She's Got You High.

This story's old, but it goes on and on until we disappear.

The familiar smell of bacon and eggs infiltrated my nose as I woke up a few hours later. My mind felt cloudy, and my throat felt like someone had taken a razor to it and had hacked it up into little pieces - last night felt like such a blur. I looked over to my right and found a snoring Garrett - he was never a morning person, unlike myself. When I was little I was always ready to face the day, and he would be snoozing, wasting away, and it looked like today wasn't going to be any different.

I hopped out of bed, and looked at myself in Garrett's bedroom mirror - My makeup was caked around my eyes, creating dark circles. My lips were chapped and desperately needed lip balm of some sort. My hair was disheveled and messy, slightly knotted, and typical for someone who had just woken up. To sum it up: I looked like I had just gone through hell and back. I decided to not even attempt looking decent, figuring that it was Trey who was up making breakfast. He had grown up with me around his house, so it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Still clad in my PJ's, I went downstairs and into the kitchen.

And there I realized that I was wrong about it being only Trey - I found John standing at the stove, messing with the bacon. Around the table were 3 boys, all who looked like they were about to puke. I recognized them as the other members of The Maine - Jared, Kennedy, and Pat. I could only figure that they had spent way too much time drinking last night, and the hangovers were getting to them. John turned around when he saw me, and gave me a small smile - it was only then that the events of a few hours came rushing back to me. The cigarettes on the porch. The nightmare. I guess my face gave away how I was feeling, because John's smile dropped from his face, and he focused his attention back on the food he was making for everyone. I walked over to the kitchen table, pulling up a seat, not wanting to say anything to the hungover boys. Everyone sat in moderate silence, till I heard plates clattering in the cabinet. A moment later, John's voice rung out through the quiet and nearly empty house.

"Breakfast is ready, guys. Though I doubt any of you want it..." he muttered the second part under his breath, and I had a feeling I was the only one who caught it. A minute later, a plate filled moderately with bacon and eggs was placed next to my seat, and then John came out from the corner of my eye, and sat beside me.

"You sleep alright?" I appreciated that he was actually concerned, but for not talking to me up until last night, his enthusiasm seemed a bit...feigned? I nodded however, rubbing my eyes, hoping to get rid of last night's makeup. We sat there in moderate silence, with some small talk filling up the room occasionally. The other boys slowly seemed to be waking up, and around 11, Garrett finally stumbled into the kitchen. He helped himself to some breakfast (which was now cold...) and joined us at the table.

"Took you long enough..." I mumbled, as Garrett glared at me, sleep still glazing over his eyes.

"Dude, shut up. I was tired." I could barely make out what he had said, seeing as he had stuffed his mouth full of eggs...

"You're always tired!" I countered, and before we knew it, a full blown argument between everyone had broken out about Garrett and his habit for oversleeping. The time on the clock slowly rolled into early afternoon, and the breakfast dishes were eventually piled up in the sink. I stood in Garrett's living room awkwardly, watching everyone's luggage slowly fill the room. Garrett was beside me, a grin on his face. I could tell how excited he was for tour to finally begin.

"You want me to drive you back to your place?" He asked a minute later, and I shook my head. I wanted to say goodbye to things, take my time - take a walk, if anything. The events of last night were still so confusing in my head. My throat was still clogged with smoke. Garrett seemed confused, and turned to look at me, his blue eyes bearing into the back of my head. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I' m fine." I was a good liar when I wanted to be, and I didn't want to cause any trouble for Garrett that I didn't have to. The boy had enough on his plate with tour starting soon. "Just anxious for tonight, that's all."

"If you say so. We're leaving at 5, so be ready to go by then, alright?" I guess my face didn't look too excited - more scared, if anything. He pulled me into a hug then, and ruffled my hair slightly. "It'll be okay, I promise! We'll have a lot of fun together, yeah?" I wished I could be as optimistic as he was about things, but just like our sleeping habits, we were different. Garrett saw the glass half full - I saw it half empty. I breathed in, and he smelled faintly of Old Spice and the apple scented cleaning products his mom used nonstop. In other words - Garrett smelled like home.

Eventually I began the walk back to my house. I looked at the neighborhood, the people in the yards, and the bright sky. I was going to miss Arizona - it was all I had known. But the opportunity to go all around the country, meeting new people and seeing so many new things... I couldn't pass it up, no matter what the cost. Reaching the front door of my house, I saw that neither of my parent's cars were in the driveway. I should've figured that neither of them would be home to see me off. It wasn't that my parents didn't care about me, they just didn't think it was the smartest idea for me to spend 3 months in a van full of smelly boys. I hauled my luggage downstairs from my bedroom, changed out of my pj's, and spent my last two hours at home watching TV with my dog at my side. I was starting to get that familiar excited feeling in the pit of my stomach, when the doorbell rang. I opened the door to reveal a smiling Garrett standing before me.

"You ready?" he asked, grabbing my luggage from the front room.

"Yeah, pretty much!" I called out, turning off the TV in the living room, and giving one last goodbye hug to my dog. I began to walk out the door, only before turning around and taking one last look at my house. I locked and shut the front door, and walked up to the van - my new home for the next 2 months.

It was a white, beaten up thing. Even though it was just newly purchased, a few nights of driving made it look well worn in. The side door opened a moment later and I climbed in and absorbed my new surroundings. I was surprised by how odor-free it was - It would probably start smelling in a few days, after lack of showers hit everybody. For now, I was enjoying it. There were 3 rows of seats, and the back section was covered in sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets - almost a makeshift bed of sorts. John was behind the steering wheel, with Jared beside him. Pat, Kennedy, and various members of the small crew were in the seats, leaving just enough room for Garrett and myself. I heard the door to the trailer slam dully outside, and a moment later, Garrett climbed in next to me.

"Got everything?" John asked, as he began to pull out of the driveway. I didn't respond, just stared out the window. The excited feeling in my stomach was beginning to turn into a knot. Suddenly going on tour didn't seem like such a great idea anymore. I felt Garrett's hand place itself lightly over my own, and he gave it a small squeeze. I was so grateful to have a friend like him - who understood almost everything I was going through, what I was thinking. I closed my eyes, before returning my focus to the car, where a lite chatter had started. The first date of the tour was in Texas, and a 16 hour drive was ahead of us.

This was going to be one long night...
♠ ♠ ♠
June's outfit: here!

Sorry it's been so long, guys. I've had a busy couple of weeks with school wrapping up, and I really wasn't feeling this chapter. But at least it's over with, so I can get on with what I've had planned!

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