I Fell For A Rebel

Oh, Happy Days.

Sam could feel herself shake slighty, as she set foot on the school grounds. Surely, theres going to be other new kids here? She thought to herself. The cracks in the pavement felt like they were going to swallow her whole, any second now. She was terribly nervous about her first day at St. Davids High. What if they were all posh snobs? These thought ran through her head about 100 times before she reached the school gates. She was probably the only girl from California at the school, here in Carolina. As she entered the gates, she could see people who were to, walking in. They didnt look nervous at all. They looked a bit older than Sam, seeing as she was only 14.
She walked towards the front doors, her legs still trembling as she pushed on of them open. She felt as if everyone was staring at her, like she was an alien or something. There was a small, quite girl in the corner at the lockers by herself, who looked about the same age as Sam. Sam walked over to her, and quietly said, "Hi, um, do you know where the principals office is?" The girl looked up from her books, startled.
"Oh, hi. Uh, its just down the hall. I could take you there, if you want?"
"If it would be okay..."
"Yeah, just hold on a second while I put my books away."
After waiting for a small while, Sam gave a sigh.
"Sorry I`m taking so long. Oh, and Im Crystal by the way."
"No, its okay. Im Samantha, but you can call me Sam. Everybody does."
"Okay! Come on, I`ll bring you to the office. So are you new here?"
"Ya, I just moved here from California."
"Thats a really nice place. How come you`re here?"
"My Dad, got offered a job."
"Oh right. Here we are, just knock and walk in. Bye!"
"Bye Crystal..."
Sam could feel her legs tremble once again. She tapped her fist quietly on the door. Then once more, she gave a louder knock. Sam heard someone mumble something from behind her. She turned around, and began looking at the guy behind. Woah, she though. This guy`s hair is crazy. It was nearly down to his shoulder, and quite messy at the top, and had a heavy side hanging down and inot his face. It had been dyed pitch black, with small streaks of deep red near the roots. He looks like some sort of Rebel, she thought to herself. She kept staring at his hair, until the Prinicpals door opened from behind her.
"Come this way dear.."
Sam turned around once again, and walked through the door and onto the red, clean carpet.
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This might be a bit crap, but Im sure i can make it a bit better through the chapters :)