Status: Slowly getting back on track.

Story Of A Girl

Frank Iero and Evelyn Stewart were on two totally different social classes.

Evelyn Stewart--Top of the food chain. Evelyn Stewart is the most popular girl at Belleville's Queen of Peace High-School. She has the money, the friends, the power. And, despite how poor Belleville is, she has the best house around. Head-cheerleader and dating the football star, Trent Malm. But, just because she has all those things, doesn't mean she is the meanest girl around. Evelyn Stewart was the sweetest girl around. She'd die for anyone if it caused happiness. She is on the path of following her parents, becoming a lawyer. But, Evelyn longs to be the passionate and wonderful artist that she is, but she doesn't breath a word, knowing it would cause complications and she would sound like what she has worked so hard to avoid: Selfish.

Frank Iero--Not even on the food chain. Frank Iero is your typical anger-filled loser. Shoved into lockers, picked on, talked about, the one kid who sits alone at lunch. After being tormented for so long, he automatically hates anyone and everyone in his school. His parents divorce is the main cause of his anger, and he lashes out on everyone, even his friends. He's barely in school, due to the fact about how much he hates it.

Once school starts up again after the summer, Nelson Miller, Queen of Peace's art teacher, decides he would give partners, seeing as it was his students last year. Picked at random, Frank and Evelyn are paired together. Already knowing how popular the beautiful red-head is, he does nothing but lash out on her. Evelyn, convinced Frank will never accept her, feels worse and worse with each day the boy is missing.

Only fate knew one night could change everything...

: None of this, I repeat, NONE of it is mine. Not Frank, not Shaun, not Evelyn, not Muffie; none. This story and the fictional characters are my sisters. In honor of how proud I am of her, I decided to post this since she got deleted.