Status: Hiatus (did I spell it right?)

Erase the tears in my heart

Welcome Lily

I couldn't believe it. My parents are gone and now I'm forced to move to my aunt and uncle's house that's across the state.

I sighed as I grab my black carry on bag and headed off the plane and headed off to luggage claim.

After grabbing my two suitcases I headed out of the airport and looked around for a familiar face. And when I caught sight of my aunt Kate I walked over to her and gave her a hug as she hugged me back.

She helped my put my bags in the trunk and sat in the front seat with my aunt.

"Sorry your uncle and Johnny couldn't come and pick you up with me" my aunt Kate told me as we started to drive out of the airport.

I shrugged my shoulders as a response and looked out the window at the scenery.

The rest of the drive to my aunt and and uncle's house was boring as my aunt tried to talk to me and I'd just shrug my shoulders or I'd nod my head in response.

about half way to my aunt's house she finally gave up on trying to get me to speak and just focused on the road.

When we finally pulled into the drive way I hopped out and grabbed my luggage as aunt Kate went to unlock the house.

I walked into the house after my aunt opened the door and fallowed her up the stairs and to my room.

She pointed out to me who's room was who's and when we came to my room that was across from Johnny's my jaw dropped at how girly it was.

The walls were bright pink, the bed was pink and had the word princess written in silver on the covers.
The room also has a white vanity by the left wall, a white dresser was on the right and a walk in closet on the right side as well.

"Well I'm going to go and let you get settled in, oh and in about an hour Johnny should be home from school" aunt Kate told me as she closed the door behind her.

I sighed, 'might as well start putting up my posters aand try to cover the pink walls' I thought to myself as I walked over to my suit cases and started to look for my posters to put on the walls.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rest in peace Jimmy.

As one life ends, another begins
as one heart fades, another starts
as one soul leaves this earth, another soul comes down to earth and spreads joy to ease out aching hearts. -----written my me, do not use.