I Fell For A Rebel

The Lockers.

“Ahh, Miss Jones. Welcome to St. Davids! How do you like it so far dear?”
Sam looked blankly at the Prinicpal.
“Samantha? Are you ok?”
Sam quickly looked around, and remembered that she was being spoken to.
“Oh, uh, Im sorry Miss.”
“Thats quite alright. Would you like a drink?”
“No thanks. Im okay.”
“Alright, if you insist.. So tell me Samantha, how d-“
“Its Sam, actually Miss Higgins.”
“Oh, pardon me, Sam, how do you like it here so far?”
“I havent really had a chance to look around yet..”
“Well, I hope you settle in just great, I`m sure you will. Now, here is your locker key, you are number... 269, which is just upstairs.”
Miss Higgins handed Sam the keys. Sam`s hand was trembling slightly.
“Th-Thanks Miss. I`ll head off now.”
“Very well dear, are you sure you can cope?”
“Yeah, thanks. Bye”

Sam re-entered the hall, still clutching the key within her sweaty palm. The hall didnt seem as busy as when she had first arrived. Where was that rebel guy I had seen earlier? She though to herself. She took a quick scan through the crowd in the hall, but no such luck. She began to make her way to the stairs, which is where she met Crystal.
“Oh, Hi.” Crystal mumbled.
“Hey, I cant stop right now, I have to go to my locker..”
“Do you need help finding it?”
“No, Im okay thanks. See ya”
Sam made her way up the crowded stairs. She felt like people were staring at her again. She ignored everybody, and kept going up until she reached the next hall. She walked down, checking the locker numbers as she passed by. Nearly each locker had someone different beside it. She could see girly girlys, emos, goths, nerds and chavs by now. She kept on going until she reached her final destination, Locker 269. There wasnt really anyone near it, thank god, so she dropped her bag down in front of it and began to open her locker. She her a voice from beside her. She knew that voice. It was the same one she had heard before she went to the Prinicpals Office. She was sure it was the Rebel. She turned her head to the left slowly, and seen a face before her. The rebel was staring directly at her.
“Hey”, he said. “You new here”
“Hi. Um, yeah.”
“Nice to meet you. Im Mason. And you are?”
“Oh, Im Sam.”
“Sam? Aint that a guys name?”
“Yeah, but its short for Samantha”
“Well I think its pretty awesome”
Sam blushed a small bit. Mason seen this, an gave a quick grin.
“So how you liking the school?”
“Its alright. I havent really been around it properly”
“Hey maybe I could show you `round some time, yeah?”
“Whats next class?”
“Um, for me, its Science.”
“That means I have it to..”
“Your hardly 14, are you?”
“Yeah, well, nearly 15. And Im in the same class as you!”
Sam could feel a huge smile coming on.

“Hey, catch you in class, gotta go. Bye darling.”
“Yeah, see ya.” Sam mumbled
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was kinda crap to xD