Status: I'm Working On Getting It On Here.

When Goodbye Means Hello

Barney Underwear!

*Two Weeks Later*

I walked up to familiar house, that I learned to love. It wasn't the "bloodsuckers" home anymore. It was the Cullen's home. They were actually our friends now. I never thought I'd say that I was friends with the vampires but I am. And Alice, the one I sed to find the most annoying, is now my best friend. When I'm not with Jake or Embry, I'm with her. 

We're still in danger of the three vampires that I guess are named Anissa, Zach, and Thomas, well that's what Carlisle calls them. They aren't coming closer though. But that's good. 

"Christina!" Alice said while running up to me. I just looked at Jacob and he shrugged in response. She gave me a bear hug, "Happy birthday!" I had completely forgotten today was my birthday. 

"What day is it?"

"December 27th."

"My birthday isn't for another two days." I responded. No wonder I had forgotten about my birthday. 

"But I won't be here in two days. So your party is tonight."

"I'm not a big fan of parties. Can't we just say 'happy birthday' and get over it. I mean it's not like it's an important age. I'm turning 17. Nobody cares about that age." I really didn't want a party and knowing Alice it was probably going to over the top. 

"Do you want to talk to Edward about being 17?"

"No. I don't want to talk to anyone about it. Especially not at a party."

"Come on it'll be fun." Jacob said to me. 

"Its not like I have a choice."

"Yay! Now come on. We have to go pick out your dress."

"Wow! Me and dresses don't get along. Last time I wore a dress I was at Elizabeth and my dad's wedding and I tripped and fell and my dress ripped and everybody got to see my Barney underwear. It wasn't fun. And what if it happens again?"

"I remember that." Jacob said while laughing. I just glared at him. 

"Its not funny. It was the most embarassing moment of my life." I said as Alice leas us up to our room.     
♠ ♠ ♠
Hah! I like this chapter alot. And sorry about putting the last chapter on here twice.
But I fixed it.
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Love Christina. :P