Hallow Horrors


Jess smiled as three little kids yelled Trick-or-Treat at her. She gave them each one mini three musketeers and they ran back to there moms screaming and running to the next house. Billy had already come by twice, once Jess didn't notice and e got away, the next time Jess grabbed him but he got lose and ran.

Jess grinned as she saw him on his knees with at least five little ids begging for candy. She made sure to give him his candy last, and when she did she grabbed his bag and ran inside with it. Billy followed complaining as Jess whirled it around her head laughing. "

" Now you have to stay!" Jess said smiling. Billy moaned " come on Jess, just until curfew, then Ill come back!" He said as more little kids yelled ' TRICK-OR-TREAT!!!!' Jess sighed and tossed him the bag. " Just don't come over here any more!" She yelled after him as he ran out.

The candy was only half gone by the time the little kids retreated into there houses to count there bounty. Jesse's parents was sure to buy more then enough so they had a reason to have candy in the house for at least a week after Halloween.

Jess had just plopped down on the couch and started at a wrapper when Billy came in and shut the door. Jess smiled at him and popped the little snickers in her mouth. " Well, I again have to much candy to count!" Billy said acting all king of the world.

Jess rolled her eyes " Gone by Friday?" Jess asked Billy nodded " Gone by Friday" They laughed and billy sat on the couch pulling off his mask. " So what movies?" Billy asked, Jess grinned and reached for the mass pile on the table.

" well, we have all the Saw movies, everything with cannibals, vampires, zombies, werewolves, and ghosts. " Billy grinned eyeing through the movies " Hills have Eyes?" Jess nodded and put it in.

They fell asleep around the 8th movie * Saw 2* together on the couch. Jess suddenly woke up when a loud bang woke her up. The power quickly shut off and she shook Billy violently.

" W-what?" He mumbled looking around in the dark. "What happened?" Jess shoo her head "I don't know". Jess pulled Billy into the kitchen and fished out a flashlight. Billy looked out the window and sighed, showing Jess.

A tree had fallen and pulled out wires, flashing lights danced in the street. " Great" Billy said going back into the living room. " we have no TV, and are trapped." Jess looked at him wide eyes "trapped?"

"yea, we cant leave with live wires everywhere can we?" Jess shook her head and sat next to Billy scared. She was one of those people who were easily scared, but loved to watch horror films. Smart huh.

Every noise made her flinch and sit closer to Billy. He laughed when she knocked a movie off the table and jumped up. She smacked him and sat very close to him. Before long, she was cuddled right up with him in terror. She would do more damage in her mind then what was really happening.

Billy put his arm around her and hugged her " Calm down, your OK" He said kind of annoyed. Jess began to lightly shake. Her eyes were fixed on the window in front of her. Her teeth grit together. Billy looked to where her eyes were and froze as well.

In the window a black figure stood, just stood. in the black night with no one to help the two where trapped with some one or thing looking in on them from outside.