Hallow Horrors

Jess and Billy

"Quit!" Jessy screamed as Billy taunted her with his new mask. It was a horrid thing, a rotting green with blood and flesh hanging from it. He continued taunting her.

" I'm serious Billy!!" Jess said and slapped the mask away. Billy stepped back fazed. He took it off laughing. Jess growled and started to walk away, Billy quickly followed.

" oh come on Jessy, I was just playing, you know that!" He said quickly in front of her. Jess sighed " Yea, I know, and it doesnt really bother me, but when you get in my face and don't stop it upsets me, ya know?" She walked around him, trying to get away.

Billy followed, " I am sorry Jess, please?!" He whined, making a big scene in public, it always made her forgive him, only because she would turn red and get embarrassed. " COME ON!" She shouted and he followed her, smiling.

They went back to her house and up to her room. She looked at herself in the mirror, she wa about 5 foot 6, she had blue eyes and almost black hair. Her black eyeshadow, eye liner and mascara was worn from a night out at halloween parties. She rubbed off the black lip stick,eye liner, mascara and eye shadow. Wiped the fake blood from the side of her mouth and took out the two glue-able fangs.

Billy looked over to and shook his head. " Come of Jessy, you can do better then that, what are you again?" Jess twirled around and snapped at him " shut up! Its a good idea, there's nothing wrong with being a teenage vampire. Its cheap OK!"

Jess didnt have the wealthiest family, she had bought little things for her costume with babysitting money. The rest she already had. Billy was always buying masks, weapons, and other such things for Halloween.

Billy layed on her bed, " Are you Trick-or-Treating tomorrow night?" Jess shook her head as she tied her hair back. " No, my mom has deemed me to old this year, so I'm handing out candy and watching horror movies". Jess had turned sixteen that march, Billy turned sixteen the day after. If Billy ever gave Jess trouble, shed pull out the hole ' well I'm older so there'

Jess went to change in her bathroom, into her PJ's. Billy didn't need them 'ever'. So he would have to sleep in his cloths. They wernt dating, they had been the best of friends since fifth grade and promised to never be one of those people who dated there best friend and then never talked again. So they didnt.

Jess came back and flopped on her bed next to Billy. " Will you stay over with me tomorrow? " He shook his head and she hit him with a pillow. He laughed and grabbed the pillow form her " I want some candy OK? Look ill come over after and watch movies with you, maybe stay the night again?" Jess smiled and shook her head.

Jesse's parents always traveled far for her fathers friends halloween party each year. They stayed so long Jess could never catch them coming home, one time she was awake the next morning when they got back. Billy's parents where there, and so where his three older brothers and two younger. His parents had always tried for a girl, but gave in after the sixth boy. They figured a girl wouldn't be able to hold her own agenst them.

Billy would so he stayed with Jess a lot. Jesse's parents didnt mind, and neither did Billy's, they knew about eh promise and trusted both of them together completely.

Jess rolled over on her stomach and grinned. "You better not come over for candy, cuz when you do your staying!" Billy make a 'no way' sound and smiled " I'm hitting your house at least ten times."

Jess shook her head and hit him with another pillow, Billy retaliated and they got into a pillow fight ( No Billy is not gay) Jesse's mother had to come tell them to get to bed, they liked to get to bed early and were light sleepers, two giggling kids would wake them up in a flash.

Jess sighed as she layed next to Billy " Why do ya think people have Halloween parties the day before Halloween?" Billy smiled " So they can trick-or-Treat the next day, duh." Jess lightly punched him and went to sleep.

((comments? this story wont be as long as my others, I plan to finish before Halloween so, enjoy while it lasts))