She's Got You High.

Sleep with my curse and feel no shame.

It felt like someone had punched me in the chest numerous times - the few steps it took me to walk from where I was, to the bed where Garrett was felt like they took minutes to complete. Did he know? He was going to kill me, I was going to lose my best friend, I was-

"So..." Garrett started as I sat down. I adjusted my shirt, pulled it down, cracked my knuckles - all of my nervous habits couldn't save me now.

"So?" Even my voice sounded shaky, unfamiliar as the word left my mouth. I was so frightened, scared of what was about to happen.

"Look," Garrett turned to face me, and he sighed a moment later. His hand that wasn't leaning on the bed ran through his hair then - his own nervous habit. He bit his lip too, before continuing. "I know our birthday was a while ago, but..."

Birthday. This was all about our birthday? I was tempted to let out a laugh, as relief flooded my system, but I could tell he was nervous about whatever he was about to do. That would just come off as rude - the last thing I wanted to be at this moment. Especially because of what I thought he was going to talk to me about...

"I got you something." I looked up at him then, snapped out of my thoughts completely. I figured I should just enjoy the moment, and not worry about John for at least one moment of my day.

"Garrett, you didn't have to get me anything..." We never got each other actual presents for our birthday - a tradition between the two of us ever since I could remember. We would have a joint party, we'd spend the whole day together. That was enough for us. "I mean, we never have. What are yo-"

"Sssshhh. Close your eyes." Garrett cut me off, with a finger to my lips. I shut my eyes per his instructions, trying to get used to the dark. I felt Garrett leave the bed, moving around the room, unzipping and zipping up different parts of the bag.

"Pat, have you seen it?!" I heard him shout, and I giggled to myself. It was typical Garrett to lose things when he needed them the most. Pat and him carried on talking about where my present could've gone, and I tuned them out. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket - most likely a text from John, but I chose to ignore that as well. I laid back on the bed, with my eyes still closed, and just let myself relax. After the scare I went through minutes earlier, I deserved it.

"Did you check the table?" I heard Pat ask, as Garrett walked past me briskly, a breeze following him. A moment of silence occurred, before-

"Pat, you are a a fucking genius!" he shouted, before bouncing upon the bed suddenly, making me jump.

"You can sit up now..." His voice was just above a whisper. "But don't open your eyes. Not yet."

"I'm getting impatient, Gar." I said, and I heard him let out a small laugh. A minute or two later, I finally heard his voice again, distinct against the stark quietness of the room.

"Open your eyes, June."

I squinted, as my eyes adjusted to the light of a computer screen. It took me a moment to make out the words on the screen, but when I did, I'm sure my face lit up like it was Christmas day.

"You purchased 2 tickets to:
Ryan Adams and the Cardinals.
Rialto Theater, Tucson, AZ.
April 19th, 2008 at 6:00 PM."

"Garrett, are you serious...?" I was in shock - a grin now spreading on my face. For years I had dreamed of seeing Ryan in concert, but to actually be going...

"Dead." He couldn't help himself from grinning as well, and I started to laugh.

"I can't believe...I mean, this is, and-"

"I'm not done yet, June." The laptop disappeared, and Garrett started to reach around for something behind his back. When he finally found it, he brought it around out front - a small box, wrapped up in paper.

"Really, Gar, the Ryan Adams tickets were enough..." I started, looking at the box curiously.

"Not nearly enough June. Open it." He said, handing it over towards me. I hesitated for a moment, before ripping the paper off the top, before stopping.

It was a small jewelry box, and I knew there had to be something inside. I quickly tore off the rest of the paper, before continuing onto opening the box itself. And inside, was a ring - it looked like part of a tree trunk. Metal and twisted.

"Garrett, I..." There were no words to even describe how I felt at that moment.

"Do you like it?" He asked, as I fit it onto my middle finger - on and off, playing with it.

"I love it." I barely got out, before looking up at him. "I mean, you're not proposing to me right now or anything, are you?"

He laughed at me then, and I smiled. But then a ting of guilt came over me. I didn't get him anything, and he was my best friend. I was also hiding my current relationship from him, something that would not go over well when he found out.

If he found out, that is.

He finally stopped laughing, and began to speak. "No June, definitely not a proposal. Just think of it as a reminder of me when I'm not around, all right?" I nodded, and he grinned at me, before standing up, walking toward the bathroom. I grabbed my bag that Garrett had brought in for me, and reached around for some pajamas to wear, changing quickly before Pat came back from wherever the hell he was. I crawled into bed, and a few minutes later, Garrett joined me, fresh out of the shower. His hair was damp, and he smelled like home. I sighed, as I moved closer to him, my head resting beneath his shoulder, on his chest.

"Happy late Birthday, Junebug." he whispered, and moved to place a kiss on my forehead. I shut my eyes then, and let sleep wash over me.


The next day, John noticed the new addition to my finger.

"When did that show up?" he asked, as we sat near each other in the van. Garrett was in the back, sleeping.

"Garrett got it for me yesterday - late birthday present." John eyed me oddly, before dropping the subject. His hand laid itself on top of my own then, fingers lacing in between my own. I felt my heartbeat increase slightly, giving John's hand a light squeeze.

When we got to the venue, it was just like any other day. The Maine soundchecked, and then waited around all afternoon until the show started. I took a nap for most of the time, and woke up when The Maine was about to go on stage, by a screaming Pat, doing one of his rants as Rat Boy.

"Pat, can you calm the fuck down..." I mumbled out, rubbing at my eyes. I was still so tired, and wanted more then anything to just fall back asleep. But I knew if I missed watching the boys play, then I'd be mad at myself for the rest of the night. I followed them down the hallway that led to the stage at this venue, and watched them all walk on stage, to the delight of the crowd of girls below them.

I didn't really focus though, as I watched from the side of the stage. I knew they were playing music, and I knew the music - but all I could think about was John. The way he would smile during certain parts of the song, the way his pants fell just below his hips, a bit of his underwear showing - how he constantly had to brush his hair out of his face. His lips near the microphone, his long legs.

And despite my better judgment, I texted him during the show, asking him to meet me outside when he could. And when the boys began to play their last song of the night, I went back to the dressing room, found my coat, and walked outside. It was frigid, but I knew once John saw the text, he'd come running.

And I was right - when the muffled noise coming from inside the venue turned to silence, I knew they had to be done. Approximately 3 minutes later, the door leading into the venue opened, and out stepped John. He spotted me leaning against the building, and walked over to stand in front of me, his body now mere feet from my own.

"Hey, darling..." I heard him say, a grin on his face. "What's up?"

But I didn't even say anything. I just moved forward, wrapped my arms around his neck, and connected my lips with his. I knew it was a mistake - that at any moment, someone could walk outside and see us like this. But at that moment in time, I really cared less. John didn't seem to mind either - moving his lips eagerly against my own. I had missed this, since the last time we had...

I didn't even hear the door open. My eyes were closed, so I didn't see him standing there either. But as soon as I heard that familiar voice speak, my heart stopped - and I knew then that I was fucked beyond belief.

"June? What the fuck?"
♠ ♠ ♠
June's ring: here!

I FOOLED YOU BITCHES SO HARD. Ya'll thought he was going to confront her about John, but Garrett was just being a big ol' sweetie! Then again, the ending is kinda open ended as well...Oops. ;)

Anyways, tysm for all the comments on the last chapter! I'm really on a roll with updating this, it seems. I think we're at...43 comments right now. Let's try and get it to 50? I mean, it's not like I won't update before New Years again if it doesnt get there. I just like big even numbers like that.

OH OH OH, I also sat down the other night and wrote up a brief outline for the rest of the story! It's looking to be proooobably around 30-35 chapters? Maybe 40 if I'm pushing it. But it was really surreal - I've been wanting to write some of the scenes for months now, and I can't wait to finally do so. <3

SO, Comment/Subscribe/Read, and I'll see you guys on Friday or Saturday at the latest! <3 I have a research paper to write tomorrow. Can't wait to get started on that. /sarcasm