She's Got You High.

My head is weak, my heart always speaks before I know what it will say.

I didn't know how to face the familiar figure standing on the sidewalk. I didn't want to face him - it was like we were kids again, and my mom was making me apologize for playing too rough around him, making him fall down and bleed. But as John stepped away from me, I knew I had to face the facts, and look up into those blue eyes that I had known my entire life - that had trusted me for so long.

"Hey, Garrett..." I whispered, not sure of what to say.

He just stared at me - his mouth slightly gaping open - a mixture of confusion and anger showing on his face. And after another moment, he walked away briskly, back into the venue. I followed, no hesitation in my heart, having to run to keep up with him.

"Garrett, wait!" I called out, but he didn't even bother to turn around. Eventually, he walked into a bathroom near the stage, and I slipped in, standing against the wall, as he locked the door. He turned around, running a hand through his hair, as he sighed. It was silent, and when he spoke, I didn't know what to expect. I could hear the exasperation in his voice, the anger.

"How long has this been going on, June?"

I figured there was no point in lying - I had already done that enough over the past few weeks.

"Since Baltimore..." I wasn't even aware of my own voice - I was surprised I had the willpower to speak in a situation like this.

He looked up at me then - almost glaring at me, his eyes dark with anger.

"And you didn't bother to tell me because...?" Bitterness rang through his voice - but at this point I was more then ready to fight back and defend myself. I hardly ever raised my voice around Garrett, but this was a moment where it was most definitely needed.

"I think that one's self-explanatory, Gar. Look at yourself right now."

He laughed sarcastically, before quickly shouting back -"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"You're so goddamn protective, first off. Sometimes you treat me like I'm a kid - heaven forbid I talk to anyone besides you, sleep with anyone else but you - do anything with anyone but you. You never give me any room to just...breathe." I was finding my voice, and for once I had something to say.

"I'm sorry I wanted to spend time with my best fri-"

"I'm not done yet." I cut him off, the anger now seeping through my veins. He actually had the nerve to try and reason with me. "You should've known better then to keep me away from him. Because whenever I'm forbidden to do something, I always find a way to do it. I thought you of all people would've known that."

"Well clearly June, this just shows that I never knew you at all," his hand was grasping the handle of the door, and began to twist it - "And let's just keep it that way, alright." He walked out then, slamming the door behind him. I remained standing for a while, before I sank slowly to the cold tile of the bathroom floor. I tried to process what had just happened in my head, but nothing was working.

It was a while before someone else came in - I didn't bother looking up, or even to respond to their greeting. It wasn't until a hand waved in my face, and they sat down next to me, that I knew who it was.

"Are you alright?" John's voice echoed slightly in the bathroom. He placed his hand on top of mine then, but I was still in a stupor. "June?"

It took me a moment, and again, I wasn't sure what exactly was coming out of my mouth, but words formed.

"I think...I think I just made a huge mistake."


Things switched over almost automatically.

I went from rooming with Garrett and Pat, to John and Jared and Kennedy. I didn't even discuss this with anybody - it just seemed to be universally understood that from now on, I stayed as far away from Garrett as possible.

Apparently everyone had heard the outburst in the bathroom - and if they hadn't, John and I walking around hand in hand sure explained to everybody what had happened. Garrett had disappeared from sight after our fight, and didn't show up until Max called him and told him to get his "ass back to the van immediately".

So I wasn't the only one fed up with his diva-like attitude.

It felt odd to go from hiding my relationship with John, to letting it be known. I was still out of sorts from the fight, and every attempt from John to make me feel better only ended in a quick smile, and a tight squeeze from his hand to my own.

That night at the hotel was just as awkward. It was weird, getting used to being with a different set of people. They didn't say anything to me, but I'm sure they had opinions on both John and myself. I had to push all these thoughts out of my head, and wished desperately for sleep to come soon.

I was wired though - my mind continuously buzzing. Even when John got out of the shower and crawled into bed next to me, planting kisses on my forehead, I couldn't relax. Guilt was starting to settle in - how could I lose my best friend, just like that? And for a guy that I hardly knew? God, how stupid was I.

John could tell I was off - and he was still trying to make me feel better. It was like he could read my mind.

"He'll cool off June, I promise. Just give him time." he whispered, pulling my hair away from my face. "At least we don't have to hide anymore, right?"

I nodded, and it was the truth - but the feelings I had harbored from hiding the relationship had transferred just as quickly to feelings about losing Garrett.

A bang from the room next door, and muffled shouting broke me from my thoughts. John's arm around my back tightened suddenly, and I knew exactly who was yelling - though I couldn't distinguish what he was saying.

I excused myself from the room quickly, saying that I was gonna head down to the vending machines - which was the truth, actually. But I had ulterior motives. I knew Garrett like the back of my hand.

And surely enough, I was right - on my way back from grabbing a Cherry Coke, I heard the door to his hotel room slam open, and out he walked. He punched the wall across from his door, cursing to himself. He looked up suddenly when he saw me walking down the hallway.

He didn't say anything until I had passed him, and had begun to insert my card key into the door to my own room. It was quiet, but loud enough so that I could hear it. And when I got back in bed with John, it stayed with me the rest of the night, well into when I fell asleep - echoing in my head, a repeated pattern.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, June..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Shit just got real.

Sorry this is up so late! I mean technically, it still is New Years Day here. ;) I got wrapped up in seeing friends/visiting places, that I only just now had time to type this up for ya'll.

The amount of comments I got on the last chapter was amazing - keep it up guys! You have no idea how much it made me smile to see the big even 5-0 there. :')

SO, on that note - Comment/Subscribe/Read! Means a lot to me. School is starting up on Monday, and with that comes finals, so I might be missing for a while. Hopefully I can update sometime in the upcoming week though! <3

PS: I'm in the process of moving, and my new house is near Garrett St. - I smile every time I see it. :)