Black Eye Behind the Monster

Chapter 4

I returned to school the next day with a fractured nose and the skin under my eyes had a black, blue and yellow tint to them.My ribs didn't have as much damage but every movement I made I felt, a shooting pain run through my body. There were a lot of questions, and I wasn't in the mood to answer them at the moment so I played it off and kept everyone guessing. It was enjoyable.

I re-entered the real world soon after mod/period 3 when I sit next to David, my dearest friend in school (he knows I'm a fighter). We have study hall together this period and as soon as I sat down the questions hadn't stopped rolling.

"Who was it?"
"What happened?"
"How bad are you hurt?"
"Did you win?"
"Have you seen a doctor yet?

"Whoa, whoa Davey slow your roll there tootsie pop." I said casually

"Okay then answer the questions one at a time, did you remember them cause I don't feel like repeating them."

"Yeah I remember, ummm let me think...
I was in a fight obviously.
Of course I won
And I saw the Doc that's on call at the ware house"

"How bad are you hurt?"

"Oh yeah, well lets see a fractured nose and bruised ribs no biggie"

After I said that Davey's skin turned a bright red, I swore he was going to smash all my books off the table stand up on top of it and scream down at me for the world to hear.

But his skin returned to a normal color after a few short moments and he calmly said

"This is a very big deal Angel, your getting hurt left and right, your grades are slipping, and people are starting to talk."

"Talk about what?"

"That your doing drugs, and go to parties and get hurt at the parties." He looks away as he says it, like he's ashamed to even say it.


"Angel calm down people are starting to stare"

"I don't give a shit, I don't do drugs I will not be talked about like that!"

"Chill out, its no big deal"

"Whatever. Your not the one being talked about"

"I know"

And on the note the bell rang and we collected our things and departed our separate ways. I didn't see anyone that was worth talking to until lunch period 7.