She's Got You High.

Crush your cigarettes out on an orange sky.

Garrett and I got back to the venue a good 15 minutes late. Panting and out of breath, we made our way into the venue, with a very pissed off Tim looking at the two of us. He didn't even say anything - just pointed to the stage, where the rest of the band was standing around, obviously waiting for us. I stayed far away from Tim as possible, for fear of facing his wrath. I walked towards the back of the venue, and took a seat at the bar, while Garrett hopped up on stage, finding his bass.

I didn't pay any attention to soundcheck. I looked at my phone for most of the time - played with my hands, cracked my knuckles. I was suddenly tired - I hadn't slept since the nap with Garrett, early in the morning, so long ago. The coffee from the cafe was wearing out, and fast. I needed sleep.

So I got up from my stool, and wandered off into the backstage area. I could see Garrett staring at me from the stage, but all I could muster was a small wave. I walked around until I found one of the rooms that was empty - a small couch pressed against one of the walls. A table and a few chairs made up the rest of the decor. It didn't even matter how old and ratty the couch looked - I was just so tired. I laid down on it, shutting my eyes, the sound of Pat's drumming quickly lulling me off to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of yelling - a voice that I barely recognized as Kennedy's.

"She's in here, Garrett!" I opened my eyes, blinking as the world around me became familiar. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, checking the time - 5:30. Soundcheck had ended hours ago. Countless texts and missed phonecalls from Garrett started to pop up. I sighed, as Garrett ran into the room.

He didn't say anything. Just looked at me, and relief washed over his panicked face. He sat down in a chair across the room from me, and smiled.

"Y'know, you should really look at the signs they have on the doors, Junebug." He murmured. I was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"This is a room for staff only. I'm surprised nobody came in here and kicked you out!" Garrett said, laughing at the end of his sentence.

"Shut it!" I yelled, sitting up, starting to finally feel awake. "What time do you guys go on tonight, anyways?"

"8, why?" He asked, giving me an odd look.

"It's nothing. I'll be back in a bit." I said, standing up and leaving the room. I decided it was about time I explored the venue. I found a few more doors that led to various dressing rooms, and then a door that only had "To Roof" written on it. That alone intrigued me. I opened it up, and I could feel a draft of cold wind hit me. I shivered.

The staircase to the top was only a short walk - 3 flights of stairs, that led to another door that was cracked open with a doorstop. That explained the draft. I turned the handle and began to walk outside. However, I jumped when I saw a person sitting on the edge. Their head turned sharply, and then I recognized the hair, the eyes, and I wasn't shocked this time by the cigarette in between his fingers.

"Junie!" John said, standing up and walking over towards me, a smile on his face. He took a drag of the cigarette, short and sweet, and was then standing in front of me. "Whats up, gorgeous?" I could feel my cheeks turning red.

"Uh, nothing, really. I was just exploring the place..." I managed to get out, and John laughed. That same sweet melodic laugh that I had noticed last night.

"Exploring? God, you're adorable. C'mon." he said, walking back towards the edge of the building. I followed, and we sat down a moment later, looking down at the street, looking across Houston's skyline. We didn't say anything for a few minutes, but a cigarette found it's way into my hand a moment later. John lit it up for me (I was incompetent with lighters still.) and I sighed, letting the smoke wash over my lungs like waves. I guessed John still wasn't over last night's hangover.

"Having a good night?" John asked me suddenly, and I nodded. The wind was blowing like crazy up on the roof, and I suddenly wished I had brought a hoodie along with me. And it was almost like John could read my mind, because suddenly he was taking off his own, a plain black American Apparel one.

"John, you don't ha-"

"You're shivering like crazy, June. Warm up, smoke your cigarette, and just relax." He cut me off, and stopped my worrying, as I slipped my arms through the sleeves of the warm hoodie. It smelled just like John did the other night - Was that really only yesterday? It felt like so long ago...

We were sitting close together as it was, making comments about the city and ourselves, occasional drags of our respected cigarettes. Our hands were close together, only inches separating them. But when John accidentally shifted closer towards me, and his hand brushed over my own, I could feel sparks running through my system. My heart was beating incredibly too fast.

John knew what he was doing. A comfortable silence had fallen between us, as his hand sat lightly on top of mine. He was testing the waters - seeing how far he could go with my approval. After a few minutes, his fingers laced through my own, his thumb running gentle patterns over my hand. I moved closer to him, putting my head on his shoulder, shutting my eyes. I never wanted to leave this spot, this moment.

"So, I have to ask..." John's voice cut through me, and my eyes opened. I didn't feel like moving, so I let out a small "Hm?"

"What's the deal with you and Garrett? Are you like, fuck buddies, or friends with benefits or-"

"We're none of those. Just...friends. Honestly. I've known him since I could first talk. I've seen him pick his nose and sneeze all over the place, and when we were 4, he almost showed me his dick by accident. I would never be able to date Garrett. We're just incredibly close with each other, that's all." John almost felt tense, but when I answered his question, his mood changed completely. A smile washed over his face, quickly turning into a grin. His grip on my hand became tighter. He relaxed, and so did I.

We watched the sunset, the sky developing into darkness, the moon slowly rising up. It was starting to get colder. I looked down at John's wrist, a small watch adorning it. It was almost 7.

"I think we should-"

"Go back inside?" John finished for me, and I nodded. He let go of my hand and stood up a moment later, only to offer his hand back out, pulling me up with it. We were walking slowly, and again, hands brushed, turning into hands locked. We kept them that way till we made it back to the main floor of the venue.

"I should probably start getting ready..." John said, looking down at me.

"It's fine! Go ahead, I'll be chill." I answered, looking to the left and right of me. I couldn't see Garrett anywhere near me.

John began to walk away, before turning around and yelling at me. "You gonna watch me again, Junie?" He winked and grinned at me, and all I could do was nod awkwardly, blushing hard. So he did remember that from last night.

Well, fuck.


I didn't find Garrett till after the boys were done performing. He was a sweaty, disheveled mess, but gave me a small smile when he saw me.

"Where have you been?!" he asked as I stood in front of him. His hand went to the back of his head, playing with his sweaty hair awkwardly.

"I was uh, talking to....Tim. Grad project stuff, you know." I quickly made up a lie, so that Garrett wouldn't be pissed about me talking to John. I still didn't understand why Garrett was so protective of me.

The rest of the night passed relatively quickly. The other bands played, the boys signed for what seemed like forever, and finally we all piled into the van, Tim driving this time. We were headed for our first hotel of the tour - meaning the first chance to shower in days. Eventually the van pulled up to a Holiday Inn, and Tim turned it off, turning around to face up.

"Alright guys, room assignments. Garrett, Pat, June." he paused, handing out two keys to Pat. "John, Kennedy, Jared." two keys went to Jared, who high fived John. "The rest of us have our own room. We gotta get on the road by 8:30, so don't be la-"

"Yeah yeah Tim, we know." John murmured, quickly exiting the van. The other boys followed suit, and Garrett grabbed my hand, offering me a small smile as we walked up to the hotel's front doors. We all crammed into an elevator, and made our way up to the 3rd floor, where our rooms were.

" we go, 329!" Pat yelled out, quickly inserting one of our room keys into the slot, opening the door a moment later. Garrett and Pat quickly walked in, while I stood outside in the hallway for another moment. I saw that John's room was just next door to ours, as Kennedy was fiddling with the room key. Before he could notice me staring, I went inside my room, and shut the door. I could already hear the shower running, and noticed that Pat was gone.

"He claimed the shower first...sorry." Garrett said with a laugh, turning the TV in the room on, and patting the spot next to him on the bed. I climbed in, and settled down, nuzzling my head in the small spot where his neck and shoulder met. We laid there like that for a minute or two, when Garrett's head suddenly moved towards my hair.

"Garrett, what are you-"


I stayed silent, as I could hear Garrett take a sniff in. Was he smelling my hair? Why the hell would he-

"That's weird." he murmured, pulling away from my head. "Your hair reeks of cigarettes. Were you standing around people smoking tonight or what?"

"Yeah, that had to be it." I mumbled, closing my eyes. I really wished at that point that I had taken the first shower. That I didn't have to keep lying to Garrett. It would just keep getting bigger and bigger, and one day he would find out.

But for now, he didn't have to know, and he certainly didn't have to find out either. I sighed, moving closer to Garrett, wanting to just forget about everything. My mind wasn't going to stop worrying however, constantly humming and buzzing in my ear about how wrong everything was. It kept this way, until Pat was finally out of the shower, and I was in. Maybe I'd let the water wash away my thoughts. Maybe I'd let it wash away me.
♠ ♠ ♠
June's outfit: here!

I was waiting till I passed 200 readers till I posted this! Alright, not really. But I did just pass 200, and I wanted to thank everyone who's ever read this story. :) It means alot.

I'm almost at 50 subscribers too! 6 away. Whenever that happens, there will be an update, no matter what.

But please guys, please comment. I didn't get any for the last chapter which was mega-discouraging. And with this many readers/subscribers, I expect a wee bit more. I don't want to be one of those people that demand comments for updates! They're just incredibly helpful when it comes to writing. They make my day. :)

SO: Comment/Subscribe/Whatever you feel like doing. Enjoy, guys!