She's Got You High.

Eyes like the summer, all beauty and truth.

I should've known that the boys would've brought beer with them. A couple of cases lay stacked in its own corner of the trailer, surrounded by some extra pillows and blankets. I went in there with John, who still had his arm lazily draped across my back, until it came time for him to pick up the beer. We returned outside to triumphant applause from many of the guys who were on the tour. I stood there awkwardly, leaning on the trailer, as they all started to drink. Garrett was nowhere to be found. I half-heartidly listened in to the other conversations people were having - catching up with each other, introductions. I was in my own little world though. And just as I began to walk away to go back into the venue, I felt someone grab my arm, refraining me from moving any more forward. I turned around to see John - definitely a bit trashed.

"Where do you think you're going?! You didn' didn't even drink anything! Kennedy!" he yelled, grabbing the guitar players attention. "Get me one for Junie here!"

"No, John, I don't dri-" I was cut off by his laughter, as he pulled me over to stand next to him. A can of beer was tossed over a moment later, and John opened it up, handing it over to me.

I was tempted, on both ends. I didn't want to drink. I had seen the parties Trey had thrown over the years, where so many girls had ended up passed out and hungover. I saw how people acted when they were drunk, and it was something that I didn't want to be. But with John standing next to me, and so many new faces around me, it was now or never.

"Are you just gonna stare at it, June? C'mon..." John murmered, taking his hand and placing it over my own, moving it upwards, the can now at my lips. Decision time came fast, and hard, and I took my first sip.

Disgusting wasn't the right word. I was half tempted to spit it out on the ground, but I swallowed, looking at John triumphantly. He just smiled back at me, taking a sip of his own. I still had a whole can left, and I didn't want to let it go to waste, so one more sip turned into 3 or 4, and soon enough the can was on the ground. I was leaning on John, my eyes closed, just breathing in everything around me. I wondered faintly in the back of my head where Garrett went off to, when I felt John's hand on mine, taking me away from the crowd of boys. He walked over to where the case of beer was, now almost empty. He grabbed one for himself, then looked at me.

"You want another one?" I shook my head, even though he had two in his hands when he came back over to me. "Just in case..." he said, and I giggled slightly.

We leaned against the side of the trailer, John taking sips from his beer. I took the can every once in a while, the occasional bit of liquid going past my lips.

"So..." he started, looking over at me. "Enjoying your first day of tour?"

"It's alright. It's boring, to say the least."I was telling the truth - who knew that the exciting guys you watch on stage were so quiet and different off it.

"Hahah, exactly." he said, as I took the can of beer from his hand, taking a sip. "Hey, I thought you didn't drink? I was...surprised when you downed that can." He was getting more and more wasted, losing track of his thoughts.

"So was I..." I murmured to myself, quietly enough that John couldn't hear it. Not like he would remember this in the morning.

"Yknow, I saw you watching me tonight."

My heart felt like it had froze. I didnt think he could actually see me from up there. If anything, I felt like a fool. He probably thought I was ridiculous, a creep. But then he continued.

"You're an interesting girl, June. A challenge. I can't seem to exactly figure you out. You're never the same person. Around Garrett, you need protection and you're scared of everything. You and him have never smoke, or drank, or lived for that matter. And since I met you...what, two days ago, you've broken both of those. And he has no idea, does he?"

I couldn't find any words to say, so I shook my head. He was right - I was lying to Garrett, and it almost felt like I was lying to myself. I felt John's hand ruffle my hair slightly, and a grin was on his face.

"It's alright, kid! Didn't mean to make you get all serious. You're intriguing to me. I hope that doesn't sound weird or anything, but I really want to get to know yo-"

"Joooooohn!" He looked over to his left, and there were a few girls standing there, camera, shirts, and posters in hand. He shot me a look that said "I'm so sorry," but I just shook my head, smiled, and walked back inside. Garrett was curled up on the couch, asleep.

I felt like such a sham. Garrett was my best friend, practically my everything. He was the reason I was here to begin with, and yet I ditched him for a can of beer and for John to creep on me. I sat down on the floor, watching him breathe in and out, slowly. A few minutes later, and his eyes blinked open. Once he saw me, a grin spread to his face.

"Hey Junebug..."

"Hey, Gar." He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and let out a yawn.

"John didn't bother you too much, did he? I'm sorry, he gets like this, I should've warn-"

"It's alright, Garrett." I cut him off, thinking of the conversation I had just had with John. I'd like to get to know you. You're a challenge. "He just wanted to get to know me better, that's all."

"But I don't want you to get to know him. You've only seriously known John for a good 48 hours, not even. You don't know what he does to girls, to people. He's a great guy, dont get me wrong. But I just don't want you getting...." he stopped, looking at me. I've never seen Garrett get that mad before, and over a person no less. "I don't want you getting hurt." he finished, a lot less confident then when he had started his speech.

"I'll be alright Garrett, I promise. You don't have to worry. We're not 6 anymore." I murmured, standing up and beginning to walk out of the room. Besides, what the hell was he thinking? I wasn't even attracted to John. He didn't have to protect me from someone I was just friends with. He was being ridiculous.

"June, wait! I didn't mean it like that." I heard Garrett yell, and I stopped, and turned around. He was a few feet behind me, and he looked genuinely upset. "I're my best friend, okay? I brought you out here so we could spend time together for once. And I miss you. I missed you tonight when you out there probably bored out of your mind with John's drunken antics. I miss you right now, even though you're standing right there, alright? I just want to spend whatever time I can with you." I smiled at him, any anger I was feeling towards him earlier melting away. This was why I loved Garrett so much. He walked up to me, and pulled me into a hug, his head resting on top of my own. I could only hope he couldnt smell the beer on my clothes.

"There are fans outside..." I whispered, and he let go of me a moment later, looking down at me.

"I should go then. You gonna be alright in here?" He asked, as I nodded. A kiss on the forehead, and a moment later, he was gone. I sat down on the couch, and sighed to myself.

This was going to be a long night...
♠ ♠ ♠
I just reached 150 readers, and 30 subscribers! Thank you so much to every single one of you. :) I really appreciate the support.
I could totally go for some more comments though! Those are my favorite. <3

By the way, Black and White? Totally amazing. I'm so proud of the boys.

So comment/read/subscribe/etc., and maybe something new will be up by the weekend! ;)