Status: Slowly getting back on track.

Story Of A Girl

There's Another Side Of Me

“Linnie,” Graclin Stewart said, standing in her sister’s doorway. “can you help me with my tie?”
“Of Course.” Evelyn said as she buttoned the last button on her white blouse. She bent in front of her sister and began to tie Graclin’s tie.
“You look very nice today, Linnie.” Graclin smiled at her sister.
“Thank you Gracie.” Evelyn kissed her sister’s cheek. “You look quite stunning yourself, I might add.”
“Thank you. Are you driving me today?”
“If mother says so.” Evelyn patted her sister’s light blonde hair. “Now, go say good morning to mother and father.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Graclin nodded and walked out the door.
Evelyn Mae Stewart had everything: Money, Popularity, Perfect family, amazing boy-friend, thousands of friends, art skill and her flawless personality. She couldn’t possibly ask for any more!
“Mother, may I take Graclin to school?” Evelyn asked as she walked into the kitchen, trying to hold back the wince as she watched her sister scarf down her bacon.
“Of course, just make sure you’re careful. “Monroe said, sipping her coffee. “Are you hungry, dear?”
“No. I’ll grab a power bar at the school.” She slung her messenger bag over her shoulder. “Come on, Graclin.” She took her sister’s hand and they walked into the garage.
“Eva, you will not believe what Penny told me today!” Muffie Peterson exclaimed as she and Evelyn walked down the halls of Queen of Peace High School.
“What’d she say?” Evelyn asked, swallowing her last bite of her power bar.
“She told me she was thinking of getting snake holes. They’re a type of piercing.” Muffie’s face screwed up in disgust. “It took me one hour to convince her not to.”
“Wow.” Evelyn raised her eye-brows, but smiled when the bell rang. Muffie scoffed.
“Why you love art so much, I’ll never understand.” Muffie said as the both of them grabbed their notebooks from their lockers.
“I just love it. So much. I would love to be an artist for my future career.” She stared into space while Muffie froze.
“Evelyn Stewart, get that though out of your head right now!” Muffie glared at her. “You will be a lawyer and that’s that!” Muffie stomped into Mr. Miller’s art class, followed by an upset Evelyn.
“Welcome back guys.” Mr. Miller said, clapping his hands together. “I know it’s the first day all hate assignments. Well, all most all of you.” He smiled at Evelyn. “As you know, this is your last year and I decided to give you partners.” He smiled when everyone groaned except Evelyn. “So, I’m gonna start calling names out. Muffie and Trent, Sadie and Bobby, Melissa and David, Evelyn and Frank, April and Jack. Partner up and grab a desk!”
Everyone stood up as Evelyn watched Muffie happily and flirtatiously walk towards Trent, Evelyn’s boyfriend.
“Linnie,” Mr. Miller snapped Evelyn out of her stare. “you all right?”
“Sorry Mr. Miller. I was just thinking. My partners name is Frank, correct?”
He nodded. “Yo, Frankie!” A boy with short, spiked black hair looked up. “Come meet your partner.”
His eyes flashed from Mr. Miller to Evelyn. His eye-brows pulled down in anger as he stared at her. He sighed, annoyed with her already, and walked towards them.
“Frank, Evelyn Stewart. Linnie, Frank Iero.” Mr. Miller smiled. “Now, grab a desk.” He walked back to the front.
“Nice to meet you.” Evelyn stuck her hand out to Frank. He simply turned, ignoring her gesture, and grabbed an open desk. Evelyn frowned lightly, but sat next to him.
“Okay, now for assignments!” Mr. Miller clapped his hands together. “Honestly, I have no idea what to give you guys yet.” Some of the class laughed while the others smiled. “So, get to know each other until the bell rings. Yeah? Awesome.”
Evelyn’s eyes flashed to Muffie ad Trent’s desk. Muffie was batting her eyelashes at him and Trent just smiled quickly and looked at Evelyn. He smiled and waved at her, receiving an angry look from Muffie. Evelyn smiled back and turned to face Frank.
“Are you alright?” She asked when she saw Frank with his head on the desk.
“Cut the crap, okay?” He mumbled.
“I beg your pardon?” She asked, both shocked and confused.
“Quit trying to act like Miss Perfect in front of Mr. Miller.” Frank raised his head to glare at her.
“I’m sorry if I upset you in-”
“Seriously, shut your trap!” Frank yelled at her before storming away from the desk and out of the classroom, slamming the door behind him. Evelyn’s heart saddened as she watched Mr. Miller run out the door after him. Three people immediately surrounded her.
“It’s okay, Eva.” Sadie scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Stupid, emo kid will regret it later when he’s stuffed in his locker.”
“Stuffed, ha!” David laughed. “It will be like a home for him. He’s what, 5'2?”
“I’m 5'1.” Evelyn narrowed her eyebrows at David.
“Yes, but you’d never, ever get put into a locker.” Frank growled from the doorway. Everyone in the room turned to look at him. “I’m not emo, I’m not stupid and I’m5'2 and ½! So you guys can just go fuck each other!” He turned, shoved Mr. Miller out of the way and slammed the door again.
Evelyn, feeling horribly rotten, jumped from her seat and ran out the door, after the fuming boy in the empty hallway.
“Frank, wait, I’m so, so, so-”
“God, you know what I hate more than those guys in there? You!” He whipped around and glared even harder at her. “You’ll come apologize to the short, stupid emo kid for attention. Fuck off!” He turned around and continued down the lonely hall.
“No, I came to apologize because I feel bad for what they said!” She ran in front of him, only to be pushed out of the way.
“Sure you do.” Frank scoffed. “I’m asking - no, demanding - for a new partner.”
Evelyn was on the verge of tears.” No, please,” She put a hand on Frank’s shoulder. “give me a chance.”
He shoved her hand off his shoulder in disgust and turned towards her, his sharp hazel eyes digging deep into her melted chocolate eyes.
“Why the hell should I? All you people have done is made my life a fucking hell!”
“Frank, I’m not like them!” She said, tears welling in her eyes. She put her hands on the sides of his arms. “I promise.” She whispered, keeping his eyes.
For a second or two, he fully believed her. He let his hatred for her take over what his mind screamed at him and shoved her to the ground, sick of her touching him.
“Leave her alone, Iero!” Trent yelled, standing at the end of the hallway. Frank smirked when Trent saw Evelyn on the floor. Frank flipped off Trent before walking away, making sure to escape this time.
“I can’t believe you!” Muffie exclaimed walking towards Evelyn. “You humiliated yourself and everyone that stood by your side and stood up for you! Do you have to be so selfish, Eva?” Muffie glared at her before scoffing at Evelyn's empty reply.
Evelyn hung her head in shame. She felt she had ruined everyone’s day and she wanted nothing more than to go home.
♠ ♠ ♠
'Snake holes'?
If you're gonna talk bad about a piercing, at least do it right.
Sorry, had to get that out of my system.
I'll post each chapter every day until I run out of chapters.
Jedda's working on the 14th chapter right now, I believe.
I forgot to ask her when she called.
Didn't take very long, but I edited a Hanna Beth picture so I could post Evelyn's picture in the character thingy.
I'll post everyone else later.
You know what cracks me up about this layout?
The dude is wearing Etnies;Frank wears Etnies.
The girls hair looks kinda red to me and Evelyn's hair is red xD