited another minute or two before I even dared to open my eyes. I saw John looking at himself in the mirror, running a hand through his hair. I sat up, and he turned around suddenly - I guess he saw me get up.

"...You heard all of that, didnt you?" he asked, and I simply nodded. I didn't trust myself to say the right thing. John sighed, and walked over towards me.

"The others-" he pointed towards the empty bed on the left side of the room, "Went downstairs for breakfast. Good thing they didn't have to deal with that shit storm." He sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at me. Neither of us said anything for the longest time.

"We have to be more careful." I spoke, surprised at how my voice carried across the room. "I don't want that tension that just happened. I don't want to ruin your friendships in the band. But at the same time, I don't want to-"

"Lose you." John finished for me.

"I mean, we can't do this anymore. As much as I really enjoyed it, we can't let Garrett catch on. At venues? Of course. In the van when he's asleep? Maybe. But I can't just come sneaking over to your room anymore." I felt a hand on top of my own, and allowed John to lace his fingers through my own.

"It's gonna be fine, June, I promise." I heard him whisper a moment later, and I moved so I was closer to him. His lips found their way to my own then - rough, raw. I didn't pull away, and I couldn't, even if I really wanted to. His hand found it's way to my face, brushing back my bangs, caressing my cheek. I could feel the worry from moments ago leave the room. It was moments like that that made all of the sneaking around, the lying - it was worth it, just for this.

We parted soon enough, and I could feel my cheeks turning red. John smiled at me, sheepishly, before standing up.

"You wanna go deal with Mr. Grumpygills?" he asked,walking away towards the bathroom, and I nodded. It was probably better now then later. I picked up my phone from the bedside table, and called Garrett.

It rang twice, and then went straight to voicemail. John looked at me curiously, as I walked past him, and towards the exit.

"Good luck!" he called out, as I walked out the door, and made the short distance to Garrett's room next door. I knocked, and waited for Garrett to open up. It took him a minute, and when he saw my face, I saw relief wash over it. He opened his arms out towards me, and pulled me towards him, into a hug.

"Morning, Junie." he mumbled into my hair. And just like last night, I felt uncomfortable. I pulled away sooner then usual, and looked up towards Garrett. I walked back into the room with him, and pulled my chapstick and toothbrush out of my bag.

"Say, June..." I heard Garrett say something as I worked on brushing my teeth, but I couldn't really respond. I motioned for him to continue.

"Since when did you and John get to become friends?"

I should've known he was beginning to question things. And he had all the reason in the world to. I just didn't know what to say - so I took my time brushing my teeth, rinsing the toothpaste out, applying my chap stick, before returning to the bed that Garrett was sitting on.

"It's nothing, really." I started, looking down at the floor, cracking the knuckles on my middle fingers - an old habit I pulled out when I was nervous. "We got to talking one day, and found out we have a lot in common. And he's a good listener."

"But what would you talk to him about that you couldn't with me?" Garrett objected, and I sighed. I didn't want him to get all testy again.

"Garrett, it's really nothing for you to be worried about. I promise. John is just a friend, alright? Can't you just trust me for once?" I hoped that he would just drop the subject, but no, of course not. With Garrett, everything was a struggle.

"He better stay just a friend." I heard him mumble quietly under his breath, probably thinking that I wouldn't catch it. I flopped down onto the rest of the bed, and closed my eyes.

It was only a bit past 9 AM, and I had already had enough with people for the day. My patience was at an all time low. I felt Garrett leave the bed, before calling out about how we had to be down at the van by 9:30. All my stuff was already packed, seeing as I didn't even touch it last night or this morning. I dragged my suitcase out to the parking lot, where the van was waiting for us. Kennedy, Jared, and Pat were already down there. John was next in line, and shot me a small smile when he saw me. Tim and the various crew members were after him, and finally, last but not least - Garrett, showing up just after 9:40.

"Took you long enough..." Tim mumbled, but loud enough that everyone could hear. Garrett just glared at him, and walked over towards me. Seeing John, Kennedy and I making small talk was probably the last thing he wanted - his hand grasped my own almost immediately. It wasn't like how John did - soft, gentle, taking his time. Garrett was brash and quick, to the point.

"The van isn't going to load itself, Nickelsen. Get in!" Tim yelled, and Garrett pulled me in with him, two seats in the front row conveniently open. I turned around, to see John sitting beside Jared in the back.

Suddenly, I felt hatred towards Garrett. Maybe hatred is too strong of a word - contempt. I didn't want to hear him talk, I didn't want to sit next to him, and I most definitely didn't want his hand anywhere near mine. I pulled away from his grasp suddenly. Probably too suddenly. I saw him look over towards me, but I kept my head facing the window on my side.

The next 5 hours in the vans would sure be interesting - and by interesting, I meant complete and utter hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, an update!

I really meant to have this up over Thanksgiving Break, but I was facing a lack of motivation. I still don't like this chapter all that much - it's a bunch of lousy filler. But I promise you, things are going to start heating up more. (As if they aren't already...)

Thanks to all my new subscribers! I well passed my goal of 100, and I appreciate each and every one of you. :) Leave a comment, pretty please?

Expect a new chapter in the next week or so! <3