Black Eye Behind the Monster

Chapter 1

My name is Angel and I'm a senior at my public high school. I have a lot of friends but by no means am I popular. Other students know of me but only my friends know me as a person. I volunteer at my local library and enjoy it very much. I am also a district renounced street fighter.

For those who don't know what that means it means I fight. Point blank end of story, no questions asked that is it. Also lets get one thing straight right now I fight guys not girls. But only two of my friends know what I am. They know when I come into school with a busted lip or black eye that it wasn't just cause I got into an argument with my sister or I slipped down a flight of stairs. It's because I was scheduled to fight and I did.

For the last three years of my life I have slowly but surly making my way up the fighters status, I now have my own office and shower at the ware house where we fight. Not many other girls have this luxury. And yes other girls do this, only two others and they fight girls, but still there are others.

But this story starts when I let my personal life get to close to my fighting career life. A day I don't like to re-live often, but for these purposes I shall make an exception.